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PARIA bids farewell to singer Brian Craig!

[Jun 20,2005 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
PARIA bids farewell to singer Brian Craig!
Brian Craig (Vocals) has decided he will be leaving the band at the end of
the summer to go back to school, further his education, and continue
perusing a career. In the two years that Brian has been with the band, he
has done vocals on The Torn Instances EP as well as the full length
Misanthropos. He will be doing one last short tour with us at the end of
July. We want to thank him for all his contributions towards the band for
the last two years and wish him the best with all future endeavors. Paul
Pettit, formerly of Analog, will be filling in for an east coast tour in
August and possibly joining the band.

Tour plans for the next few months are in the works. Right now we have a
short run at the end of July to do a few fests with Analog, two weeks
towards the east coast in late August, and a short Canadian tour with Ion
Dissonance in September.

With our break from touring and our time at home, we are continuing to write
material for our next album. We will be rocking some of these hot jams live
so come to shows.

Schecter guitars has endorsed Paria. We will be shredding some killer
Schecter Axes soon and we are totally excited about it. Check out the
Schecter Guitars' Website.

Jones Soda has worked out a deal with us and our album cover will be printed
on 25,000 bottles of soda. They will be hitting shelves later this summer.

We have some new shirts designed by the almighty Ryan KasPARIAn
http://ryankasparian.com/ of The Arnolfini Marriage
http://www.thearnolfinimarriage.com/. Check out our merch page to take a
gander at those babies.

Updates are being made constantly so keep checking back!

7/29 Detroit, MI Midwest Death Fest
7/30 Milwaukee, WI Old Orchard Inn Robot Mosh Fest

[Jun 20,2005 4:47pm - brian_dc ""]
man, he's gonna miss out on all of that sweet Jones Soda cash flow.

too bad, I dig the band...shit happens though.
[Jun 20,2005 6:06pm - mOe_rk ""]
its not like they cant get another guy who sounds just like him..or maybe even better
[Jun 20,2005 6:33pm - brian_dc ""]
very true...but I bet it will leave a gaping hole in the quality of their friendship

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