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[May 2,2005 1:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i receive a shitlaod of cds for the various zines i write, well i'm moving out to worcester and am going thru so far here is a small list of cds i do not want.

SYMPHORCE twice second
MORIFADE domi - nation
SCEPTIC unbeliever's script
SHINING FURY last sunrise
CRIONICS human error
HEARSE armageddon. mon amour
BLUNT AUS NORD the working which transforms god
TAROT suffer our pleasures
the GREAT DECEIVER terra incognito
CATARACT with triumph comes loss
KHOLD morke gravers kammer
VEHEMENCE helping the world to see
MITHRAS world beyond the veil
CHINCHILLA madtropolis
FLESHCRAWL made of flesh

i'll probably have more as i go thru the cds but this was the first box.
[May 2,2005 1:31pm - ~Carina~  ""]
someone stole soilworker\'s CD\'s..give him first pick!
[May 2,2005 1:34pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
someone stole all of Himmler's cds?

I can resupply him all NC release for free.
[May 2,2005 1:35pm - Lynne too lazy to log in  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said: well i'm moving out to worcester

im sorry
[May 2,2005 1:36pm - ~Carina~  ""]
Yeah Joe, and now he has none =(
that\'s why i said help the poor guy out...I have a few for him too
[May 2,2005 1:53pm - mOe_rk ""]
i'll take that vehemence, son
[May 2,2005 1:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ok next batch of cds

ILL NINO confession
DEATH BY STEREO into the valley of death
MISERY SIGNAL of malice and the magnum heart
SIX FEET UNDER bringer of blood w/ bonus dvd
KILLSWITCH ENGAGE the end of heartache
ANTHROFUGE impaled in comparision
TWELVE TRIBES the rebirth of tragedy
MINDSNARE the death
SCARLET cult classic
jason vs freddy soundtrack
A FAITH CALLED CHAOS forgive nothing
HIMSA courting tradgedy and disaster
AVENGED SEVENFOLD sounding the seventh trumpet
Wyclef Jean we trying to stay alive
Brutal Habit demo
wormdriver demo
Jaw demo
FOLLY insanity later
GOD FORBID gone forever
FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES the fiction we live
TETSUO malmohrahkign
nailed in demo
the venting machine diablo demo
MACHINE HEAD through the ashes of empire

and funny enough i was never given their last record but for some reason i have Raising Kubricks demo and a Terrible Night for a Curse's demo too weird Ha !
[May 2,2005 1:54pm - Blue ""]
ill take NONE
[May 2,2005 1:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Lynne too lazy to log in said:im sorry

yeah it happens, but i'll be right downtown next to the palladium, in the dumpster Ha !
[May 2,2005 2:04pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ok last batch

EMBODIMENT 12:14 inroads out
SOULFLY prophecy
the showdown a chorus of obliteration
NORA dreamers and deadmen
BORN FROM PAIN sands of time
the HEAVILS s/t
magna - fi burn out the stars
WINTER SOLSTICE the fall of rome
INTO THE MOAT the design
scorch faces
GnR tribute
the BLINDING LIGHT the ascension attempt
101 DEMONS s/t
within y extended mental dimensions
mutual lines in the sand
FULL BLOWN CHAOS wake the demons
hollow point seed of hate
torture killer for maggots to devour
pro-pain fistful of hate
fear my thoughts the great collapse
beyond the embrace insect song
18visions obsession
the HEAVILS heavilution
gatja paradox
harvest of souls demo
207 demo
UNEARTH the oncoming storm
EPHEL DUATH the painter's palette
as i lay dying frail words collapse
trivium ember to inferno
stand aside dance of the dragon
[May 2,2005 2:05pm - ~Carina~  ""]
i would like the GnR tribute i don\'t think i have it
but i forget...
[May 2,2005 2:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mOe_rk said:i'll take that vehemence, son

all yours
[May 2,2005 2:17pm - Lynne too lazy to log in  ""]
no wonder why all this stuff was in boxes hahah
[May 2,2005 2:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Lynne too lazy to log in said:no wonder why all this stuff was in boxes hahah

hey i need the room to make it into a luxury condo
[May 2,2005 2:34pm - dug-a-hole  ""]
I'll take the fleshcrawl, into the moat & trivium CDs if you're getting rid of shit.
[May 2,2005 2:39pm - Anthony ""]
hey, i would love some of these cds! Where could I get them from you?

I'm gonna make a list of cds I have dibs on:
SCEPTIC unbeliever's script
CRIONICS human error
HEARSE armageddon. mon amour
KILLSWITCH ENGAGE the end of heartache
AVENGED SEVENFOLD sounding the seventh trumpet
HIMSA courting tradgedy and disaster
GOD FORBID gone forever
TETSUO malmohrahkign
beyond the embrace insect song
EPHEL DUATH the painter's palette
as i lay dying frail words collapse

This rules- how would I go about actually getting these from you?
[May 2,2005 3:27pm - destroyyoualot ""]
the GREAT DECEIVER terra incognito
WINTER SOLSTICE the fall of rome
101 DEMONS s/t
CATARACT with triumph comes loss
MITHRAS world beyond the veil

I'd love to score these, I can give you a fistful of blanks to replace them if you'd like. I could come pick them up whenever it's good for you.

