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Am I the only one that actually enjoys the two newer In Flames albums?

[Apr 19,2005 12:44am - thegreatspaldino ""]
ok... at first i hated these things... then i got bored and downloaded them both and now they rule. anyone else with me on this?
[Apr 19,2005 12:56am - Josh_hates_you ""]
if i never saw the video on radTV with them jumping up and down like a yo core band then maybe.
[Apr 19,2005 1:21am - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah... i realize what they are trying to do... but this is the best "sell out" music ever. its actually enjoyable. and if they werent so fucking incredible before... and this wasnt called "In Flames" i would like these two albums a lot more.
[Apr 19,2005 2:52am - the_reverend ""]
total commadore 64 metal
[Apr 19,2005 2:53am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i will someday have my video game band... or atleast a studip project... i almost have someone to play guitars for such a project... sooooooo close.
[Apr 19,2005 2:56am - moran ""]
I like waht I've heard from the last couple albums, but I feel that they fucked themselves with COlony. You just can't top that. Spaldino, are you still looking for a keyboard player for that project?
[Apr 19,2005 3:10am - thegreatspaldino ""]
kind of... if its all studio... i can program synth parts in fruity loops
[Apr 19,2005 3:53am - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
I have not heard the last few albums,I don't think
[Apr 19,2005 7:13am - Kalopsia ""]
i liked Soundtrack to Your Escape
[Apr 19,2005 8:15am - destroyyoualot ""]
This image says it all:


I though they went downhill after Jester's Race. Whoracle was pretty amazing, but still...
[Apr 19,2005 6:41pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
its ok because as much as they've sold out... they arent terrible. if i had the chance to make good music instead of awesome music just to sell a lot more records and make a lot more money... i woudl in a fucking heartbeat. you would too.
[Apr 19,2005 6:45pm - Blue ""]
there are slight seconds of reroute that i can actually tolerate, but otherwise, total poo to me. it just seems like they saw american nu metal bands making assloads of money and said to themselves, 'hey, we can do that too.'
[Apr 19,2005 6:45pm - Hooker ""]
He has the worst singing voice I've heard this side of Johnathan Davis.
[Apr 19,2005 6:58pm - dreadkill ""]
thegreatspaldino said:yeah... i realize what they are trying to do... but this is the best "sell out" music ever. its actually enjoyable. and if they werent so fucking incredible before... and this wasnt called "In Flames" i would like these two albums a lot more.

i'm with you on that. reroute grew on me, except for the awful vocals. i enjoyed the newest one, especially the drumming, for a couple weeks, but then it got old on me. i like both better than clayman. clayman has a few good songs, but it is mostly crap. jester race will always be my favorite.
[Apr 19,2005 6:59pm - dreadkill ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i will someday have my video game band... or atleast a studip project... i almost have someone to play guitars for such a project... sooooooo close.

join powerglove, the best video game band around.
[Apr 19,2005 7:20pm - eddie ""]
[Apr 19,2005 7:54pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i really enjoyed reroute to remain

i didn't however care for the new one...it all was too similar...reroute to remain was cool because they tried a lot of stuff in major key, almost happy sounding, and it came out pretty cool i thought.
[Apr 19,2005 8:45pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
dreadkill said:thegreatspaldino said:i will someday have my video game band... or atleast a studip project... i almost have someone to play guitars for such a project... sooooooo close.

join powerglove, the best video game band around.

i want to... but i dont know... my schedule is weird... besides... i NEED to have certain songs covered first and the chance of those getting recorded before others (i mean... gerudo valley? that theme is ok...) is slim to slim. flame stag's theme and the intro stage to megaman x3 need to done right now. when i get my speed back, i want spark mandrill's theme done. theme of simon, esaka, gradius 3 music, chip and dale final stage, and others are neglected and have to be given attention. but whatever... i want to try out sometime.
[Apr 19,2005 10:00pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Is Powerglove ever going to cover shit from Chrono Trigger?
[Apr 19,2005 11:05pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I like these two new records, downloaded a bunch of tracks and think they're pretty cool.

Their shit seems pretty original.
[Apr 20,2005 12:12am - wakeoftears ""]
eddie said:yes

[Apr 24,2005 10:16am - xxblackscreamsxx ""]
fuck inflames their new shit is lame. They used to own soil work is going down the tubes also
[Apr 24,2005 5:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
__THeMoor__ said:i really enjoyed reroute to remain

i didn't however care for the new one...it all was too similar...reroute to remain was cool because they tried a lot of stuff in major key, almost happy sounding, and it came out pretty cool i thought.

Most of their old stuff was in a major key, it just didn't suck. I did enjoy the Commodore 64 version of "Moonshield", though.

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