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deathamphetamine & throwing shrapnel show postponed last nite?

[May 1,2005 7:11am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i went to the atrium for that show and there was a gay latino hip hop band rocking the house for exactly one girl and 2 sound guys. they said the metal show was postponed till may 24.

[May 1,2005 10:22am - THESAVAGECURTIAN ""]
we droped off that show because we didnt want to have to sell tickets to
play a show. We just dont usually do that and we werent going to get any money from the first 10 tickets in any case even though we would be doing all the promo work. In addition to this we have never really played a show that was 10 bux in advance, and we felt weird trying to sell people tix for that much. We are kinda dicks for dropping off last minute i guess, And I understand what the guy setting the show up was just trying to cover the show costs and all, but we just are used to doing things that way.
[May 1,2005 10:23am - THESAVAGECURTIAN ""]
i mean "not used to doing things that way" at the end there.
[May 1,2005 7:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah it was pretty gay cancelling the show 2 days before, were not really sure if were playing the make up date or now. but we are playing a worcester date may 20th
[May 1,2005 9:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
May, 20 2005 at 208 Tavern
208 Millbury st, Worcester, MA 01610
Cost: 3 dollar

Throwing Shrapnel
Coven of 13
Forever Fallen Grace
Kill Tomorrow

oh yeah Josh find me or brian and we'll get you guys into this show !

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