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Virgo Laceratus is looking for a bassist/rhythm guitarist.

[Apr 28,2005 11:22am - Christoph ""]

That's right. We are looking to get someone in full time on bass. We'd prefer someone who's been playing a long time and can bring something to the table, as well as give us a fuller sound. We have a demo recorded, so that should help as far as learning songs. We practice about 3 times a week in MA, and are looking to have people start trying out asap. We are playing heavy, but melodic black/death/thrash metal. If you are curious about our sound, check out http://www.purevolume.com/virgolaceratus , or http://www.myspace.com/virgolaceratus . We have been a band for over a year and a half, and don't want to let the absence of a bass player hold us up. If you think you have what it takes, drop us a line... virgolaceratus@yahoo.com .

p.s. equipment, writing ability, and the drive to create powerful music are essential.
[Sep 3,2005 9:38am - Long Legs McCole  ""]
That's right! We are still looking for a bass player.
[Sep 3,2005 9:56am - niccolai nli  ""]
I kindof like it actually.

I'd try out. but I'm too far away.
[Sep 3,2005 10:46am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Good luck to you guys, I'd offer but I'm too busy with ExAgenda, Maggotinfested Corpsepile and playing bass for Hatchet.

Good to see some more metal this local, maybe we can gig sometime.
[Sep 3,2005 2:03pm - Long Legs McCole  ""]
Thanks for the kind words of praise. Recently we've been writing some faster stuff, because I don't suck as much on the drums anymore. I think we're going to start giging as a three piece anyway. We're getting sick of not playing out. So gigs are a possibility in the near future.

If anyone plays bass and can dedicate themselves we're open to trying anyone out.
[Sep 16,2005 7:58am - loser ""]
are you also looking for a rythm guitarist????? where do you guys practice???
[Sep 22,2005 8:21am - Long Legs McCole  ""]
Sorry it took so long to reply. I believe we are looking for a rythm guitarist. We have practice tonight so I'll get a definite answer when I talk to the rest of them. We practice in Wakefield.
[Sep 27,2005 7:40am - loser ""]
i am also a lead player i was listening to your stuff...i def dig it... where is wakefeild???? you can e-mail me at fordearlife@msn.com....
[Sep 28,2005 10:33pm - Long Legs McCole  ""]
Wakefield is a bit north of Boston. It's off of Rt 95 north coming from 93. I don't know if that helps. Where are you?

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