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Best BRAWL ever (the funniest anyway)!

[Apr 20,2005 2:49pm - Bronzebronson ""]
After The ASVA/Conifer/Hirudinea show last night.

All the bands were hanging outside near the vans after load out, shootin the shit and havin a grand ol' time after a great show.

On the corner of the mid east was a huge gathering of drunkin hispanic youths screaming and clapping and rarahing the night away. Complete w/ song and anthems. It was a great night, it seemed as though every one on the planet was getting along and having a great time enjoying the wonderful weather after a long cold winter.

Sure as shit all hell broke loose! Our bud Niles called it. I guess the cheers got everyone all jeered up. It was swarming melee of punches kicks and shirt tearing and girls screaming and gun pulling madness. It was funny seeing all of us from the metal show hanging and watching this madness. It was like watching a 30 person bullfight w/o the bull.

[Apr 20,2005 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
damn... no pictures.
[Apr 20,2005 2:51pm - powerkok ""]
So I'm confused as to who actually fought?
[Apr 20,2005 2:52pm - Bronzebronson ""]
I think a couple people got some!!
[Apr 20,2005 2:54pm - Bronzebronson ""]
The hispanic frat party on the corner. one minute they were all buddy buddy next minute total fucking chaos. Then they all hopped in cabs. it was crazy.
Stuart From ASVA saw a dude in the middle of the street toting a pistola!
[Apr 20,2005 2:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I know that I did...
but that's an unrelated topic.
[Apr 20,2005 2:55pm - Bronzebronson ""]
[Apr 20,2005 2:56pm - powerkok ""]
Ahh so it was latin vs latin.
well at least no metal guys were caught in the melee.
Or is it?
[Apr 20,2005 2:59pm - Bronzebronson ""]
Latino superbrawl! a couple spilled out our way and I thought it might trickle down to us. But the Metal Crowd was United and I don't think they wanted any!
[Apr 20,2005 3:27pm - litacore ""]
this sounds funny
[Apr 20,2005 3:30pm - anonymous  ""]
Bronzebronson said:Latino superbrawl! a couple spilled out our way and I thought it might trickle down to us. But the Metal Crowd was United and I don't think they wanted any!

hahahaha thats exactly what happened. i remember me and you being right next to them screaming "yeah do it!!!! get him!!!!" they would just look at us and then start fighting eachother again. haha that was fucking great.
[Apr 20,2005 3:32pm - ninkaszi  ""]
doh! that was me
[Apr 20,2005 5:18pm - Bronzebronson ""]
yeah that was so awesome! Nate and I were laughing the whole way home
[Apr 20,2005 9:15pm - reuben ""]
MUCHA LUCA! that was fucking hilarious!
[Apr 21,2005 1:58am - phantos ""]
damn.. I missed that shit.
[Apr 21,2005 8:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
fuck, i wish i hung out a bit longer, i missed all that latin cowboy action!
[Apr 21,2005 10:07am - litacore nli  ""]
it'd make a great scene in a movie

this anecdote even rivals Christraper's war stories

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