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my youngest kid is funny shit.

[May 10,2005 11:05am - powerkok ""]
my 6 year old asks me,
"Dad, when u were a kid, did you want to be a viking?"
"A viking?" I said.
" Ya, did you?" she says.
me "Ya"
her " but you turned out in a band instead?"
me "ya, but I can still be a viking"
her " but you dont have a horn hat"
me " I can buy one"

She thinks for a second, and goes.....
"Im gonna make a viking sword, can I use the tape?"

....I dunno where any of this came from, but as soon as she went off swordmaking, I laughed my ass off.:doublehorns:
[May 10,2005 11:08am - KillerKadoogan ""]
you should start a viking metal band and have her run around stabbing people with her tape-sword
[May 10,2005 11:08am - litacore ""]
that child has a brilliant future

not many Viking dads out there! :o)
[May 10,2005 11:11am - Junior ""]
That's the best thing I've heard all day! Ha!

"ya, but I can still be a viking"
[May 10,2005 11:15am - DreamingInExile ""]

Your kid RULES! time to start a Viking Metal Band!! I'm down!
[May 10,2005 11:18am - powerkok ""]
she just came out swinging the paper tape sword going hyah hyah....
"can I have some graham crackers?"

I really have to be careful tho, cuz shes not right in the head (like me)
when she was 4, she came up with a song all by herself, something to the effect of this:

"you drive the truck off the road in a ditch and...KILL YOURSELF
theres blood in your truck and your arms drip blood...KILL YOURSELF"

I swear, I have no idea.
[May 10,2005 11:19am - Boots wtf  ""]
sounds like a song i wrote the other day. haha
[May 10,2005 11:19am - powerkok ""]
Im down for a viking metal band!!! I just need to buy a hat.
[May 10,2005 11:21am - Josh_hates_you ""]
rape and pillage. rape and pillage.
[May 10,2005 11:22am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[May 10,2005 11:23am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[May 10,2005 11:23am - powerkok ""]
yaaaaar....wheres me lambskin loincloth?
[May 10,2005 11:23am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[May 10,2005 11:23am - powerkok ""]
KillerKadoogan said:[img]

I'd definitley go with this one!
[May 10,2005 11:24am - KillerKadoogan ""]
yea it is pretty bad ass, but its got nothing on the dude below it
[May 10,2005 11:25am - the_reverend ""]
viking dad sounds like the name of a movie...
unfortunately, casting would ruin it with polly shore.
[May 10,2005 11:26am - powerkok ""]
hahahahahahaha leif erickson frat party.
[May 10,2005 11:26am - Josh_hates_you ""]

did anyone else find this while looking viking helmets?
[May 10,2005 11:27am - powerkok ""]
the_reverend said:viking dad sounds like the name of a movie...
unfortunately, casting would ruin it with polly shore.

"Im a viking, bitch"
[May 10,2005 11:29am - powerkok ""]
Josh_hates_you said:http://www.rathergood.com/gaybar/

did anyone else find this while looking viking helmets?

[May 10,2005 11:37am - Junior ""]
I smell summer blockbuster...oh wait, that's just me. Nevermind.
[May 10,2005 11:39am - KillerKadoogan ""]
Viking Dad, starring Vin Diesel as Powerkok, the Viking who rapes and pillages entire villages, but has a heart of gold.

The climactic scene can be Vin Diesel armwrestling Pauly Shore (playing me), for the custody of VinKok's Viking children, and the Viking baby comes out with her sword and stabs Pauly Shore in the eye.

The end.
[May 10,2005 11:40am - Al Ravage  ""]
I remember when my dad made these rubber scimitars for my brothers and I when we were kids... we must have pretended to slash each other thousands of times...the best thing you can do for your kids is give them fake weapons.
[May 10,2005 1:14pm - timma nli  ""]
hahaha, little kids are awesome. you shoulda been like "how do you know i'm not already a viking??"
[May 10,2005 1:32pm - ~Carina~  ""]
aww i'd love to see photos of them!
only i wouldn't want them posted on here because of all the sickos
[May 10,2005 1:42pm - DreamingInExile ""]
KillerKadoogan said:[img]

Definately KOK, we should start a viking metal band and we all wear these viking helmets on stage :newhorns: !
[May 10,2005 1:43pm - powerkok ""]
Id like to see someone even remotely mention anything sick about my kids.
Id fucking filet them.
[May 10,2005 1:45pm - ~Carina~  ""]
I'd help powerK...on a normal day i'd get my ass kicked...but piss me off enough and i've taken 3 girls at once...not that I'm a fighter, because i'm not...unless some dumb bitch decides to spit on me because i won't let her in front of me at a concert...
[May 10,2005 1:45pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:heh....sickos.
Id like to see someone even remotely mention anything sick about my kids.
Id fucking filet them.

w00t! then you could write a song about it!

and we all know you would kill someone if they said anything bad about your kids...
[May 10,2005 1:47pm - powerkok ""]
lol...I think most of the ppl here are decent, even tho they may never admit to it!

You kicked 3 bitches asses? That rocks!!!
On a side note....u did get my mail right?
[May 10,2005 2:01pm - ~Carina~  ""]
yep yep i got it!
thank you bunches!!

i would say that i emailed you back but it's probably sitting in my drafts folders because i was sending huge files to thsi model that i took photos of..

sorry...i'll email you tonight for certain!!!

thanks again, aaron thought they looked really cool too!
[May 10,2005 2:38pm - powerkok ""]
awesome, Im just glad the mail went thru, cuz it took like 10 mins to attach them.
[May 10,2005 4:55pm - silky ""]
is that the same kid who drew your tattoo?
[May 10,2005 5:06pm - powerkok ""]
sure is.
[May 10,2005 5:22pm - Boots ""]
haha. that rules. did you get it tattooed on yourself yet?
[May 10,2005 6:36pm - dreadkill ""]
a few years ago, my friends and i were going to wear viking helmets when we drank, but everyone bailed on the idea. it probably would have looked gay.
[May 10,2005 6:41pm - powerkok ""]
Boots said:haha. that rules. did you get it tattooed on yourself yet?

yup, Ive had it for a little over a year now.
[May 10,2005 6:42pm - powerkok ""]
dreadkill said:a few years ago, my friends and i were going to wear viking helmets when we drank, but everyone bailed on the idea. it probably would have looked gay.

nothing is gay looking about viking helmets

In fact, you can fuck another guy, and as long as youre wearing a viking helmet, you look wicked tuff.
[May 10,2005 7:10pm - powerkok ""]
[May 10,2005 7:13pm - hoser ""]
Hahahahahaha.....nice glasses....Hahahahahahaha
[May 10,2005 7:15pm - powerkok ""]
I never looked at it that way!
[May 10,2005 8:50pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahaha that's funny.

Oh yeah, and I've seen the rathergood.com thing before. There's some funny funny stuff on that site.

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