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Queensryche/Judas Priest

[Jun 12,2005 1:35pm - retzam ""]
Alright, who else is seeing Priest at the Tweeter Center today??
[Jun 12,2005 3:02pm - Al_Ravage ""]
This is gonna RULE![img]
[Jun 12,2005 4:08pm - retzam ""]
[Jun 13,2005 12:12am - retzam ""]
This show was so awesome. I just got back 20 minutes ago.

Judas Priest's setlist:
The Hellion
Electric Eye
Metal Gods
Ridin' On The Wind
Judas Rising
Breaking The Law
I'm A Rocker
Diamonds And Rust (acoustic version)
Deal With The Devil
Beyond The Realms Of Death
Victim Of Changes
Turbo Lover
Hell Bent For Leather
Living After Midnight
*Second Encore*
You've Got Another Thing Coming

Those are all the right songs, but I'm sure the order is jumbled in the middle. It was a fucking amazing show. Halford can still sing like a madman. My favorite songs were Electric Eye, Metal Gods, Judas Rising, Breaking The Law, Exciter, and Painkiller. Audience participation on Exciter is awesome: "Fall to your knees and repent if you please!". There was audience participation on pretty much every song, whether it be in the form of yelling a line or two, singing along, or just chanting something (like "Loaded! Loaded!" in Living After Midnight). All in all, awesome show! :NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS:
[Jun 13,2005 12:18am - th3rdknuckle ""]
you forgot "A Touch of Evil"
Crap song...

KK Downing played his ASS OFF
[Jun 13,2005 12:20am - Lynne  ""]
i went and tailgated in the parkinglot from 2 pm until we got kicked out around 8 as we had no tickets and were clearly just sitting there drinking.... i got a slight tan tho
[Jun 13,2005 12:26am - th3rdknuckle ""]
Nothing from Point of Entry?
'Desert Plains'
'Hot Rockin'
'Heading out to the Highway'
'Solar Angels'

Nothing from Defenders of the Faith?
'Feewheel Burning'
'The Sentinel'

yet they fit that Ram it Down & Turbo crap in... disappointing
[Jun 13,2005 9:21am - Al_Ravage ""]
Nothing from Defenders...and no Hot Rockin ha ha....as always too many slow songs, but a rockin show nonetheless
[Jun 13,2005 11:59am - dan.  ""]
pretty fucking awesome. thought the sound sucked though. couldnt really hear the double bass. i thought turbo lover and im a rocker were two of the best songs of the night, actually. but metal gods was the highlight for me. second time seeing em, cant wait for the next. hail halford!
[Jun 13,2005 12:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I don't beliiiieeeeve in love, I never have, I never will!!!
[Jun 13,2005 12:07pm - Hooker ""]
I was psyched that they threw Riding On the Wind in there. I know touch of evil is supposed to be like a breather for Halford, but I'd rather hear something else like Hell Patrol. It did suck that they ignored entire albums, but what can you do.
[Jun 13,2005 12:58pm - Al_Ravage ""]
For some reason they never play hell patrol, that should be the next RAOV cover
and Queensryche can't do anything right...they start off playing old songs...then feel the need to plug their new crap... then play a MEDLY of songs from the EP...lame
[Jun 13,2005 1:49pm - Hooker ""]
Ah, good call. I totally agree on us covering that. I've wanted to forever.

Geoff Tate is inhuman. Not a bad note.
[Jun 13,2005 3:02pm - dan.  ""]
anyone else shocked how empty that place was? the covered seating didnt even sell out and i had lawn seats and ended up second row of the open air.
the last time i saw them in new jersey the place was fucking PACKED, took like 3 hours to get out of the parking lot.
maybe im clueless, but i would think judas priest would sell out AT LEAST the covered area, if not most of the open air seats. RUSH did....
[Jun 13,2005 3:09pm - paganmegan ""]
I had such a blast at this show
Definitely a high light of my concert attending experience
The last part of the show I enjoyed the most as I got to move up to second row center. I was extremely loaded, loaded
[Jun 13,2005 3:10pm - dan.  ""]
[Jun 13,2005 3:16pm - paganmegan ""]
I can't get that song out of my head today. That and "free wheel burning" even though they didn't play it
[Jun 13,2005 3:19pm - Hooker ""]
I have screaming for vengeance in my head. But that's because I rocked it today while getting ready for work.
[Jun 13,2005 3:19pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
dan. said:anyone else shocked how empty that place was? the covered seating didnt even sell out and i had lawn seats and ended up second row of the open air.

