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CONIFER and OCEAN June 25 @ Space, Portland,ME

[Jun 10,2005 7:11pm - reuben ""]
CONIFER and OCEAN together in there home town, make the trip for the music, stick around for the booze
[Jun 10,2005 10:21pm - Anthill ""]
if only this were in Mass...
[Jun 11,2005 12:02am - Defnasty ""]
[Jun 11,2005 12:06am - reuben ""]
Bubby, have you been drinking?
[Jun 11,2005 1:52am - shatteredliz ""]
Get Kurixis on this show, too!!! I want to make a road trip for Maine metal!
[Jun 12,2005 1:46am - reuben ""]
Liz, I have a great porch that you can jump off, but no pin ball or red bean donuts.You can stay here if you wanna make the trip. We'd love to see ya
[Jun 13,2005 5:05pm - shatteredliz ""]
Cool, i might do that. Oh, someone left their jacket here that night. I'll bring it next time I see you.
[Jun 13,2005 7:28pm - reuben ""]
Ya, it's Jess's
[Jun 13,2005 8:37pm - Defnasty ""]
Hey reuben put us on a Space show this summer or get me a contact for Defcon 4. Geno's or Space would be cool. We were bad last time in Maine sorry Sean and the Station!

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