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doom metal daddy!

[Jun 5,2005 11:43am - dyingmuse ""]
Ok guys I'm an official doom metal daddy. Just saw an ultrasound. my beautiful wife to be Layla is pregnant and we are having a kid together!!!!

...And no more week night shows for me anymore....can't be missing work cause I need to earn as much cash as I can this year for my baby!
[Jun 5,2005 11:55am - nate nli  ""]
congrats, welcome to the world bro! I have a 9 year old daughter (Xena) and a 1 1/2 year old son (Alex)... it's fun, trying, frustrating, rewarding, awesome and many more adjectives...
[Jun 5,2005 12:00pm - Aegathis ""]
oh man, if i became a father humanity would end.
[Jun 5,2005 12:20pm - powerkok ""]
Oh WOW!!
Congrats Dan. thats awesome news.
Having 2 daughters, 10 and 6, I can say, HAHA!!
Good luck bro!

ps..what nate said... he aint shitting x100.
[Jun 5,2005 12:31pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Congrats Dan:NEWHORNS:
[Jun 5,2005 3:05pm - reuben ""]
Dan, thats fucking awesome, Congrates to you and your lady, you should name it Reuben if it's a man child, or Reuben if its a girl.
[Jun 5,2005 3:07pm - blue ""]
holy crap, i cant believe layla is having a baby! congrats dan!
[Jun 5,2005 5:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
thanks guys.
[Jun 5,2005 5:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Jun 5,2005 5:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
*horns and high five and shot*
[Jun 5,2005 7:04pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
What is that kid in for?!?! Congrats man, best of luck with building a family!
[Jun 5,2005 9:31pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Now you got an excuse to clean yo fuckin room lol :D

I got lots of clothes for u. Believe me bro, kids go through 'em QUICK

I'm callin u now.

[Jun 6,2005 4:20pm - dreadkill ""]
congrats dan. do you have any metal names in mind for the kid?
[Jun 6,2005 4:26pm - joe/notcommon ""]
Congratulations Dan, I am sure Reuben will grow up to be wicked metal.
[Jun 6,2005 4:27pm - Hooker nli  ""]
Name it Rocky Part III.
[Jun 6,2005 4:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah we are actually thinking of wolfgang for either gender . "wolfie" wold be the short like the amedaous movie. he was my idol
[Jun 6,2005 4:52pm - joe/notcommon ""]
powerkok said:Oh WOW!!
Congrats Dan. thats awesome news.
Having 2 daughters, 10 and 6, I can say, HAHA!!
Good luck bro!

ps..what nate said... he aint shitting x100.

do you have pics of the 10-year-old?
[Jun 6,2005 5:11pm - Hooker nli  ""]
oh man...
[Jun 6,2005 5:55pm - powerkok ""]
joe/notcommon said:powerkok said:Oh WOW!!
Congrats Dan. thats awesome news.
Having 2 daughters, 10 and 6, I can say, HAHA!!
Good luck bro!

ps..what nate said... he aint shitting x100.

do you have pics of the 10-year-old?

Do you really wanna cross that line with me Joe?
I do not fuck around when it comes to stupid shit like this.
[Jun 6,2005 5:57pm - succubus ""]
congrats Dan and Layla!!

i'll take baby pics for you =)
[Jun 6,2005 6:20pm - anonymous  ""]
this is meghann. you may remember me from such films as "franklin pierce college" and "random metal shows". tell layla i love her and that i will give her baby many fun cute cuddly teddy bears that smell like bubble gum and eat babies. oh shit, i mean cuddle babies. well anyway, congratulations and best wishes and may your child be blessed with the gift of rock.
[Jun 7,2005 11:23am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
oh meghann you're so cute! i miss you.

i though Kelly was a pretty good name, but Reuben is nice too. How about Reuben Kelly. Perfect.
[Jun 7,2005 11:31am - powerkok ""]
Im gonna assume, since Joe hasnt responded, that he means 'Im very sorry Mr. KOK, Please do not destroy my very being"
[Jun 7,2005 12:56pm - Berzerker  ""]
Congrats to you both Dan and Layla!!!

Dan what took you so long? LOL
[Jun 7,2005 2:56pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
congradulations now maybe ill have a reason to t0taLLy jump over your house and ill hold my arms in the air and cheer for you by the way do you like slipknot? you should name the baby corey because he is so aWWeeEzZZ0mE LOL!!
[Jun 7,2005 3:42pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:Im gonna assume, since Joe hasnt responded, that he means 'Im very sorry Mr. KOK, Please do not destroy my very being"

either that, or he's sprinting on foot towards Mexico... let's hope that your scenario is correct (I'm sure it is, I sdon't think anyone here that knows you would say something that friggin stupid) .
[Jun 7,2005 3:51pm - powerkok ""]
you would think so, but thats not always the case.
Some people need to be taught.
[Jun 9,2005 2:22am - ravenousdestruction ""]
Thanx everyone for the congrats and warm wishes.
[Jun 9,2005 7:56am - joe/notcommon ""]
powerkok said:Im gonna assume, since Joe hasnt responded, that he means 'Im very sorry Mr. KOK, Please do not destroy my very being"

Less talk, more pix
[Jun 9,2005 8:08am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Jun 9,2005 8:26am - joe/notcommon ""]
Woops, did I say that?
[Jun 9,2005 10:27am - powerkok ""]
wooops, your face fell off.
[Jun 9,2005 10:31am - CarrotsandSticks ""]

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