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For Sale: Selling all my wireless units, basses, guitars and shitty cymbals

[Apr 9,2005 1:52pm - niccolai ""]
I need to save up for my shecter custom shop bitches.
so I'm trying to sell all my other shit to make some cash.

-Shure UT wireless units (with lavier mics) - $250.00 each
I have five of these. You can buy a cable for 15$ that allows you to use the wireless units for guitar and bass.

-Dean accoustic (needs strings and bridge pins) - 20.00

-Blue ESP LTD B104 bass (mint condition, never really used) - $200.00
I only spent like $275 on it but I never used it so I can't go lower

-Spector Q5 5 string bass (excellen condition) - $300.00
See through black w/ quilted maple top. new it's like 700$

-Black Epiphone JR (single humbucker, exc condition) - 50.00$
These go for like 99$ new

-camber 14 inch hi-hats (hardly used) - $20.00

-Pearl 18 inch crash/ride and pearl 14"hats (terrible shape) - $15.00
I used the hats as crashes. Nothings broken, but the hats are dented.

-zildjian cymbal bag with xl tshirt. (brand new, still in package) - $10.00

also, I may sell my ESP 5 string and bcrich KKV finally.
[Apr 10,2005 2:43pm - niccolai ""]
Alright, I'm adding the ESP 5 string

-Esp LTD b105 trans blue. (excelent condition, thin scratch on the back but it can easily be buffed out) - $250.00
[Apr 10,2005 7:22pm - niccolai ""]
I uploaded pictues. If you need any more, let me know.

Spector Q5:

ESP B104 and B105:

Epiphone les paul:

Dean Accoustic:

Shure UT wirless:

Chamber and Pearl Hihats:

Pearl crash/ride:

Cymbal bag and shirt:

[Apr 11,2005 5:30pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
buy niccolai's stuff dammit!
[Apr 11,2005 5:58pm - powerkok ""]
Im broke, but I must lol @ Camber.
[Apr 11,2005 7:27pm - niccolai ""]
Lol I got the Cambers for my very first drumset. it was like a 'pro sonic' set. I maybe be selling my pearl drumset too very soon.
[Apr 14,2005 9:30am - niccolai ""]
[Apr 14,2005 11:39am - timma nli  ""]
that spector is nasty man, i'm almost willing to sell some shit that i shouldn't sell just to pick it up.
[Apr 14,2005 12:13pm - dreaminginexile ""]
man, if I had the cash, I'd buy one of them wireless sets off of you. I need one for my guitar... and a $15 cable ain't bad to get it to work with an instrument. It's not like I'm active on stage really, it's more that I get buried on stage and I don't feel like un tangling cables if I were to wander around with 7 of us on stage. maybe if my taxes come in soon...
[Apr 14,2005 2:28pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
If the Spector has active pickups I would be very interested in purchasing it.
[Apr 14,2005 3:44pm - Anthony nli  ""]
TerribleNightSteve said:If the Spector has active pickups I would be very interested in purchasing it.

I'm not selling this but I can answer that question, the Spector has EMG-HZ pickups. They're passive, but the bass probably has an active preamp and the pickups are about as active sounding as you're gonna get for passive pickups.

That being said, if you did buy the bass it would be really easy and probably cost you about $100 total (if you shopped around) to throw in an EMG-DC 35 or EMG-DC 40 or EMG-CS or even Bartolinis, because they all make humbuckers that would fit in the space where the pickups currently are so you would not need to do any routing.

[Apr 14,2005 3:48pm - Anthony nli  ""]
hmm at least they look like EMG-HZs. I'm pretty sure they are.

At any rate the other stuff I said is true.
[Apr 14,2005 4:46pm - niccolai ""]
He's right. HZ electric guitar models are passive, but can be modified with an active booster. As far as bass goes, this has the active booster and it's pretty common for HZs to come with an active booster.
[Apr 14,2005 5:00pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
I really wanted a brand new bass but for 300 bucks I don't think I can pass this up. Especially since my shitty Ibanez is about to blow up. Excellent condition you say?
[Apr 14,2005 5:03pm - Hooker ""]
put a picture of the kkv up
[Apr 14,2005 5:06pm - niccolai ""]
Theres 2 or three nicks in the bass that I can take picures of if you'd like. also, the strings are a bit old, they work, but you might want to replace them in the coming months.

