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Batman Begins

[Jun 15,2005 11:15am - dan.  ""]
I saw this shit last night, at midnight, with all the other fucking nerds.

Fucking ruled. A lot of stuff was left open ended (I dont want to ruin anything....but BATMAN! destroys the weapon and then everything is ok. UHHH what about half the city that just went insane from it?!?!)

But I mean, I'm not complaining...because its a superhero movie and thats how shit it sposed to be. It does explain alot though...about the villians and commisioner gordon and obviously how he became batman and his parents and all that.

But yeah, it ruled. Christian Bale is pretty badass and Wayne Manor FUCKING RULED. also, the whole psychotropic hallucinogens and BILLIONS OF BATS were awesome. the scarecrow thing was kinda gay though....

all and all, i recommend highly!
[Jun 15,2005 11:16am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
maybe that's why gotham city is the way it is...they're all nuts
[Jun 15,2005 11:19am - dan.  ""]
ahh yeah that makes sense i guess

there was alot of shit in the movie that made me go 'uuhhh what the fuck?'...but im not one of those assholes who thinks movies like that have to make complete sense.

the ending was awesome. actually, pretty much everything about it was awesome.
[Jun 15,2005 11:24am - the_reverend ""]
you should have gone to older people's basements to steal their kids things while they were out at the movie.
[Jun 15,2005 10:04pm - El Justin  ""]
i think it was the best one so far
[Jun 16,2005 10:01pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
hands down the best superhero movie ever. I saw it at an IMAX too.
[Jun 16,2005 10:06pm - yodaslab  ""]
from what i heard this new movie is darker than expected, plus its got some top of the line actors, can wait to see it!
[Jun 16,2005 10:30pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I just saw it. This Batman is soooooo mean when compared to all the past, cool voiced Batmans. This guy picks them and just fucking growls and yells and is sweeeeet. I loved how they used the old school Adam West Batman science talk when they were talking about the weapon and stuff.
[Jun 17,2005 11:37am - Abbath NLI  ""]
El Justin said:i think it was the best one so far

agreed, this movie was so good, and stayed pretty close to the history of batman. This movie had everything that makes a perfect super hero film. fucking ninjas! NINJAS!
[Jun 17,2005 12:37pm - litacore ""]
good. It looks like the franchise has been resurrected from Joel Schumacher's lavendar-scented grip
[Jun 17,2005 12:46pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'm seeing it Tuesday along with Star Wars at the Mendon Twin Drive-In. Two movies for only 20 bucks a car, it's awesome.
[Jun 18,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
HOLY SHIT... this movie actually was as good (if not better) than spiderman 2.
wait... ok, that was better than spiderman 2.
[Jun 18,2005 3:56pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i was skeptic after that HORRIBLE Batman Forever, but after reading this i'll definately check it out.
I'm still hoping for the "Dark Knight Returns" movie. That would be ill.
[Jun 18,2005 3:59pm - joe/notcommon ""]
This movie was the third best batman movie, 1 and 2 were the best by far. Jack Nicholson as the Joker was great, and then Danny DeVito and Christopher Walken together!

I wish this one wasn't so ridiculous in parts, Gordon sucked in this movie and having some wanker kill the Waynes was gay. We all know Jack Napier killed the Waynes.

The horse breathing fire was awesome. The people of Gotham acting like zombies, not so awesome.
[Jun 18,2005 5:26pm - succubus ""]
the rev and i went to see it today and wow
so much better than the other batman movies

christopher nolan made it dark...

and gordon did NOT suck..gary oldman rules and played the part he was supposed to play

i said it before..will say it again...christian bale was the best choice!
[Jun 18,2005 5:41pm - El Justin  ""]
the second batman was way too campy for my liking... it was ok and better than the later 2 though.

also whoever mentioned them making a "dark knight returns" movie...it would rule so hard. that series was awesome... batman fighting a mutant leader in a pile of mud and sewage on screen would be badass.
[Jun 18,2005 6:22pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I liked it. A little silly in a couple parts but compared to the last two they made this one could win Oscars. Bale was great, big fan of him, how I need to see The Machinist.
[Jun 18,2005 8:35pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
The Machinist is great.

