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[Apr 7,2005 6:39pm - killerkadoogan ""]
It has been brought to my attention that your upcoming show together at obrien's is on a sunday, meaning mr. douche bag who hates minors wont be working.

therefore, i think i should be your merch guy or videotape your set or something, so as to be allowed inside.
[Apr 7,2005 7:56pm - norwellbob ""]
If you got the camcorder, I'd love for you to videotape. If not (and nobody else has one for you to use), then you can either take still pics with my digital camera or work the merch table (not that we have much merch).

We'll find a way, brother.

[Apr 8,2005 7:48am - SuperFly ""]
Rick has a video camera. I'm sure he'll let you use it to tape the show.
Anything for 'Lil Ben.
[Apr 16,2005 2:01pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i'm a little slow on the draw, i know.

i think i can get a video camera. i just hope that dude isnt working...
[Apr 16,2005 3:03pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wish I could go to this... Even THE GUNMEN can't take on the King though!
[Apr 19,2005 9:59pm - norwellbob ""]
I'll END that European cock-tester.

Has Anybody Ever Told You How King Diamond You Are?

BestialOnslaught said:I wish I could go to this... Even THE GUNMEN can't take on the King though!

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