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New Avenged Sevenfold

[May 26,2005 2:16pm - metalmatt666 ""]
I dont usually listen to shit like that but i heard some mp3's from their new album and it sounds pretty damn good like some old 80's thrash shit i think i am definatly going to get it anyone else agree
[May 26,2005 3:41pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
M. Shadows had vocal chord surgery. He cant scream anymore. It sucks. Now, instead of pulling a Killswitch Engage, and hiring a burly black man to scream, They decided to redo their sound. I dont like it.

for all of you that are interested, go to http://www.avengedsevenfold.com/cityofevil/
[May 26,2005 5:15pm - ZBC Metal  ""]
These guys have always been a huge guilty pleasure of mine due their uber-cheese, and I think it's fucking awesome that they've left the "core" part of their sound behind. With that being said, these new songs are awesomely cheesy in the best way possible!
[May 27,2005 11:10am - m.nolan  ""]
Theses guys try way too hard. But I'll give them one thing: They are very good at writing the same boring song over, and over, and over, and over again.
[Nov 13,2005 7:13pm - anonymous  ""]
i dont mind the new sound but i seen them on tv and they dont play the old songs the same way................................. it doesnt sound right
[Nov 13,2005 11:20pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i personally despise them

they redid their whole image to go with the sound...now they all look like heroin addicts

good for them
[Nov 13,2005 11:36pm - ltdec-1000 ""]

What possessed you to dig up a thread this pointless from 6 months ago?
[Jun 30,2011 12:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can't believe how popular this band is. All you people make me sick.

[Jun 30,2011 12:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i remember them being pretty decent back when they just had screamy vocals. since then its just been beyond terrible though.
[Jun 30,2011 12:43pm - Concerned Citizen  ""]

m.nolan said:Theses guys try way too hard at being iron maiden jr. But they have one of the most important things down: They are very good at writing the same boring song over, and over, and over, and over again.

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