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why does mastodon have to play with shitty bands on tour?

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [cult_of_luna][death_by_stereo][mastodon]
[Apr 27,2005 12:35pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
may 11 palladium upstairs

Death by Stereo
cult of luna

14 bucks.
[Apr 27,2005 12:38pm - anonymous  ""]
who cares. 14 bucks to see them isnt that bad. go late.
[Apr 27,2005 12:39pm - adam_time ""]
sweet. mastodon is amazing. at least they aren't playing with 5 shitty bands. i can sit through two if need be.
[Apr 27,2005 12:43pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
going late means it selling out upstairs. buying a ticket before hand = surcharges.
[Apr 27,2005 12:48pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Brann Dailor ---- awesome fucking drummer it's just to bad he left today is the day, he made that band.
[Apr 27,2005 12:54pm - timma ""]
those surcharges are a bitch and a half.
[Apr 27,2005 1:07pm - the_reverend ""]
its not on the events page so I dont know about it.
[Apr 27,2005 1:12pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Apr 27,2005 1:24pm - destroyyoualot ""]
They should play with the Mars Volta and then have a wrecking ball come and destroy the Palladium and everyone in it.
[Apr 27,2005 2:01pm - ShadowSD  ""]
Mastodon are cool, we played with them at last year's Mayday Metalfest in Indiana.
[Apr 27,2005 3:58pm - blue nli  ""]
gimme an O!
gimme a V!
gimme an E!
gimme an R!
gimme an R!
gimme an A!
gimme a T!
gimme an E!
gimme a D!

what does that spell?
[Apr 27,2005 3:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
raising kubrick?
[Apr 27,2005 3:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Apr 27,2005 4:01pm - blue nli  ""]
[Apr 27,2005 4:03pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i didn't call I-17. you lose.
[Apr 27,2005 4:05pm - crucifire ""]
It's easy to understand how all the bogus media hype behind Mastodon lead them to seem overrated. Especially to the "metal crowd", but they're SO not metal. For a prog rock band they're cool. It's music for old guys...like me. It's not their fault cheesy college rock mags jump all over them.
[Apr 27,2005 4:08pm - Christraper ""]
i still havent heard them yet. what do they sound like?
[Apr 27,2005 4:33pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Christraper said:i still havent heard them yet. what do they sound like?

Art faggery that appeals to emo geeks trying to pass themselves off as metal.
(not that everyone that likes them is an emo geek, but that IS what they sound like)
[Apr 27,2005 4:39pm - Christraper ""]
why, does the dude cry on stage or something?
[Apr 27,2005 4:41pm - damnose ""]
Josh_Martin said:Christraper said:i still havent heard them yet. what do they sound like?

Art faggery that appeals to emo geeks trying to pass themselves off as metal.
(not that everyone that likes them is an emo geek, but that IS what they sound like)

haha. i actually like mastodon, but i don't love them and have no idea why they're so hyped... they're just a sludgy-proggy band that screams. a concept album about moby dick is a pretty cool idea, though
[Apr 27,2005 4:43pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Christraper said:why, does the dude cry on stage or something?

No, but go to one of their shows and you'll see what I mean.
[Apr 27,2005 4:45pm - Crucifire ""]
If a hardcore band quit trying to be "tough", but got into hillbilly rock and "Hemispheres"-era Rush. They have a slight "yeah, dood" aspect, but are way more "rock" than any kind of "metal" or "core". Like I said, if you were an old biker who liked Rush and Maiden, but also liked that slight "tough-guy" element. I don't think they're all that "emo". I mean, they don't sound like Embrace or anythng.
[Apr 27,2005 4:45pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Its all Relapse's fault anyways. They keep hyping Mastodon as the "next Metallica" and the "saviours of metal". When they're not even a metal band.
[Apr 27,2005 4:46pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Crucifire said:If a hardcore band quit trying to be "tough", but got into hillbilly rock and "Hemispheres"-era Rush. They have a slight "yeah, dood" aspect, but are way more "rock" than any kind of "metal" or "core". Like I said, if you were an old biker who liked Rush and Maiden, but also liked that slight "tough-guy" element. I don't think they're all that "emo". I mean, they don't sound like Embrace or anythng.

