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[May 4,2005 1:59pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE JAMBOREE will be done within the next week and half, so you can all finally hear what you've been missing. Here's the songs that will appear on said thing, in no particular order:

March of the Meat Log
I Robbed Sunil
Pink Sock
Nuke the Mosquitoes
Ain't No Good Woman Til There's Maggots in Her Eyes
Your Daughter Sucked Me Off At Your Funeral
Crack the Whip, Kick the Bitch
Someone On The Lam With Donkey Kong
Coffee and Cigarettes (Hot Shit/Wet Shit)
Cocaine and Contraceptives
Fuck Smith Hall
Domestic Violence Jamboree
Suck, Fuck and Sodomize

We'll be giving these things out pretty much wherever we are, so if you see me somewhere anytime after next week, stop me and ask for one.

I'm telling you, we're the greatest band in the history of music.
[May 4,2005 2:20pm - paganmegan ""]
I definitely must hear this
[May 4,2005 2:20pm - paganmegan ""]
those are some colorful song titles to say the least
[May 4,2005 3:29pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
What about the Dwyer song?
[May 4,2005 4:49pm - Bradness ""]
KillerKadoogan said:

Nuke the Mosquitoes
Ain't No Good Woman Til There's Maggots in Her Eyes
Your Daughter Sucked Me Off At Your Funeral

i actually remember those from the OldGunmen Christ show. you guys rule!!
will this be on CD or cassette?

[May 4,2005 4:58pm - horror_tang ""]
Make sure you get that to me first so I can put the mp3's up for the world to hear.
[May 4,2005 6:04pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
BestialOnslaught said:What about the Dwyer song?

that's a racist rapist song
[May 4,2005 6:04pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Bradness said:
will this be on CD or cassette?

cassette at first, and then if i can figure out how to put it to cd, i will do that
[May 4,2005 6:04pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
horror_tang said:Make sure you get that to me first so I can put the mp3's up for the world to hear.

will do
[May 5,2005 3:54am - Todd_NLI  ""]
This will be a must have release,as Exploding Christ are fuckin sick!
[May 21,2005 11:04am - KillerKadoogan ""]
We recorded yesterday in Seņor Heidenrich's basement.

He just has to transfer it to CD and then the take over begins...
[May 21,2005 11:08am - KillerKadoogan ""]
1. March of the Meatlog
2. I Robbed Sunil
3. Smegma
4. Pink Sock
5. Nuke the Mosquitoes
6. Someone on the Lam With Donkey Kong
7. Coffee and Cigarettes (Hot Shit, Wet Shit)
8. Cocaine and Contraceptives
9. Ain't No Good Woman Til There's Maggots in Her Eyes
10. Your Daughter Sucked Me Off At Your Funeral
11. Crack the Whip, Kick the Bitch
12. Fuck Smith Hall
13. Domestic Violence Jamboree
14. Bloodclot
15. Suck, Fuck and Sodomize
[May 21,2005 2:45pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
Awesome, Can't wait to hear this !!
[May 22,2005 9:07am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
same here. send a few our way
[May 22,2005 11:08am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[May 23,2005 12:36pm - KillerKadoogan ""]

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