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attn: reverend

[Jun 19,2005 8:08am - soilworker ""]
if your heading to the middle east tonight could i maybe meet you in portsmouth somewhere to get a rid down because i have no one to go with and i hate going alone. so if you could just let me know that would be great!
[Jun 19,2005 9:56am - succubus ""]
the thing is that we are going to be going to his dad's first for father's day and leaving from there...then we're going to allston where he's going to jonah's show and i'm going to take photos of hekseri...and then later on we'll be meeting up at the middle east in time for that show and heading back home to portsmouth after
[Jun 19,2005 10:12am - soilworker ""]
oh ok thats not problem i just thought that i would ask.

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