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another thing I'm sharing cause it made me laugh

[May 19,2005 5:15am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]



[May 19,2005 8:09am - largefreakatzero ""]
Haha, he got hurt.
[May 19,2005 8:25am - SuperFly ""]
thats awesome
[May 19,2005 8:27am - Boots ""]
chinese faceplant
[May 19,2005 8:55am - SuperFly ""]
chinese water torture
[May 19,2005 8:57am - joe/notcommon ""]
it would be cool if the 4th picture was a bus running him over
[May 19,2005 9:02am - Boots ""]
tsunami bike ride
[May 20,2005 3:53pm - eric  ""]
it would br easier to steer with one of those umbrella hats. but then you could'nt wear a beer hat mmmm..... but funny picture!!!!!!!!!
[May 20,2005 4:45pm - an80smetalchick ""]
I guess someone didn't get their chinese food delivery.
[May 20,2005 6:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
i'd like to share some ascendancy tour photos in south america, but i don't have server to post them on....
[May 21,2005 12:05am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
[May 21,2005 2:22am - davefromthegrave ""]
it's hilarious how his leg is totally threaded through the bike in the third pic. It's almost as funny as the second pic where teh bicycle is colliding with his crotch.
[May 21,2005 2:23am - davefromthegrave ""]
also I just noticed that he's riding a women's bike.
[May 21,2005 3:02am - thegreatspaldino ""]
nah... thats how bikes are in china...

someone needs to put "pwn3d" on that second pic

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