:shocked: Woah, me too!
[Jun 13,2005 3:22pm - dan.  ""]
yeah that was fucking insane. also, the golf cart patrol in the parking lot making sure "no alcohol was being consumed" was retarded. theres nothing like getting stared down by a 50 year old woman in khaki too-shorts to start off your night!
[Jun 13,2005 3:23pm - Hooker ""]
fuck that.
[Jun 13,2005 3:25pm - paganmegan ""]
Plastic cups are essential.
The golf cart patrol were also sniffing around for substances like a bunch of rabid wildebeasts
[Jun 13,2005 3:27pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I got my pipe and weed taken by a bike cop :(
[Jun 13,2005 3:30pm - dan.  ""]
ahh that fucking sucks.

anyone check out the official mansfield police golf cart? the shit had a siren!
[Jun 13,2005 4:30pm - anonymous  ""]
wow you people had problems???? you really need to learn the use of plastic cups :D

like i said before we drank from like 2-8 with no problems whatsoever (well until like 8 when they were like "ok u really need to go into the show now") and the parkinglot was freaking empty as hell until like 6 or so.... what people too old to tailgate nowadays??? and im surprised i didnt see any of you dudes there
[Jun 13,2005 4:30pm - Lynne  ""]
oops that was me
[Jun 13,2005 4:36pm - dan.  ""]
no way man, i swear on my life the 2 old bitches were checking cups. we were in the left side parking lot next to to big red trucks with a ton of dudes bbq'ing and shit. we had to fuckin chug beers under our jackets in my car, it sucked even more because my air conditioner was broke.
the signs that were ALL OVER the parking lot were kind of funny. they said if you get caught with booze you have to either leave the park or give up your beer. yeah hmm give up my warm natty ice or miss judas priest. tough one.

i swear to god when i saw KISS everyone was drunk and setting off fireworks with no problem. but KISS does set the standard for white trash tailgate parties.
[Jun 13,2005 4:36pm - dan.  ""]
it was kind of cool though, made me feel like a badass 15 year old hahaha
[Jun 13,2005 5:46pm - i_am_not_me ""]
God fucking dammit I wish I didn't have to work.
[Jun 13,2005 7:14pm - lynneaus ""]
hahaha thats wicked funny no problem here at all.. where were in the first row right when u pull in (right next to where the WAAF van ended up parking) no one looked in our cups or tried and actually we only saw the golf cart maybe twice all day....

are u guys like 15 or somethin? maybe thats why haha
[Jun 13,2005 7:17pm - retzam ""]
dan. said:i swear to god when i saw KISS everyone was drunk and setting off fireworks with no problem. but KISS does set the standard for white trash tailgate parties.

Ahhh dude, it is completely dependent on the band playing what they let fly and what they enforce. When KISS play anything goes, when The Grateful Dead play they could care less about pot. It's not just the Tweeter Center. When I saw Ratdog (Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead's band) at the Palladium, they were completely giving the blind eye to pot. As a matter of fact, I witnessed some guy get caught with a tiny little baggy of white powder, who knows if it was coke or something else, and the security guard in the midst of his yelling turned to everyone around and said "Does this look like fucking pot to you guys?", basically saying that weed was at least acceptable. The guy got kicked out, the cops weren't even called.
[Jun 13,2005 9:08pm - your my turbo lover  ""]
the show was good it's to bad priest did not play there cover of vagnal jesus's koon bashing!

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