I didn't say they were emo. I said that's the type of person who typically likes them. Go to one of their shows and see for yourself.
[Apr 27,2005 4:46pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
it is stoner rock for metal heads much like high on fire. but musically way more talented.

there is nothing emo about the band at all.
[Apr 27,2005 4:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
High on Fire is a hundred billion times better than Mastodon.

[Apr 27,2005 4:50pm - Crucifire ""]
Josh_Martin said:Crucifire said:If a hardcore band quit trying to be "tough", but got into hillbilly rock and "Hemispheres"-era Rush. They have a slight "yeah, dood" aspect, but are way more "rock" than any kind of "metal" or "core". Like I said, if you were an old biker who liked Rush and Maiden, but also liked that slight "tough-guy" element. I don't think they're all that "emo". I mean, they don't sound like Embrace or anythng.

I didn't say they were emo. I said that's the type of person who typically likes them. Go to one of their shows and see for yourself.

I agree with their crowd being pretty retarded. They definitely don't sound right for the people who go see them and are into them, but that's cause the whole "Today is the Day crowd, don't even know what the hell they like, just being fags. Mastodon is prog rock for smart bikers, if that makes ANY sense.
[Apr 27,2005 4:50pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Josh_Martin said:High on Fire is a hundred billion times better than Mastodon.

[Apr 27,2005 5:03pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
I'd pay $14 for cult of luna and mastodon

calling cult of luna a bad band is the most ignorant thing i've ever heard.
[Apr 27,2005 5:05pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i never even heard of them.
[Apr 27,2005 5:11pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
if you like neurosis, isis, or anything of the similar sort. they're worth checking out. and they're swedish
[Apr 27,2005 5:43pm - pisscup ""]
I haven't read anybody's responses yet, but this is mine - Because Mastadon has turned into a SHITTY BAND.
[Apr 29,2005 2:31pm - adam_time ""]
mastodon's first album, lifeblood is still my top 5 albums, but i love leviathin anyway. they did change a lot, but mastodon has the ability to transition riffs perfectly. their songs flow better than almost any band i can think of, and the drumming is too flawless to be believeable at times. i agree they're not totally metal, but i think they deserve more credit than a band like as i lay dying, who're decent based upon fundamentals, but really haven't done anything new or original. not to mention as i lay dying has a boring vocalist who uses the same patterns in every song. i didn't like mastodon's vocalist at first but he grew on me, as did the clean vocals in leviathin.

i've never heard cult of luna either, so i guess i shouldn't assume they're terrible. most of the time if i don't hear of a band at a big show they turn out to be incredibly bad. did anyone see the icarus line at the palladium like 2 years ago? they played upstairs with dillinger and everytime i die and zao and a few others i believe. worst experience ever. everyone went outside just so they wouldn't have to bear to watch them, but the staff made us all go back inside.
[Apr 29,2005 2:37pm - retzam ""]
Who cares who listens to them. I've not heard a lot from them, but what I have heard definitely exhibits great musicianship and a pretty fresh overall sound.
[Apr 29,2005 3:59pm - Blue ""]
adam_time said:did anyone see the icarus line at the palladium like 2 years ago? they played upstairs with dillinger and everytime i die and zao and a few others i believe. worst experience ever. everyone went outside just so they wouldn't have to bear to watch them, but the staff made us all go back inside.

i remember that show. it was dillinger, the icarus line & the red chord. they defiently sucked my will to live.
[May 11,2005 10:49am - the_reverend ""]
icarus line (a buddyhead band) got in the crowds faces too. that ruled.
I wish I was able to go and find that picture of the singer in that kids face.

anyhow, this show is tonight.
[May 11,2005 11:07am - ~Carina~  ""]
i think that was aaron and my first date

ps: i liked the icarus line i even emailed them back a forth a couple of times...well "Aaron" from the band...he's now in NIN

goo Aaron!
[May 11,2005 11:11am - ~Carina~  ""]
[May 11,2005 11:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wish I had Mastodon. My line up would rule:

White Mice
[May 11,2005 11:51am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i wish some one would book mastodon, high on fire, electric wizard and conifer.
[May 11,2005 11:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i wish someone would too
[May 11,2005 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
I'm not an electric wizard fan...
but those others are dang nice.
[May 11,2005 11:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I doubt it will happen, Scott Lee would probably pile metalcore bands on that line up to make sure it sucks.

