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[QUOTE="drugsmug:261274"]incidentally, this is the press release i've composed that is, hopefully, getting forwarded into the right hands. for example, the program director from WFMU wrote me: "sounds like fun! i'll try to stop by." DETESTABLE FESTIVAL - THREATENING DECIBELS! starring ADOLF SATAN (MA) - NAVAJO CODE TALKERS (MONTREAL) - ACTION ADVENTURE (OUTER BOUROUGHS) - LIVE GIRLS (MANHATTANITE SLUMMERS) GRAND STREET, BROOKLYN - TRASH - FRIDAY JUNE 3rd 8pm doors $8 OPEN BAR 9-10? For real? If you find yourself spending this week cursing your job... your genes... your filthy habits... forget those bitches in the Hamptons. Our drummer cooked up quite a cookie. He called on fiends from near and far and they agreed to a real ear-hum-dinger. What IS your idea of FUN anyway? LIVE GIRLS ------------ Dig this Live Girls do their own publicity. I don't care to say much more than they've livened up many a bill I've seen. They gals love to show off. http://www.livegirlsnyc.net/ ACTION ADVENTURE SYSTEMS -------------------------------- Only the most informed derelicts have ever witnessed their careening power-trio noise jam. Most recently for soundmen at Lit, North Six, and The Delancey; y'know, discriminating types. Strum blinding thrilling drum fills command the ribcage to shake. Despite the best advice of friends and colleagues, ACTION ADVENTURE SYSTEMS remain militantly undocumented. Such pathology must been seen to be believed. Watch us stress out. NAVAJO CODE TALKERS ------------------------- Imagine that while this is going on, a van from Montreal (thats QUEBEC, mon osti de saint-sacrament de crisse de cālisse!) pulls over. Two hot girls step out. A skinny guy in a loose shirt and another 6foot plus handlebar mustachioed afro longhair guy follow, arguing in French, about how they ended up on Grand Avenue instead of Grand Street. Then they get back in the van, take the stage just in time, and the longhair bashes the hell out of a yeti-sized drum kit while the skinny guy pulls off a Dead Kennedy Memorial. You rub your eyes with disbelief as one girl pulls off every bass triplet time change with a flourish as the other girl raises a godammn FLUGLEHORN to her shoulder and SWINGS. The bass player BELTS like a soul queen and the Fluglephone or whatever it is drops to the floor and they proceed to harmonize with Yoshimi intensity. You'll poutine* your pants and carry the memory to your grave. Request Blue Cheer covers. http://www.nctrocks.com/MainENCT.html ADOLF SATAN --------------- Last but not least ADOLF SATAN have been persuaded to take the stage. Larry Lifeless is a living fucking legend. He carries the burden of "This is Boston Not LA" like a punk mummy, sardonically destroying the future of others one at a time. GROINOIDS, KILSLUG, UPSIDEDOWN CROSS, he's seen it all. He is joined by Josh Martin (guitar, ex-ANAL CUNT), Nate Linehan (drums, ex-ANAL CUNT) and Nick Camilleri (bass, KEVORKIAN'S ANGELS). Breathtakingly blasphemous, and very metal. They might play "In The Rain With No Cocaine" unless you bring them some. http://www.bestialonslaught.com/onslaught012.html Should you care to attend, i suspect you will practically levitate to work after a full weekend of laughing at all the squares you see who were too weak to follow the loners to THE DETESTABLE FESTIVAL. The unemployable are encouraged to fake a handstamp. Smear the grease off a bicycle chain on your wrist or something. *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine[/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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