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ABORYM "With No Human Intervention"

[May 10,2005 7:21pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]

Mind blowing cyber black metal...
[May 10,2005 7:24pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Proof positive that Europe will always crush USA black metal...
[May 10,2005 8:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
I liked this alot.
[May 10,2005 8:47pm - Hooker nli  ""]
sounds kind of like Myrkskog mixed with hyped up dance music or some stupid shit like that.

I kind of dig it.

But that's because I love Myrkskog.
[May 10,2005 8:54pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Can't wait for the new one. This one rules ass, though. Aborym get better and better.
[May 10,2005 11:34pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Myrkskog soooo doesnt sound like that, anymore atleast. I still havent heard any of the stuff before Death Machine yet.
[May 16,2005 1:23pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
A blasphemous symphony of digital darkness. Simultaneously hypnotic and scalding, Kaos is soon to break loose. Includes CD ROM bonus along with EPK-VIDEO. Vocals by Attila Csihar (Mayhem, Tormentor) & Special Guests: Nattefrost (Carpathian Forest), Irrumator (Anaal Nathrakh), Sasrof (Diabolicum), & Bard "Faust" Eithun (Ex-Emperor). ' This is what black metal should be about. Ugliness, rawness, destruction, scary... And a message so insane... It fucks you. Aborym brought a new level of unexpected disturbance to black metal'. — Slayer Magazine.

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