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Aleister Crowley

[May 28,2005 11:07pm - Azerate  ""]
The celebrants sit in the circle and consume beer, marijuana and other
intoxicants, all the while profaning the demon Crowley, reviling him at
every turn. Every couple of minutes a different celebrant should break
into the conversation and say, "I wish Crowley was here to hear you say
that." Getting stoned inside the circle where he can't reach you and
insulting his Name will draw Crowley to the circle, itching to manifest
and rip you into confetti.

[May 29,2005 1:53am - hoser ""]
You are one bored dickhead.....I heard that there was a red tag sale on lives down at the local pawnshop...you should check it out....

Bottom line = no one in their right mind gives a shit.
[May 29,2005 2:10am - davefromthegrave ""]
oooooohh, scary
[May 29,2005 11:12am - insultingwhileanonymous  ""]
We all lack "lives" by virtue of being on a silly message board to begin with...not to mention that you took the time to comment on someone else's comment. And Crowley WOULD tear either of you to ribbons. So yes, ooooh, scary indeed. Love is the law, love under will.
[May 29,2005 11:13am - davefromthegrave ""]
oooooooh, scary
[May 29,2005 2:21pm - Heathenking ""]
Crowley was the man, Bigfoot was cooler though.
[May 29,2005 4:07pm - powerkok ""]
insultingwhileanonymous said:We all lack "lives" by virtue of being on a silly message board to begin with...not to mention that you took the time to comment on someone else's comment. And Crowley WOULD tear either of you to ribbons. So yes, ooooh, scary indeed. Love is the law, love under will.

Shut the fuck up, lame ass. Im really scared of a dead old fat bald white guy, that really did nothing except for write some spooky shit, before spooky shit was cool.
And just because ppl post on a message board, dosent mean none of them have lives....I just got back from blowing shit to smithereens with my 308, yet Im here now, posting this. Its weird, I know.

So, I second DFTG...
oooooooooooh, scary.
[May 29,2005 4:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Powerkok and hoser... 2 bodies, 1 brain.
[May 29,2005 4:22pm - powerkok ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Powerkok and hoser... 2 bodies, 1 brain.

Thats right.
At least our harmonies benefit from this!
Ya, it was prolly supposed to be an insult, but its true.
To a certain point.
[May 29,2005 4:23pm - insultingwhileanonymous  ""]
Oh. I'm really scared of alive fat bald white guys that really did nothing but play in two-bit metalcore bands with ridiculous names, way AFTER that shit was cool. But if they own and shoot guns, and talk about it on message boards as a badge of their tuffness and street cred, it makes me even more afraid. So you shut the fuck up lame ass.
Oooooooh, scary. "When you're in Concord, you best watch your back"
ps-do people really, really die at your shows? Or is that just scariness on your website?
[May 29,2005 4:31pm - powerkok ""]
Why dont you come find out.
Lol at your life.
I should watch my back?
Is that a threat, super TUFF guy?

Ps.I dont need a badge of 'tuffness' I just used that as a reference to show your slow, swampish brain, that people arent as lame as you.

Metalcore? Ya, you listened to our music....We dont write riffs out of fear of not being accepted.
What do you do besides be a faggot and dream of a netherworld where pure kvlt evilll exists. Grow up horsefucker.
[May 29,2005 4:32pm - powerkok ""]
P.s. Youre gay.
Sign in and talk shit, ball-less coward.
[May 29,2005 4:33pm - powerkok ""]
insultingwhileanonymous said:Can I suck your fat hogan, Mr Kok?? Please??!?!?

Umm, no, fag.
[May 29,2005 4:34pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I wish I owned a gun.
[May 29,2005 4:40pm - powerkok ""]
So, buy one!
[May 29,2005 4:51pm - insultingwhileanonymous  ""]
Nope, wasn't a threat at all...I was just making a pun on the old Biohazard tuff (your capitalizing the word "tuff" would imply you think I didn't know it's spelled "tough", Ha!) guy quote. Take it easy anyway big fella. I was just flamin' ya! You probably would kick my evil, skinny, black metal ass and then shoot my corpse. You're right, I haven't checked out your tunes yet, 'cause my speakers are dead right now. I will though, and I'll probably like 'em...again I was just playing with you guys. I actually like shooting also...but in reality I really do like Crowley's biography too. Just finished reading it, very interesting life story, not just the pop culture shit you read about or hear in Ozzy songs. Ciao.
[May 29,2005 4:53pm - insultingwhileanonymous  ""]
ps-can't sign in on my work computer, I'm not ball-less, although 1 ball does hang strangely lower than the other. Curious, isn't it? I sometimes like anonymity, it's funny getting people riled up at an imaginary character!
[May 29,2005 5:15pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
powerkok said:So, buy one!

Living in Mass? Ha!
[May 29,2005 8:06pm - retzam ""]
insultingwhileanonymous said:ps-can't sign in on my work computer, I'm not ball-less, although 1 ball does hang strangely lower than the other. Curious, isn't it? I sometimes like anonymity, it's funny getting people riled up at an imaginary character!

According to Sue Johanson, every guy has one ball that hangs lower than the other and ever girl has one boob that's bigger than the other.
[May 29,2005 8:07pm - retzam ""]
And am I the only one who simply doesn't think this thread was started to be "spooky" in a mallcore type way? The quote is rather humorous, and I think Azerate was just joking around posting this cause it's funny.
[May 29,2005 8:11pm - powerkok ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:powerkok said:So, buy one!

Living in Mass? Ha!

Get a small, pistol grip shotgun. They fall under 'long-gun' rules and you dont need a permit to drive around with it.
(pretty sure it has to be in your trunk tho)
Or, just move to NH. or VT.

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