I'm not to sure if I want to sell the KKV yet, it's kindof a last resort, but I'll post a picture.
[Apr 14,2005 5:26pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
Yeah, if it's not a lot of trouble I would like to see the nicks. Either way though as long as its not anything crazy I'll probably buy it.
[Apr 14,2005 5:37pm - niccolai nli  ""]
no, nothing crazy. the worst one is by the input, it's about a popcorn cournel sized nick and the wood is barely visable. sorry if the pictures are low quality, but I'm not the best photographer and I'm using a pretty awful camera.

and heres the KKV it's mint.
[Apr 14,2005 5:40pm - niccolai nli  ""]
on the Q5, theres a nick by the input, and some slight scratching, than on the top horn, as you can see, theres about 3 nicks, only one is noticable if your looking for it. The HS is in perfect shape, so isdn't the top and back of the body. the necks good also.
My only problem as far as sound goes with this bass is the strings. It sounds much better than the bass I use for terminally, but the bass I use for terminally has a 34" scale wich I like much more.
[Apr 14,2005 5:42pm - niccolai nli  ""]
also, I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I don't have cases for the guitars I've posted. If someone buys any of the guitars, they are going to haveto take them home naked.
[Apr 14,2005 6:30pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
Not bad at all, how would you like to arrange this sale?
[Apr 14,2005 6:31pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
I don't mind picking it up from you.
[Apr 14,2005 6:35pm - niccolai ""]
Wichever is closer to where you live, you can come by my place in whitman (around the brockton/weymouth area) or if your closer to boston, you could come to Tyag practice next week and pick it up there.
[Apr 14,2005 6:37pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
when would practice be next week?
[Apr 14,2005 6:39pm - niccolai ""]
thursday. We practice in aliston. about 10 minutes from where we played the show at the BCCA
[Apr 14,2005 6:42pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
sounds good, what time do you practice?
[Apr 14,2005 6:45pm - niccolai ""]
usually 7-12 ish
[Apr 14,2005 6:46pm - niccolai ""]
theres a slight chance we will practice earlier in the week, as we sometimes practice monday, Where abouts do you live? if we were to practice monday I could give you a call.
[Apr 14,2005 6:49pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
I live in Chelsea, next to Boston, so either Monday or Thursday is fine with me.

[Apr 14,2005 6:50pm - niccolai ""]
IM me on Aim (if you have it) and give me your number or something. I'll call you the day before to let you know (my aim sn is Xedora)
[Apr 14,2005 6:53pm - Hooker ""]
oh it's a gay one. nevermind.
[Apr 14,2005 6:56pm - niccolai ""]
yea, it's not one of the NJ Signature models.
I'd like to avoid selling it, as it was a gift.
[Apr 15,2005 11:31am - niccolai ""]
The epiphone les paul is gone.
[Apr 15,2005 12:35pm - dreaminginexile ""]
How much for the KKV?
[Apr 15,2005 12:52pm - powerkok ""]
Id offer u no more than 100 for the KKV.
Not to offend you or anything, but just cuz I know how junky those things are.
They might as well be made out of cardboard.
[Apr 15,2005 1:07pm - Hooker ""]
But it's got a sweet tribal design. And tribal designs are awesome. Just look at my tat on my bicep.

-date rapist steakhead
[Apr 15,2005 1:29pm - niccolai ""]
Lol. Yea, they are about 300$ new with the case and poster and gay head bandana thing.
Definately not my favorate guitar but it looks nice on my wall.
It plays nice and the stock pickups are pretty good, considering the price range.
At this point, it's not for sale though.
[Apr 15,2005 2:00pm - powerkok ""]
If they are the same p/u's as the nj series...(which I think they are) then ya, I'd agree about them being decent.
My Nj Warlock supreme had em, but they were a bit too 'honky' for me, so I put a Dimarzio drop sonic in it and its much more defined.
Definitley decent stock p/u's tho.
[Apr 15,2005 2:02pm - powerkok ""]
Hooker....you fell victim to the tribal too eh?
Im covering my gay tribal scorpio with a non gay something cool.
I dont know what yet.
[Apr 15,2005 5:46pm - niccolai ""]
BC Rich's stock pickups on basically all thier guitars are BDSMs.
They are like a watered down EMG HZ.
I prefer the dimarzio X2ns over all.
[Apr 20,2005 9:18pm - niccolai ""]
Bumb nigga.
The Epiphone les paul is gone and the spector is going tomorrow hopefully, everything else is still up for grabs and I'm adding another ESP b104 to the list for 150$ it's transparent red and has a few nicks and two of the knobs are after market.
[Apr 21,2005 12:14pm - destroyyoualot ""]
niccolai said:Spector Q5:


You son of a bitch, I am so fucking broke, and I still owe $200 on an '86 Kramer Rhoads V. I would sell my grandma on the street for that bass, though.

