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song stuck in your head... for 3 days

[May 18,2005 3:10pm - damnose ""]
I've had "revelations" by iron maiden playing in my head for the past 3 days, nonstop. as soon as i'm not listening to another song, Bruce screams "THE EYES OF THE NILE ARE OPENING, YOU'LL SEE!" right in my ear. as awesome as this sounds, it's getting slightly nerve-wracking.

I've tried the hair of the dog method (i.e. listening to the song) but that just made it worse.

any suggestions for a remedy, besides lobotomy/suicide?
[May 18,2005 3:14pm - litacore ""]
listen to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. It worked for Alex in Clockwork Orange.
[May 18,2005 3:26pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Listen to the entire Killers album loud and with no interruptions. Pound for pound the best shit Maiden has ever written. Fastest, heaviest rythms and beats.

[May 18,2005 3:28pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Whatever you do don't listen to Murray Head's One Night In Bangkok
[May 18,2005 3:32pm - litacore ""]
scratch the Beethoven. Listen to Killers.

[May 18,2005 3:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
She came to me with a serpant's kiss...sorry.
[May 18,2005 3:49pm - litacore ""]
actually I now have the theme from Mr. Magoo stuck in my head. Hopefully it won't be lasting three more minutes, much less three days.

[May 18,2005 3:49pm - damnose ""]
hahaa. well, killers is on and it's working for now, but we'll see how I fare later today

and oh man, I saw the video for One Night in Bangkok ONCE (still the only time i've seen it) when I was a kid, and the song was stuck in my head for weeks. so yeah...
[May 18,2005 3:52pm - destroyyoualot ""]
"Run to the Hills" for two days straight, now. Not that it's necessarily unpleasant, but then as soon as that stops it's "Race War" by Carnivore.
[May 18,2005 4:10pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ive had "raise the steaks" from Impaled stuck in my head for about a week, no matter what else i listen too.
[May 18,2005 4:21pm - Josh_Martin ""]
KeithMutiny said:ive had "raise the steaks" from Impaled stuck in my head for about a week, no matter what else i listen too.

out of your head.

[May 18,2005 4:22pm - damnose ""]
well, killers worked to an extent, as genghis khan is now leading his mongol hordes on a rampage through my brain and laying waste to all in his path.
[May 18,2005 4:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[May 18,2005 5:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
abyssic hate - depression part 1
[May 18,2005 6:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it was horrible i got Tiny Dancer and the theme from Six Flags stuck in there. worst couple of days ever !
[May 18,2005 7:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
Not much between despair and ecstacy
One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel the devil walking next to me
[May 18,2005 8:12pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i had a song stuck in my head for over a week... a eurobeat song too.
[May 18,2005 8:58pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:it was horrible i got Tiny Dancer and the theme from Six Flags stuck in there. worst couple of days ever !

The old dude in the commerical scares the shit out of me. Ive had "a freak gasoline fight accident" by It Dies Today in my head for forever now...
[May 19,2005 3:17am - MyDeadDoll ""]
destroyyoualot said:"Run to the Hills" for two days straight, now.

i have that as a cel ringer for my husband when he calls... and he likes to call when i'm busy. so, in the middle of balancing the check book, all i can think of is "run to the hills" and it's a lost cause.
[May 19,2005 6:49am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
headknocker by foreigner
[May 19,2005 6:54am - Boots ""]
Sin of Angels - The Bleeding

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