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Black metal?

[May 14,2005 5:46pm - joe/notcommon ""]
[May 14,2005 5:49pm - anonymous  ""]
oh man thats fuckin lame
[May 14,2005 5:49pm - anonymous  ""]
i can tell that band sucks allready
[May 14,2005 5:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
HAHAHAHAHA, and im diggin the uber kvlt black metal ac/dc shirt
[May 14,2005 5:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[May 14,2005 6:22pm - WAIAA nil  ""]
What the fuck, are they playing in a mall. They're also about 10.
[May 14,2005 6:33pm - malettey ""]
KeithMutiny said:HAHAHAHAHA, and im diggin the uber kvlt black metal ac/dc shirt

yeah, i also like the guitar player's hat. looks snazzy on him.
[May 14,2005 6:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the trench coat makes them evil, look away look away
[May 14,2005 6:51pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Dude, it's the black metal version of The Edge on the right.

[May 14,2005 8:32pm - skullet ""]
KeithMutiny said:[img]

The dude on the left kinda looks like CRONOS with shorter hair.
[May 14,2005 10:34pm - Abbath ""]
joe/notcommon said:[img]

are they playing in a greenhouse?!
[May 14,2005 11:18pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
yah I thought greenhouse too

What's that kid trying to prove with the AC DC shirt?
[May 14,2005 11:19pm - powerkok ""]
That he takes, and cuddles with cocks.
[May 14,2005 11:20pm - powerkok ""]
*brand spanking new ac dc shirt at that.
[May 14,2005 11:21pm - powerkok ""]
Im diggin the sweeeeeet Thunder kit.
[May 14,2005 11:32pm - powerkok ""]
[May 14,2005 11:42pm - Mary ""]
It looks like they're playing at a train station. Retards.
[May 15,2005 12:04am - tell it like it is  ""]
this is embarassing,fucking retarded, and degrading. Just by the looks of them they would be better off playing at home in front of cardboard cut outs of people and house pets.
[May 15,2005 12:10am - tell it like it is  ""]
oooh scary!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I just soiled myself
[May 15,2005 1:57am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
bowler hats are wicked grim
[May 15,2005 2:03am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[May 15,2005 2:03am - RichHorror ""]
Those kids are Dissector if Dissector had AIDS.
[May 15,2005 2:05am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
is this Joe Christianni's band?
[May 15,2005 10:52am - tellit like it is  ""]
hey could these guys play my birthday party????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 15,2005 11:06am - jonnyrites ""]
whoa! i didn't know anyone had pictures of the first birth rites show!
[May 15,2005 11:07am - moran ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:bowler hats are wicked grim

Its a fedora. Know your hats.

It looks like playing at Andrew station. And why are they playing at 10 in the morning?
[May 15,2005 11:08am - anonymous  ""]
my mom says they look they mimes but what they're acting out.........
I know its being retarded?
[May 15,2005 11:11am - KeithMutiny ""]
is that Ben playing bass?
[May 15,2005 12:13pm - powerkok ""]
no its a young Jon Heder (napoleon dynamite)
[May 15,2005 12:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
never seen it.
[May 15,2005 12:18pm - powerkok ""]
no shit? you should watch it, you will either love it or hate it.
[May 15,2005 12:25pm - mOe_rk ""]
well...looks like Black Metal to me
[May 15,2005 12:30pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
KeithMutiny said:is that Ben playing bass?

i was hoping no one find out...
[May 15,2005 12:34pm - Gunther  ""]
Performing their new hits: "Blasphemy at the Train Station" and
"Thunder in the Greenhouse".
[May 15,2005 1:04pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Betrothed in the NecroGarden
[May 16,2005 11:38pm - anonymous  ""]
full band playing in public supporting metal
and its Not rap or pop so its not that bad.

[May 16,2005 11:45pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
When you tuck your tshirt into your bullet belt, its bad.
[May 16,2005 11:46pm - brian_dc ""]
I wonder if their mothers did their makeup

the H & K bass amp is definitely a sign of the grimness that runs through their young veins
[May 17,2005 1:30am - MyDeadDoll ""]
who let these guys out in public?
[May 17,2005 9:23am - Christraper ""]
Look we were really young and we didnt realize how gay we were OK?!?!?!?! Leave my hat alone!!!!!
[May 17,2005 9:39am - an80smetalchick ""]
Gay as Stryper!
[May 17,2005 9:43am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Gay like aids.
[May 17,2005 10:34am - Christraper ""]
Gay like.....gay stuff....
[May 17,2005 11:43am - infoterror ""]

[May 25,2005 10:13am - anonymous  ""]
whats the name of this band? can we get an mp3?
[May 25,2005 10:27am - Josh_hates_you ""]
44 responses and no one mentioned Living Color?
[Oct 21,2005 1:11am - anonymous  ""]
This thread was really funny, so once again it's back.
[Sep 17,2007 10:08am - anonymous  ""]

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