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worcester weirdness

[Jun 24,2005 2:14am - perilsofreasoning ""]
i just read a thread where someone mentioned club marque. has anyone ever experienced the weirdness of lloyd? i want to hear stories. i'll go first:

my band old band played a show a the lucky dog once, and this guy approached my drummer ( a 17 year old who had never even been to worcester) and told him that we could perform on the radio if we'd like. he went by the name of captain pete or something.

we agreed and showed up a week later at the radio station near clark. that's when we met lloyd. he seemed very interested in booking us for stuff. then he asked us for our personal info because he said that he was organizing an outdoor concert and would be selecting bands soon. he told us that he was going to fund a european tour for unknown bands, etc. basically blowing smoke while getting our addresses and phone numbers.

we played live in the studio and lloyd interviewed us and another band. he said fuck on the air (i was a colleg dj for 2 yrs, i smelled a rat right there) and kept missprnouncing our name. then he and stoner pete (my bassist found a roach on the floor) closed up and took off in the same car, and no one else came in for another shift of radio.

lloyd booked us to play at club marque with a bunch of street punk bands. the show sucked and he weirded me out. i also got a good look at him and realized that he was probably in his 50's and was hosting a show full of YOUNG bands.

i've heard from other bands that he's a predator . is he still booking shows?
[Jun 24,2005 2:17am - KeithMutiny ""]
llyod thre me out of a club he used to have call cafe abba, it was at least 5 or 6 years ago, maybe more cause i think i was still in high school. So we smashed the mirror in the bathroom and ripped the urinal off the wall.
[Jun 24,2005 3:11am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
you were in a place named after ABBA ?

[Jun 24,2005 3:32am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
KeithMutiny said:llyod thre me out of a club he used to have call cafe abba, it was at least 5 or 6 years ago, maybe more cause i think i was still in high school. So we smashed the mirror in the bathroom and ripped the urinal off the wall.

destroying bathroom fixtures is fun. :doublehorns:
[Jun 24,2005 10:05am - Josh_hates_you ""]
ha i didn't know lloyd owned abba. hahaha. he is a weirdo and he is way older than 50. i would not trust him at all. only book a show with him if you get all terms in writing.
[Jun 24,2005 10:32am - Jesus_Slaves ""]
lloyd one time told us that he was this huge booking agent and had all kinds of pull and bands in europe and he was going to fund a tour for us in Europe. i laughed in his face. then he told us Australia was the next destination
[Jun 26,2005 10:56pm - davecav  ""]
wow thats fucked up that i can remember this but i think this guy approached us while we were at metalfest a few years ago probably 2001 or 2002 and told us he was going to interview us on the radio and get us shows, we were at that shitty mall eating chinese food i believe.

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