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[Jun 21,2005 10:21pm - xmikex_notloggedin  ""]
solid fact from a 100% credible source. Eat that Christianni you fucking goon.

Now I don't feel so bad for taking that blowjob from her on the Amon Amarth tour bus.
[Jun 21,2005 10:22pm - Dissector ""]
Haha yes!
[Jun 21,2005 10:33pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
but goshdarnit, you have aids now.
[Jun 21,2005 11:42pm - Arrik_  ""]
[Jun 22,2005 12:07am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

My mom has the same haircut as the dude from overkill
[Jun 22,2005 8:47am - tbone_r ""]
joe christianni lives
[Jun 22,2005 12:56pm - babyshaker ""]
i thought this was gonnabe funny...dissapointment
[Jun 22,2005 12:57pm - babyshaker ""]
oh ya and enjoy the a.i.ds
[Jun 22,2005 7:37pm - xmikex ""]
If you don't think Joe Christianni's girlfriend cheating on him is funny that's your problem. I guess she does it all the time too. I make up some pretty outstanding shit about that kid, but as it turns out, the truth about that kid is just as stupid as everything I make up for him.

Word has it that Joe Christianni is taking some kid to court over something dumb. I don't even know what. I guess the kid stole his pogs, or ran over his Revillee cd in a powerwheels. Aparently Mrs. Christianni got sick of fighting all his battles for him, so now he's crying to the court. What a puss. I can't wait till Joe Christianni slaps me with a defamation of character suit. I'm gonna counter sue him for being a pussy.
[Jun 22,2005 7:42pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
xmikex said:If you don't think Joe Christianni's girlfriend cheating on him is funny that's your problem. I guess she does it all the time too. I make up some pretty outstanding shit about that kid, but as it turns out, the truth about that kid is just as stupid as everything I make up for him.

Word has it that Joe Christianni is taking some kid to court over something dumb. I don't even know what. I guess the kid stole his pogs, or ran over his Revillee cd in a powerwheels. Aparently Mrs. Christianni got sick of fighting all his battles for him, so now he's crying to the court. What a puss. I can't wait till Joe Christianni slaps me with a defamation of character suit. I'm gonna counter sue him for being a pussy.

At least Joe Christianni still has the Walpole High Football team to run his train.
[Jun 22,2005 8:14pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I remember seeing Overkill at the NEMF a few years back and thinking "This is the most appropriately titled band i have ever witnessed"
[Jun 22,2005 8:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Jun 22,2005 8:23pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I remember seeing Overkill at the NEMF a few years back and thinking "This is the most appropriately titled band i have ever witnessed"

wait, are you talking shit about overkill?
[Jun 22,2005 9:22pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I remember seeing Overkill at the NEMF a few years back and thinking "This is the most appropriately titled band i have ever witnessed"

the first show I ever went to was the very first Nemhf when I was 16, and at the time they were the loudest band I'd ever heard, and as far as I can remember they still are.
[Jun 23,2005 12:10am - xmikex ""]
"Overkill rips off Lamb of God soooo bad" - Joe Christianni
[Jun 23,2005 2:29am - Kalopsia ""]
xmikex, bring joe christianni onto Judge Mathis so i can watch the trial while at work.

"and Mr. XMikeX, you're countersueing Mr. Christianni for $5,000 for what sir?"

"well your honor the simple fact of the matter is that Mr Christianni here is a pussy"
[Jun 23,2005 8:59am - dreaminginexile ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:and at the time they were the loudest band I'd ever heard, and as far as I can remember they still are.

have you seen Manowar yet? I'm still deaf form the show last saturday

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