THE RED CHORD WITH mastodon, high on fire, electric wizard and conifer
[May 12,2005 12:03am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
[May 12,2005 12:19am - ZBC Metal  ""]
So how was Cult of Luna?

It's a fucking travesty to music that they had to play before one of the worst bands ever and to a bunch of kids who looked bored as hell in those pictures.
[May 12,2005 12:24am - Anthill ""]
I missed Cult of luna, pissed about that, but don't worry only about four people were actully into DBS. four people too many
[May 12,2005 2:17am - the_reverend ""]
I'd been pretty psyched up to see mastodon for a while, but to be honest, I really didn't get into this show at all... I spent a lot of time outside.

cult of luna: well I got in there and it was PITCH BLACK. no lights on except some low low low lights behind the drummer. Needless to say, you couldn't see anything on the stage with out a flash.. but if you used a flash, you would blind them so I went up stairs and snapped a few shots before getting told no flash except for the first 3 songs of mastodon. I complied, but couldn't take any more pictures cause of that. anyhow, I've listen to the CD enough and it's pretty catch. Live, it comes out a bit thin. there is a lot more empty space with only a guitar and becomes insanely evident with their live set. a bunch of times, you would think they were done, but then come back in from some echoy guitar.

death by stereo: I've never liked this band. Image-wise, it seems a bit contribed and aimed at the hot topic crowd with the "black army" thing. I've seen them now 3 times and they've played a lot better the other times. more energy and more people getting involved. Also, the mix for them was HORRIBLE! the mic kept cutting out and guitars were dropping out and coming back.

mastodon: I was waiting for their set... I was hoping that they would put me in a better mood to shoot. they sort of did, but then my pictures were all coming out horribly. anyhow, they played almost all new songs which were awesome and all. they they played march of the fire ants. I asked merrick which song it was and then I was like "duh" for not knowing. The sound for them was awesome. you could hear EVERYTHING no matter where you went in the club. They ended with an old song.. I think... it sounded like something off the first disc, but I was out front and didn't recognize it.
on a side note: I talked to the drummer for a bit while waiting. I said something about seeing his picture in the "live til you die" CD by today is the day. I felt like a moron cause then he told me he played almost all the tracks on there. I didnt know he was in TITD. but if you've seen the collage inside that CD, you know what I'm talking about and why I would be confused.
[May 12,2005 4:22am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
they ended the show with a Melvins cover and i believe he played on in the eyes of god, and temple of the morning star as well.

this show had a weird vibe to it, i wasn't into it at all.
[May 12,2005 8:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hated everyone there and the palladium sucks. They should consider hiring sound techs who know what the knobs on the board do, oh and security staff who aren't total faggots.
[May 12,2005 9:54am - anonymous  ""]
not common records are full of shit bands. RK it god awful. Mastodon all you fags hate anything that does well because all your bands suck more than a green paris hilton.
[May 12,2005 10:02am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
anonymous said:not common records are full of shit bands. RK it god awful. Mastodon all you fags hate anything that does well because all your bands suck more than a green paris hilton.

I can't hear people who post anonymously.
[May 12,2005 10:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Just clicks and whistles.
[May 12,2005 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
rarrarrar she bear.
[May 12,2005 10:49am - Legacyovkings  ""]
The show was pretty good, i thought; it was my first serious listen to Mastodon (I've heard clips of their MP3s here and there); If anyone has the setlist, could ya possibly post it? I know a few kids grabbed a couple of them, but the main song i wanna know is what they opened with.

Death by Stereo played a pretty decent set, for my first time seeing them as well, although i would've liked to hear more older stuff from them. As was previously posted, the mix was pretty horrible, with the guitar BS; I dont know if he could hear his mic through the monitors, but the vocalist should've just switched his mic early on, his cable looked kinda ragged.
As for Cult of Luna...I really wasn't into them at all. Not to mention the fact the place was pitch black as they played. Just because they're Swedish doesn't mean they're great, ya know...the feel i got from them was watered-down Doom Metal. If i remember correctly, they played at about the speed of Older Cathedral; but as i said, i wasn't into them that much, so i tried not to pay too much attention.

