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[May 10,2005 10:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Original METAL CHURCH Singer DAVID WAYNE Dies - May 10, 2005

Original METAL CHURCH frontman David Wayne has passed away. According to the webmaster of the David Wayne's Metal Church web site, "we are unclear as to actually what happened. We are putting together an official press release and will post that out as soon as we get it done."

Wayne sang on METAL CHURCH's first two classic offerings (1984's "Metal Church" and 1986's "The Dark") before leaving the group and being replaced by Mike Howe. Wayne subsequently teamed up with members of HERETIC members to form REVEREND, with whom he released two full-length albums and a couple of EPs. He eventually rejoined METAL CHURCH in time for the 1999 reunion album, "Masterpeace". A "solo" album (under the WAYNE banner), entitled "Metal Church" followed in 2001.


Those first 2 CDs rule! R.I.P.

[May 10,2005 10:30pm - Scoracrasia ""]
These things happen.
[May 10,2005 10:33pm - dug-a-hole  ""]
Mike Howe was a better singer anyways.
[May 10,2005 10:39pm - powerkok ""]
Even tho I wasnt into their music, Im not gonna disrespect him, like that faggot Dwyer.
[May 10,2005 10:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Funny how you don't say shit to my face, koklover.
[May 10,2005 10:52pm - powerkok ""]
To your face? what, you want me to go 100 miles out of my way to call you a faggot?
Im not gonna waste my time.

And if your talking about the cryptopsy show, like I said, youre lucky I didnt get in your face that night.
And so am I.
Cuz I'd still be in jail.
[May 10,2005 11:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Or the hospital, you down-syndrome mongoloid looking goofball.
[May 10,2005 11:04pm - powerkok ""]
Youd need a fucking bat to put me in the hospital, queer, and Id still fuck you up.

Dwyer, anytime, you wanna fuckin get down with the KOK. Name it.
[May 10,2005 11:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am not afraid of you, koklover, just leave my name out of your mouth and stick to keeping cocks in there.
[May 10,2005 11:09pm - powerkok ""]
Besides, I didnt see you being so tough at the bombshelter, yourself. Scared of an ass beating? Youre soooo metal, yet youre scared to be humiliated and beat down like a grade school girl in front of people...Ya, real tough.
[May 10,2005 11:15pm - powerkok ""]
Wow....what clever comebacks.

If I wanted a comeback, I'd wipe your chin.

So...then, what?
If youre not afraid of me, then youre stupider than I thought.
Cuz you should be. Really, what do you seriously think you could do to me?

I will give you a clue. Im from Newburgh, NY, have fought my whole life, usually against more than 1 person. Ive kicked 2 guys asses at once, Ive kicked the shit out of a 320 lb football linebacker from the Granite State Warriors in a Toughman competition, I study MMA, and workout every day.

What do you have on me? You sit at a desk all day being fat and soft.
Still not scared?
[May 10,2005 11:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That place was full of retards, I wouldn't know you from any of the other Corky looking mongoloids there.

I don't know why you have such a problem with me anyway, it's not like we ever even had a conversation before.

Maybe you shouldn't have smoked pot everyday for 16 years, you wouldn't be so aggressive if you expanded your brain in other ways.
[May 10,2005 11:18pm - powerkok ""]
Just face the fact tyhat you are a talentless loser, and will whack off single for the rest of your life, until the day you hang yourself with a pair of underwear.
[May 10,2005 11:20pm - powerkok ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:That place was full of retards, I wouldn't know you from any of the other Corky looking mongoloids there.

Wow, way to diss a whole club full of mostly pretty cool peeps.
About 75% of them, my friends.
[May 10,2005 11:21pm - powerkok ""]
How does pot make you aggressive?
hahahahaha I thank pot for keeping me passive all those years.
[May 10,2005 11:23pm - powerkok ""]
pwnd, now shut the fuck up to me.
[May 10,2005 11:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 10,2005 11:41pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Sucks about David Wayne, I fucking love the s/t... Never got The Dark unfortunately.
[May 11,2005 12:08am - Al_Ravage ""]
David Wayne had one of the greatest metal voices ever... maybe the best. You can say what you will about him personally, you could say others were better technical singers...but his performance on "The Dark" album especially is absolutely phenomenal and it's hard to name more than one or two better... just listen to "Watch The Children Pray" (one of the best metal screams ever)... he left two great albums, and a few decent ones... one of my all time favorite singers... this is a sad day. David Wayne, the original "Rev" and God of Wrath has fallen.