[Apr 21,2005 12:32pm - niccolai ""]
I like it too, but I need to make cash for my stack and my handmade stiletto.
[Apr 22,2005 9:42am - niccolai ""]
The Spector is gone, The les paul isn't though, the kid backed out.
I'm relisting the prices for everything, and lowering them slightly.

-Shure UT wireless units (with lavier mics) - $225.00 each
I have five of these. You can buy a cable for 15$ that allows you to use the wireless units for guitar and bass.

-Dean accoustic (needs strings and bridge pins) - 20.00

-Blue ESP LTD B104 bass (mint condition, never really used) - $175.00
I only spent like $275 on it but I never used it so I can't go lower

-Red ESP LTD B104 bass (has a pretty nasty chip in the paint on the bottom) - $125.00
the finish has seen better days, but for an extra 25$ I'll refinish it for you in the color of your choice.

-Esp LTD b105 trans blue. (excelent condition, thin scratch on the back but it can easily be buffed out) - $225.00

-Black Epiphone JR (single humbucker, exc condition) - 50.00$
These go for like 99$ new

-camber 14 inch hi-hats (hardly used) - $15.00

-Pearl 18 inch crash/ride and pearl 14"hats (terrible shape) - $10.00
I used the hats as crashes. Nothings broken, but the hats are dented.

-zildjian cymbal bag with xl tshirt. (brand new, still in package) - $10.00

That's really as low as I can go.
[Apr 22,2005 9:46am - powerkok ""]
hmm 50 bucks for the epi huh?

Thats the lp jr? hrmm.
Not my thing, but $50 is a sweet deal.
I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that wants a cheap guitar.
I'll get back to you.
[Apr 22,2005 10:42am - niccolai ""]
cool, thanks.
[Apr 22,2005 6:45pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
Niccolai, I love the bass. Sorry I couldn't listen to you guys last night but my girlfriend was waiting in the car and we both had work at 5:45 this morning. I do want to hear you guys some time though. I didn't get to hear that much at the show.
[Apr 22,2005 10:02pm - niccolai ""]
Not a problem. your welcome at our practices and shows any time.
[Apr 24,2005 8:10pm - niccolai ""]
[Apr 24,2005 9:55pm - niccolai ""]
I'm adding the PA and SWR half stack to the list.

-Shure UT wireless units (with lavier mics) - $225.00 each
I have five of these. You can buy a cable for 15$ that allows you to use the wireless units for guitar and bass.

-Dean accoustic (needs strings and bridge pins) - 20.00

-Blue ESP LTD B104 bass (mint condition, never really used) - $175.00
I only spent like $275 on it but I never used it so I can't go lower

-Red ESP LTD B104 bass (has a pretty nasty chip in the paint on the bottom) - $125.00
the finish has seen better days, but for an extra 25$ I'll refinish it for you in the color of your choice.

-Esp LTD b105 trans blue. (excelent condition, thin scratch on the back but it can easily be buffed out) - $225.00

-Black Epiphone JR (single humbucker, exc condition) - 50.00$
These go for like 99$ new

-camber 14 inch hi-hats (hardly used) - $15.00

-Pearl 18 inch crash/ride and pearl 14"hats (terrible shape) - $10.00
I used the hats as crashes. Nothings broken, but the hats are dented.

-zildjian cymbal bag with xl tshirt. (brand new, still in package) - $10.00

-Yamaha PA (speakers, stands, cables) - $700.00

SWR workingman half stack - 800$

[May 12,2005 10:04am - niccolai nli  ""]
check check it
[May 16,2005 9:06pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
what model is the dean?
[May 17,2005 9:13am - niccolai nli  ""]
It's a playmate.
they are pretty crappy: like 80$ new
I only want 20$ for it, but I'm fexible.

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