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today is the day tommorow

[May 22,2005 12:48am - todayistheday  ""]
what time does this start. whats the address for obriens?
[May 22,2005 12:48am - todayistheday  ""]
oops i mean on monday
[May 22,2005 9:46am - joe/notcommon ""]
3 harvard ave, allston ma 02134
9pm 21+
[May 22,2005 2:06pm - todayistheday  ""]
90 bucks? sweet!
[May 23,2005 9:10am - Josh_Martin ""]
3 Harvard Ave in Allston

Its $6.00

If anyone gives a shit, this will be the last Adolf Satan show with Nick Kevorkian on bass.
After tonight, our drummer Nate's brother, Sean Linehan, will be taking over.
[May 23,2005 9:18am - anonymous  ""]
so good.
[May 23,2005 10:13am - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, I think I'm going to this. I just got back from Arizona on the red-eye and didn't really get to sleep, so if I'm not passed out by 9, I'll be at this show.
[May 23,2005 12:06pm - attendmyrequiem nli  ""]
i'd be there if i was a year older.
[May 23,2005 12:10pm - joe/notcommon ""]
I am going to try to make it, but as of now it's not looking good for me :(
[May 23,2005 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I would suggest getting there early since o'briens has been selling out lately.
[May 23,2005 2:18pm - stainless ""]
this show will definetely sell out, i can already smell the beer battered floor from here in NH. KISS THE PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!! motherfuckers
[May 23,2005 6:54pm - todayistheday  ""]
does this place have parking or am i going to have search or pay for parking thats more than the show?
[May 23,2005 7:03pm - the_reverend ""]
you can park on the streets next to it with no problem.
park on cambridge st.
[May 23,2005 7:06pm - todayistheday  ""]
ok if it easy parking that jsut sealed the deal
[May 23,2005 7:08pm - the_reverend ""]
the club is at the intersection of harvard and cambridge st. all up and down cambridge st. there is always parking.
the only time I've had issues was on warm weekends, but then I just go passed the club, turn around and park just after the club (on cambridge) on the right before linden. and the glass bus-stop.
[May 23,2005 7:13pm - todayistheday  ""]
ok thanks man
[May 23,2005 7:16pm - succubus ""]
i dunno where you live but you should probably leave asap
[May 23,2005 8:16pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
actually i think tomorrow is the day tomorrow.

i'm sorry. that was unacceptably lame. i really couldnt help myself though...it's a serious problem. i should probably seek help.
[May 23,2005 8:21pm - the_reverend ""]
nope, today is the day of this show
[May 23,2005 11:18pm - todayistheday  ""]
titd fucking ruled.
[May 23,2005 11:28pm - the_reverend ""]
1) how did they fit on the stage?
2) why is it already over?
3) you know they are playing rttp on aug 22nd?
[May 23,2005 11:31pm - todayistheday  ""]
i left before adolf satan.....you couldnt hear the keyboardist minus like two songs..they fit on the stage fine....i dont know what obriens usually gets for attendence but it seemed like a lot of people were there
[May 23,2005 11:31pm - todayistheday  ""]
ill be def listening on aug 22nd then
[May 24,2005 12:53am - davefromthegrave ""]
TITD is awesome live.
that club stank like piss and farts.
The beer there tasted like piss.
Maybe they should call the place "Club Piss"
Shattered Liz is still hot.
I need to start finding someone to ride with me, I'm sick of fucking two-hour drives on monday nights.
Steve and Chris had matching hats, and Chris has a terrifying stage presence and demeanor.
I drank way too much coffee today.
[May 24,2005 1:27am - todayistheday  ""]
yes i was just going to say somebody was fucking farting that place up
[May 24,2005 1:58am - davefromthegrave ""]
todayistheday said:yes i was just going to say somebody was fucking farting that place up

I thought I was gonna die for a minute
[May 24,2005 1:55pm - shatteredliz ""]
I had a good time at this show. I really thought there'd be more people there. There was an okay turnout, but it definteily didn't sell out.
[May 24,2005 4:23pm - Bradness ""]
todayistheday said:yes i was just going to say somebody was fucking farting that place up

i wasn't there, but i'm gonna guess that Nick, the bass player for Adolf, was the one farting the place up. He is a natural gas factory

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