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Attn: Hooker

[May 1,2005 11:30pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the doctor called, that rash won't heal.

aslo Basil has your jacket. His AIM screenname is Drumstix409
[May 2,2005 9:53am - Hooker ""]
awesome. thanks.

who's basil though?
[May 2,2005 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
duh, it\'s cleece in the TV show Faulty Towers.
[May 2,2005 10:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
he's the bassist of Devil in the Kitchen slash the drummer of Revengeance
[May 2,2005 10:22am - Hooker ""]
Nice. Where's he live?
[May 2,2005 10:40am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Arlington. Just message him and he can probably just bring you the coat.
[May 2,2005 10:44am - Hooker ""]
Yeah he's not on yet but I will. Thanks again. I left my ben wah balls in that coat. I'm hurting.
[May 2,2005 10:46am - ~Carina~  ""]
detachable balls sound cool..detachable penis is the coolest though
[May 2,2005 10:47am - powerkok ""]
A man is nada, w/o the wah balls.
Know whats really fun, get shitty drunk, and shove 4 wah balls up your ass...then fire them out, in succession, at oncoming cars, from an overpass.
[May 2,2005 11:02am - Hooker ""]

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