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Do your pets know more than you?

[Jun 15,2005 2:11pm - an80smetalchick ""]
Last night around 7:30pm East Coast Time, my cats were freaking out and very restless. I had just watched a program on Animal Planet the other day called "When Animals Talk" and they explained animal behavior, when they freak out and become restless this means there will be a natural disaster. I turned to J and said theres a major earthquake about to happen somewhere on this continent!! Sure enough this morning i read in the news about a mag 7 earthquake that hit california at 8pm. incredible, right?

Did anyone else's pets react to this last night?

To learn more about about the Special on Animal Planet: http://animal.discovery.com/schedule/serie...series=110772&gid=11796&channel=APL

To read about yesterday's Earthquake: http://news.yahoo.com/fc/Science/Earthquakes_and_Volcanoes
[Jun 15,2005 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
that's like 3000 miles away. I think your cats just wanted more food.
[Jun 15,2005 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:that's like 3000 miles away. I think your cats just wanted more food.

[Jun 15,2005 2:39pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
for the record they were going ape shit

nope they had plenty of and didn't even finish the food they had.
[Jun 15,2005 2:41pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Mine were freaking out, but that could be because I was beating the shit out of them.
[Jun 15,2005 2:44pm - TedPederooski  ""]
I have a new kitten..and in the middle of the night..the little fuck scratched my balls...needless to say...I killed it.
[Jun 15,2005 2:56pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jun 15,2005 2:59pm - an80smetalchick ""]
TedPederooski said:I have a new kitten..and in the middle of the night..the little fuck scratched my balls...needless to say...I killed it.

They say, if you kill it... You Got To Eat It !!!
[Jun 15,2005 3:01pm - Christraper ""]
Yea my cat was acting really wierd last night too. Shes always wierd but she was definitely freaking out about something. Although I still cant see how shed know about an earthquake happening on the other side of the country.
[Jun 15,2005 3:01pm - Ted  ""]
well..since subjugates mouth is open yawning...
[Jun 15,2005 3:05pm - an80smetalchick ""]
Lots of peoples cats and dogs and birds were freaking out. I posted the same thing to myspace and i have received alot of feedback about it. I have no idea how they knew, but i guess they are more sensitive than people are. i watched that show on animal planet last weekend about animals and how they communicate, it was facinating! it will air again this saturday at 8pm on animal planet.
[Jun 15,2005 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
my cat and turtle were acting fully normal.
[Jun 15,2005 3:08pm - hoser NLI  ""]
the_reverend said:that's like 3000 miles away. I think your cats just wanted more food.

[Jun 15,2005 3:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
My cats been fine, he's actually been hanging out with me more since I've been sick.
[Jun 15,2005 3:10pm - an80smetalchick ""]
if a cat and a turtle were mated, i wonder what the offspring would look like? i ponder these things.
[Jun 15,2005 3:24pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
my girlfriend thinks she is a cat and she was acting bizarre last night so it is a possibility
[Jun 15,2005 3:24pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
a cat with a turtlehead....bahahahahaha
[Jun 15,2005 4:19pm - king_of_the_mosh ""]
my dog kill a bigger dog lol was funny.....but bluudy fuck........my 19 year old cat just slept
[Jun 15,2005 7:07pm - an80smetalchick ""]
did your dog eat the other dog?
[Jun 16,2005 10:14am - an80smetalchick ""]

Wow! We live on the east coast and earthquakes are a rare event and tsunami's are even more so rarer.

We recently had a small earthquake in the past few weeks in the Fall River, Massachusetts area. http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/states/massachusetts/

Living on the coast, makes me wonder what the Office of Emergency Management and Town Offices have prepared in case of a natural disaster on the East Coast?

One of the greatest threats to the East Coast lays within the Canary Islands.



[Jun 16,2005 10:25am - joe/notcommon ""]
Dumbest thread since the Dusty background check thread.
[Jun 16,2005 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
joe has that funny comment on loan from someone. they are going to want it back so don't go leaving it laying around.
[Jun 16,2005 10:47am - SUBJUGATE ""]
i dunno joe you have made some pretty stupid posts and hell most of my posts are dumb.
[Jun 16,2005 10:48am - SUBJUGATE ""]
the roots of metal post is pretty dumb
here refresh you memory
[Jun 16,2005 12:29pm - anonymous  ""]
next time you look at rover, better look him twice over
is he just another stupid dog? or does he know something you may not?
eating, sleeping and shitting all day, while you work you ass off and slave your life away.
Is a pet your possession or are you its slave? you pat it on the head and then you walk away...
[Jun 16,2005 12:58pm - an80smetalchick ""]
I hate when linx don't work! BAH!

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