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[Apr 20,2005 9:23am - killerkadoogan ""]
Darren from Colorado says hello
[Apr 20,2005 9:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Darren Saldena or whatever, from Auschwitz Airlines?
[Apr 20,2005 9:31am - killerkadoogan ""]
[Apr 20,2005 9:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
That guy rules.
[Apr 20,2005 9:32am - killerkadoogan ""]
i wish i knew what his band sounded like. all i know is they have the best band name ever.
[Apr 20,2005 11:05pm - pass_around_patty ""]
well thank you gentlemen. this is darren from the state of trendy COcksucking faggot metalcore/emo garbage. i got a new fancy computer just like yesterday so maybe i can put a song or two up on our poser mypage website thing. i barely know how to work this hog bitch so i'll probably need help.

thanks killerkadoogan for leaving that bob a "shout out". one time i emailed bob from the gunmen about getting their CD and he told me i had to service all the members or be smacked. he told me he had a donkey dick of a cod piece.

bob has our first "demo" thing. it's the worst thing ever. basically it was me recording the guitar on a 4 track and then i would do my best to hear out of a little tiny speaker to do drums. i like the guitar but it's something i'm not proud of.

oh yeah, i just checked my email and i'm gonna email you back joe. i'm just thinking about that 'ren and stimpy' episode with killer kadoogan. it made me feel proud to have my name because i think stimpy yelled something like "I LIKE DARREN!!! AND HE LIKES ME!!!!"
[Apr 20,2005 11:08pm - killerkadoogan ""]
haha awesome

can't wait to hear this business
[Apr 21,2005 8:45am - norwellbob ""]
Hey Darren! Long time no speak!

I actually have at least one of your tapes in my car... it's good stuff. I'll have to go back and listen to it again, but a couple of those songs crack me up.

Ben, if you're coming Sunday (and you can get in and all that), I'll try and remember to make you a copy.

Joe, how did you make Darren's acquaintence?

Catch you homos later,
[Apr 21,2005 10:07am - killerkadoogan ""]
i will be there on sunday, and if i cant get in i'll just hang out outside, so i'll be around either way.
[Apr 21,2005 10:30am - SuperFly ""]
I'll tell rick yo bring his video camera, maybe that will help you getting in if you tape the show. or we can just film you standing outside looking all sad.
[Apr 21,2005 10:33am - killerkadoogan ""]
just make a montage of me looking sad walking the streets of allston, and give it to that douche guy so he feels bad.

[Apr 21,2005 10:34am - killerkadoogan ""]
on second thought, i dont think i want that guy to be in possession of a video of me...who knows what he'll do with it...
[Apr 22,2005 12:52am - pass_around_patty ""]
bob, i met joe in february at one of the black history month celebrations. we shared interest in both of our rich african heritage and our love for that bobby ocean song 'get out of my mind, get into my car'. i envy all of you guys out there, you guys with your good music and us colorado folk with true 'death metal' like in death we rise. go to www.indeathwerise.com they say they're death metal/metal/metalcore.
[Apr 22,2005 8:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Darren is the only fan of NotCommon bands who lives past Worcester.

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