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Deathcore band looking for BASS player

[Jun 20,2005 5:43pm - anonymous  ""]
go to hxcmp3.com and look up : Below the Truth
for mp3s. We have a 6 song demo and about 15 songs total.
looking for someone to learn the tunes and then start rippin shows.
contact: cutthroat_1@hotmail.com or

Nate - Below the Truth
[Jul 24,2006 1:44am - slipnick2400 ""]
hey where r u guys lcated at, i am looking for the rightn band right now
[Jul 24,2006 1:45am - Dissector ""]
Give up kid.
[Jul 24,2006 1:46am - slipnick2400 ""]
who the fuck r u man
[Jul 24,2006 2:13am - dwellingsickness ""]
More time at school, Less on the internet there buddy
[Jul 24,2006 10:43am - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
what the fuck is deathcore?
[Jul 24,2006 10:46am - thedeparted ""]
where are you located?
[Jul 26,2006 1:47pm - Rofl master  ""]
death core? wtf?

you should seriously consider killing yourself.
[Jul 26,2006 1:50pm - Rofl master  ""]
hey, but after listening, you guys aren't bad after all.

never say core again, though
[Jul 26,2006 1:52pm - bogus rendition  ""]
death core is like job for a cowboy.

and it's also not death core unless they dress like 18 homo's ( I mean visions)
[Jul 26,2006 2:05pm - mOe ""]
yea, dude

'Core = automatically gay

dont you know where you are!?
[Jul 26,2006 2:50pm - anonymous  ""]
there's actually a suprising amount of core cunts roaming these parts. beware!

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