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how'd you like to die?

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[May 25,2005 1:11am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i think about this way too much.
[May 25,2005 9:54am - SuperFly ""]
[May 25,2005 9:56am - KillerKadoogan ""]
definitley in my sleep
[May 25,2005 9:56am - KillerKadoogan ""]
wait i didnt see the zombie choice

Killed by zombies, while sleeping.
[May 25,2005 9:59am - SuperFly ""]
I'll kill you while you're awake
[May 25,2005 10:01am - Boots ""]
heart attack while having sex on a 10th floor balcony then falling off the balcony decapitating myself on the fence below in a fire pit. that would be fun
[May 25,2005 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
"looks like he got off before he got off"
[May 25,2005 10:07am - KillerKadoogan ""]
SuperFly said:I'll kill you while you're awake

i said zombies, meaning the living dead.

just because you're waiting to die...
[May 25,2005 10:13am - SuperFly ""]
[May 25,2005 10:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i forgot to add OD and suicide and some other things, then i realized you cant edit the poll just the normal text
[May 25,2005 10:59am - powerkok ""]
except for the flat tooth tearing, and ripping flesh pain, I would say zombes....but I hadda go with in my sleep. I guess Im a pussy in that situation.
[May 25,2005 11:00am - powerkok ""]
you forgot aids.
[May 25,2005 11:16am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone ever see Clay Pigeons.

i wanna go with a shotgun to midsection while having sex !
[May 25,2005 11:19am - largefreakatzero ""]
Smitten by broadsword and/or battleaxe.
[May 25,2005 12:34pm - Pillorydan ""]
I want to be killed by Zombies while having sex..
[May 25,2005 12:37pm - SuperFly ""]
I'M GONNA LIVE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 25,2005 12:41pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Decapitation, because you won't know once it's over, no pain, no suffering, just dead...
[May 25,2005 12:43pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
SuperFly said:I'M GONNA LIVE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stop listening to Oasis !
[May 25,2005 1:15pm - SuperFly ""]
I've been exposed
[May 25,2005 1:41pm - succubus ""]
part of me is already dead
[May 25,2005 3:08pm - sever ""]
Having sex in a car while being shot by a disease ridden zombie, causing a car crash, causing me to be decapitated and burned by the car fire. And then my body rolls into the ocean, and if I didnt already die, I'd drown and/or suffocate.
[May 25,2005 3:09pm - sever ""]
DreamingInExile said:Decapitation, because you won't know once it's over, no pain, no suffering, just dead...

You won't lose conciousness unless your brainstem is severed. You'll still be awake, fully aware that your head is separate from your body until your brain runs out of oxidated blood.
[May 25,2005 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I want to die from the sun swallowing the earth...
[May 25,2005 3:14pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I want to be titted to death.
[May 25,2005 3:41pm - powerkok ""]
DreamingInExile said:Decapitation, because you won't know once it's over, no pain, no suffering, just dead...

what if its by knife, and starting at the throat?
That wouldnt be painless!!

Also, I think that if its a quick chop, one shot deal, your head still knows that your neck hurts.
[May 25,2005 3:42pm - powerkok ""]
Hooker nli said:I want to be titted to death.

This is Smuffomocation.
Its southern.
[May 25,2005 3:43pm - an80smetalchick ""]
death by orgasm?
[May 25,2005 11:48pm - silky ""]
I would like to strap a bunch of fucking dyn-o-mite to my chest and explode myself at a nascar event.

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