As for more Batman movies . . . what I hear is that they all signed up for 2 more. The next one will be Joker and the third I hear will be Joker on trial and TwoFace as the main villain.
[Jun 18,2005 9:09pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I hope not, the Joker and Two-Face have been done. Be it Two-Face was in one of the shitty Shouldmauker films but still, let it go, new villians. Maybe... MAN BAT!!!
[Jun 19,2005 2:36am - the_reverend ""]
this was the gordon before he was emboldened.

the cinematography of this movie is very a kin to the dark knight/sandman comics.
[Jun 19,2005 8:10am - joe/notcommon ""]
I figured they would make a new one with the Joker, and at first I thought it would be a stupid idea. Now that I've let it sink in, I think it might be cool because the story line from this one doesn't match the old one with Jack Nicholson as the Joker, so as a stand alone prequel it doesn't make sense.

They better get someone good though, or everyone will hate it because Nicholson was incredible as the Joker.
[Jun 19,2005 9:24am - DomesticTerror ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I hope not, the Joker and Two-Face have been done. Be it Two-Face was in one of the shitty Shouldmauker films but still, let it go, new villians. Maybe... MAN BAT!!!

I vote for Mad Hatter and the Calender Man.

[Jun 19,2005 9:25am - DomesticTerror ""]
joe/notcommon said:I figured they would make a new one with the Joker, and at first I thought it would be a stupid idea. Now that I've let it sink in, I think it might be cool because the story line from this one doesn't match the old one with Jack Nicholson as the Joker, so as a stand alone prequel it doesn't make sense.

They better get someone good though, or everyone will hate it because Nicholson was incredible as the Joker.

not as incredible as Vincent Price/Egghead

[Jul 6,2005 1:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I saw it yesterday. Was was the (pre)Joker not there when Bruces parents shot? THat was whack. Still a cool movie I guess.
[Jul 6,2005 1:47pm - moran ""]
Joker didn't kill Bruce's parents. It was made up for that movie. The new movie has nothing to do with the others, and it won't tie in either. This is a complete re-telling of the story, and so far its better.
[Jul 6,2005 1:49pm - yodaslab  ""]
i vote the villian to be clayface from the tv series. That guy could morph into anyone and change his appearance and with the CGI technology that we have now, bringing that to the big screen would rule
[Jul 6,2005 2:49pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
keith mutiny is batman

that said, it was definitley an awesome movie, but keith's batman voice was annoying as shit. damn you keithmutiny
[Jul 6,2005 3:54pm - KeithMutiny ""]
since that movies been out, ive been called batman at least once a day... im getting kind of sick of it.
[Jul 7,2005 4:19am - the_reverend ""]
that's what my prom date said.
[Jul 7,2005 6:56am - malettey ""]
joe/notcommon said:I wish this one wasn't so ridiculous in parts, Gordon sucked in this movie and having some wanker kill the Waynes was gay. We all know Jack Napier killed the Waynes.

actually, jack napier did not kill the waynes, that was juts put in that movie to keep with the story, i suppose. i read that a lot of really hardcore batman fans were disappointed about napier killing the waynes because it wasn't true to the original story. and personally i liked the new comissioner gordon, as opposed to that other fat guy. the new guy looks like what the comic books portray him as.
i thought it was a pretty good movie, christian bale made a good batman, and the scenery was much darker and sinister looking as opposed to the flashy, flourescent spotlights and giant statues in batman forever.
[Jul 7,2005 7:48am - PilloryDan@work  ""]
DomesticTerror said:DeOdiumMortis said:I hope not, the Joker and Two-Face have been done. Be it Two-Face was in one of the shitty Shouldmauker films but still, let it go, new villians. Maybe... MAN BAT!!!

I vote for Mad Hatter and the Calender Man.

I vote for George Buh and Glen Benton
[Dec 5,2005 1:56am - BornSoVile ""]
oh man, this movie was fucking great. I still love 1 & 2 and hate 3 & 4 with a passion, but this was just really really well done.

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