Overall, it was a pretty good show, and defintely worth the cash.
[May 12,2005 12:51pm - Titties and Beer  ""]
Here's most of the Mastodon set list if not all of it from memory. It might be out of order a bit

Elephant Man (Remission)
Hearts Alive (Leviathan) (not sure about this one)
Naked Burn (Leviathan)
Island (Leviathan)
Where Strides the Behemoth (Remission)
Megaladon (Leviathan)
Aqua Dementia (Leviathan)
Mother Puncher (Remission)
Crusher Destroyer (Remission)
Blood and Thunder (Leviathan)
Seabeast (Leviathan)
March of the Fire Ants (Remission)
The Bit (Melvins cover)


Hail to Fire (Lifesblood)

I believe that was all the songs they played, in almost that order. If anybody knows the exact set list, correct me.
[May 12,2005 1:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i still like mastodon, but i didn't go to the show last night. i don't care how many posers get into them, i'm still going to like them as long as they continue to make good music. i've been a fan since lifesblood and got into them because i was such a big fan of today is the day. i don't understand what is so stupid or gay about that. if metalheads were the only people into mastodon, would it still be gay to like mastodon?
[May 12,2005 1:34pm - dreadkill ""]
also, i never expected mastodon to get the hype they have surrounding them, but i definitely think they deserve it. i wouldn't call them overrated at all. even if someone doesn't like their style, it's hard to deny them credit. i think some people like to bash them simply because liking them is the cool thing to do these days and these people want to be elitist anti-everything. believe me, i'm kind of a music snob/elitist myself and sometimes i'm overly critical about music and make it less fun for people around me, but i only give up on bands i like when they start putting out crappy music. they can gain all the popularity they want, and even though it sucks that trendy kids start liking good bands, i still support the band until they submit to the cliches of the trend and/or write shitty music.
[May 12,2005 1:58pm - Dark Whorse  ""]
It's pretty gay that alot of you base your opinion of a band on what type of crowd listens to them. You sound like highschool kids...Anyways, Mastadon was awesome. They slayed it last night...Oh, BTW, they opened w/ Hearts Alive.
[May 12,2005 4:25pm - anonymous  ""]
DAMN IT! I was hoping that the rev would go to hoods, donnybrook, since the flood, and colin of arabia in haverhill...come on rev, where are you priorities???
[May 12,2005 9:55pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I'm surprised you didn't know he was in TITD. It's funny asking a guy named Merrick about a Mastodon sopng. Since I guess it's their thing to somehow mention the Elephant Man on their albums.

Opening with Hearts Alive is just about the best thing ever. I could hardly hear the vocals real up front, but moving back a little everything was clear. Though, as much more of show this was, I enjoyed them alot more the first time I saw them downstairs.
[May 13,2005 6:43pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
This show was bad ass. I didnt watch death by stereo but they sounded like shit, even though I used to listen to them a LOT.
I only saw the last 2 songs of cult of luna (even though that lasted at least 20 minutes), I thought it was really cool that they played in the dark. It sucked from a photography stand point not to be able to use any flash, so I set my camera on open bulb and made like I was shooting star trails. I have no idea how they're gonna come out, but we'll see soon enough. Cult of Luna's first CD is WAY better then the other 2, even though the new one is still awesome. Anyone who likes neurosis or isis (old or new) will love these guys, and like mastodon, the further back in time you go, the heavier/more metal they get.
Mastodon was awesome as always. I think Troy was stoned out of his mind, but it made for some really cool pictures and they still put on an awesome show. Mostly new stuff, but still old stuff. The sound wasnt perfect in my mind, but it was still cool. Way better then last time I was there but not as good as it's been others.
I dont know what the hell DBS was doing on that tour. Probebly whoever designed the tour package threw them on there for their own reasons, but who knows. They are cool, but only for the type of music that they play. Whatever.
I also think its gay how Mastodon got marketed towards the mainstreem when leviathon came out. Using a quote like: "Mastodon is a 'bands' band" is a lame way to advertise, but advertisers are gay anyways. Yeah they are a band that won't be appreciated by everyone, especially hard core kids that have really closed minds and metal kids that refuse to listen to anything that isn't as heavy and fast as vital remains(who I like a LOT by the way), but anyone with an appreciation for GOOD music knows what the hell is up with bands like that. And it aint just passing the bong either.

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