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[Apr 21,2005 3:12pm - timma ""]
wondering if you still have any RttP hoodies left and if so what sizes...i know you were running low so i wanna grab one before they're gone. i fuckin lost my favorite hoodie yesterday and i'm in dire need of a replacement.
[Apr 21,2005 3:13pm - succubus ""]
what size do you want, i'll put one aside for you =)
he is running low but ther eis at least 1 left in each size
[Apr 21,2005 5:15pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I think I have
5 - small
10 - mediums
16 - larges
3-4 - XL
2 - XXL
[Apr 21,2005 9:50pm - timma ""]
i'm gonna go with a medium, i gotta wait till monday for some $$ but if you could put one aside for me just in case carina that'd be awesome. how much S/H and is money order the best way?
[Apr 21,2005 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
if you pay me through paypal,
I will mail it from the station on monday.
just order one there if you want to pay over paypal.
[Apr 21,2005 11:20pm - timma ""]
excellent, thanks man.

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