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COBALT - War Metal

[May 1,2005 2:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
COBALT - War Metal

* Highly impressive debut full length!
* Recorded at Hellion Studios (CEPHALIC CARNAGE, ANWYL)
* Killer concept album-layout
* Essential for fans of DESTRÖYER666 and ABOMINATOR!

"Mixing the best of the Australian and Canadian War Metal scenes!"

I gotta find this!

:satancross: :skull: :satancross:
[May 2,2005 9:49am - Josh_hates_you ""]
why dont you just settle for a cd from Kobalt the providence nu metal band?
[May 2,2005 11:04am - Hooker ""]
This sounds like it could be quite badass.

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