"And I know we're going so far away from this wretched life we lead, with open arms meet catastrophe... in the valley of the damned we'll be... [best metal scream ever]"

Ravage In Peace.
[May 11,2005 6:10am - dug-a-hole  ""]
it's "If I wanted some sort of comeback from you I'd scrape the back of your tongue."

what's "a come'back'?"

just trying to keep order. huggies mr. kok.
[May 11,2005 6:23am - SUBJUGATE ""]
The following press release has been posted at the David Wayne's Metal Church web site: http://www.davidwaynesmetalchurch.com/

"On behalf of David Wayne's Metal Church, we would like to express our deepest sorrow in the passing of our metal brother, David Wayne. This is not only a loss for us as a band and his family, but also millions of metalheads throughout the world. David died due to complications from injuries he sustained in a head-on automobile accident several months ago.

"David Wayne was the patented scratchy vocals of several METAL CHURCH albums and was in the process of returning to the metal scene with his new band lineup. His goal was to return to the sounds of METAL CHURCH's albums released in 1984 and 1986. We will always remember the burning words and vocals in 'Gods of Wrath', 'Watch the Children Pray', and 'Start the Fire'. David and his current band had just completed several new songs and were ready to head to the recording studio after their European tour dates this summer.

"Along with David's family and friends, we would ask that cards, letters, and flowers be sent to the below address. Additionally, donations are being accepted to help David's family with funeral expenses.

David Wayne's Memorial Fund
C/O Verna Schielling
1217 North 57th Court
Ridgefield, WA 98642
[May 11,2005 8:49am - SuperFly ""]
sucks to hear that, the first album rules, its the only one I liked.
R.I.P., beyond the black.
[May 11,2005 8:54am - powerkok ""]
dug-a-hole said:it's "If I wanted some sort of comeback from you I'd scrape the back of your tongue."

what's "a come'back'?"

just trying to keep order. huggies mr. kok.

[May 11,2005 12:29pm - Todd NLI  ""]
powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:That place was full of retards, I wouldn't know you from any of the other Corky looking mongoloids there.

Wow, way to diss a whole club full of mostly pretty cool peeps.
About 75% of them, my friends.

I am glad to know that people that got you an open invitation ,to set up a merch table at any show,you refer to as Retards.
[May 11,2005 12:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Geez, I was just making a joke. Don't take it literally, relax.
[May 11,2005 2:02pm - denis ""]
i just recently starting giving a shit about them, that guys voice was insanely awesome. too bad, but hey.
[May 11,2005 2:31pm - anonymous  ""]
Way to shove your foot in yout mouth Dwyer!
[May 24,2005 1:25pm - anonymous  ""]
check out EUDOXIS at www.daddylikes.com
[Mar 22,2006 8:46am - Triko  ""]
listen to Eudoxis "Open Fire" album at www.marsprojectgroup.com
[Mar 22,2006 8:59am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
dug-a-hole said:Mike Howe was a better singer anyways.

Mike Howe SUCKED!! The only good MC albums are the ones with David Wayne.
[Mar 22,2006 9:36am - zzzzz  ""]
I second that! Wayne was a god!
[Mar 22,2006 3:58pm - dwellingsickness ""]
ah this thread brings back memories
[Mar 22,2006 4:06pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Mike Howe was great in Heretic, but not as great in Metal Church as Wayne. RIP man.
[Mar 23,2006 1:53am - ShadowSD  ""]
Wow this sucks... I remember not too long before this I was hanging out with Jimi Belle, the guitarist on Wayne's final album "Metal Church" (he worked at Le Salle's in East Hartford while I was teaching there), and he was showing me the artwork for what was then the upcoming release...
[Apr 28,2006 8:49am - ilxer  ""]
Eudoxis and Metal Church rule!
[Apr 28,2006 8:50am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Who the hell is Eudoxis?
[Apr 28,2006 1:11pm - dwellingsickness ""]
[Aug 20,2012 11:55am - HAMBONE  ""]
[Aug 20,2012 4:28pm - demondave ""]


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