(Keep in mind I've never heard any of this except for Great Deceiver, I'm just always into hearing new shit.)
[May 2,2005 3:37pm - BSV  ""]
i'll get you high if you give me these,
BLUNT AUS NORD the working which transforms god
KHOLD morke gravers kammer
VEHEMENCE helping the world to see
MITHRAS world beyond the veil what's this band like?
[May 2,2005 3:39pm - paganmegan ""]
I want blut aus nord dammit I'll fight you for it
[May 2,2005 5:39pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
dammit i wanted blut aus nord too...
[May 2,2005 5:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
BSV just asked for all of the cds I wanted. Dangnabbit
[May 2,2005 5:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'm gonna be at boston's dead on saturday so come down there and get them.
[May 2,2005 6:10pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I wouldnt mind the into the moat cd and tarot cd
[May 3,2005 2:01am - Anthony nli  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i'm gonna be at boston's dead on saturday so come down there and get them.

Hmm, dont know if I can be there then! Do you think I could meet you another time at your convenience to get the cds i asked for? I dont care where, but I dont have a car or access to one so it has to be t accessible- i live in Harvard square if thats convenient to you at all.
[May 3,2005 2:02am - RichHorror ""]
I'll take whatever you have left at our gig at the Living Room, sucka. I ain't picky.
[May 3,2005 4:24am - thegreatspaldino ""]
why woul dyou get rid of the vehemence? that cd is pretty decent
[May 3,2005 7:55am - hybrid not logged in  ""]
if i send you a pre-paid envelope to your address i'll take born from pain off of your hands.
[May 3,2005 9:32am - DreamingInExile ""]
I could always drive somewhere and meet you and take the whole collection in one shot.
[May 4,2005 8:11pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I still really want the cds I listed. Is there any way to get them besides going to Boston's Dead? (I can't get in, sadly).

Let me know, if youre ever in the Boston/Cambridge area I could pick em up without a problem.
[May 4,2005 8:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Anthony said:
I'm gonna make a list of cds I have dibs on:
SCEPTIC unbeliever's script
CRIONICS human error
HEARSE armageddon. mon amour
AVENGED SEVENFOLD sounding the seventh trumpet
TETSUO malmohrahkign
as i lay dying frail words collapse

you can meet me out front of O'breins on saturday and i'll have those cds with me for you.
[May 4,2005 8:15pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Awesome. You got a cell? What time works for you? What time does the show start?
[May 4,2005 8:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
show starts at 4pm and no i dont have a cell IM me on saturday and we'll work it out from there....Megan i'll bring your cd too, if anyone else wants shit and is going there let me know.
[May 4,2005 9:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I wanna know how that HEARSE is, it's ex-members of FURBOWL, who put out 2 great CDs.
[May 4,2005 9:12pm - KeithMutiny ""]
if you were smart youd resell em all to newbury comics, genious.
[May 4,2005 9:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KeithMutiny said:genious.

clearly !
[May 4,2005 9:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I love when people spell genius wrong when insulting others.
[May 4,2005 9:40pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill buy a dictionary with the money i get from selling the cd's
[May 4,2005 9:43pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
and i'd sell the cds Keith but they're all promos and demos....which makes it hard to sell them to Newbies.
[May 4,2005 9:51pm - KeithMutiny ""]
fat man's in Milford, he'll buy anything you put in front of him, right across from dunkin donuts on rt. 16, or Strawberries in Franklin, an ex of mine is the manager, she'll buy any piece of shit i carry through the door.
[May 4,2005 9:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Keith, I will sell you a box of 50 CDs for $100, you keep the profit after you sell them to the store.
[May 4,2005 10:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, i dont think they give much, so that doesnt work, but hes got nothing to lose even if he gets 20 bucks for the whole lot.
[May 10,2005 9:49pm - Preston  ""]
Hey man I love some of these CD's:
KILLSWITCH ENGAGE the end of heartache
WINTER SOLSTICE the fall of rome
INTO THE MOAT the design
FOLLY insanity later
FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES the fiction we live
as i lay dying frail words collapse
beyond the embrace insect song
UNEARTH the oncoming storm

I'll take any that you have left... just let me know how I can get em.
E-mail me at - Perfectcircle222@aol.com
[May 10,2005 11:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
let me back to people on these, most of these have been given away i just need to get them together and give them to the people who i said could have them.
[May 11,2005 1:58am - blue ""]
no, i want the into the moat!
[May 11,2005 2:55am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:no, i want the into the moat!

hell no, you gave me up no tittie lovin' !

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