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What the fuck is it with girls?

[Apr 6,2005 10:39am - Christraper ""]
It's been the same with the last three girlfriends that I've had that I can honestly call girlfriends and not some two week fling. Whenever we first start hanging out theyre totally laid back, they like hanging out with me and my friends, they dont care if I smoke pot, and they like to have lots and lots of sex.
Then a month rolls by and somehow theyve transformed into this demanding selfish little princess that NEVER wants to hang out with me and my friends, hates that I smoke pot and constantly tries to get me to quit and hardly ever wants to fuck. Is this what marriage feels like? Because if it is Im sure as hell never going to get married.
Maybe I just shouldnt have a girlfriend at all. I dont think Im very good at this whole "relationship" thing.
I dont understand what these girls were attracted to in the first place. It certainly wasn't me because after a couple of months they always try to mold me into someone Im not. And that there's some bullshit.
This shit is dripping with gay sauce.
Some of my roomates smoke. I was stoned all night last night but she didnt seem to notice or care and all was well. I went to bed early and woke up at 5 in the morning alone in my bed. I went looking around the house to see if she was sick or something and I found her sleeping somewhere else because she smelt pot smoke in the basement WHICH MIGHT NOT HAVE COME FROM ME and didnt want to sleep in my bed because she thought id smell like pot. EVEN THOUGH... we'd been hanging out the whole night and she never noticed before hand.
So in an effort to make some mindless point to get me to quit smoking she succeeded in pissing me off and making me loose an hour and a half of well needed rest.
And just for the record I didnt smell like pot anyways because I brushed my teeth and washed up LIKE I ALWAYS DO before I went to bed.
In conclusion, girls are wierd.
[Apr 6,2005 10:41am - anonymous  ""]
dear livejournal
[Apr 6,2005 10:45am - Christraper ""]
Kiss my sphincter. Im surprised at you anonymous poster. I wouldve expected more support from someone like you. I thought we were friends.....
[Apr 6,2005 10:47am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
girls are weird. this is true.

i hate that bullshit. the minute i feel like my freedom is suffocated in the tiniest way, i freak out. it sucks when they seem fine then the true colors shine through.
[Apr 6,2005 10:47am - BONGBLASTER4000  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 10:54am - Scoracrasia ""]
I love being single and not tied down anymore. your shit situation sounded exactly like my relationships, but mine with drinkin'. I went through 15 years straight of relationships, I am through. Now, they are all fucked up now and I have custody of my kids and she never sees them. My, how the tides have turned. She is a drug addict now and makes no effort to see my kids. She hasn't seen or called once in 5 months. Woman are good for only one thing, and half the time they suck at that. I am so much better off being single, been this way for four years and I fuckin' love it, and that will never change. Dump that bitch. They are all control freaks.
[Apr 6,2005 11:42am - pisscup ""]
Scoracrasia said:control freaks.

[Apr 6,2005 11:52am - strangles kittens  ""]
donkey punch the bitch..

then blast her in her eye, then tell her you have the syphillis
[Apr 6,2005 11:54am - Christraper ""]
And that will accomplish what?
[Apr 6,2005 11:58am - Boots wtf  ""]
i wish they made donkey punching pornos. donkey punch #34 "how's your head bitch"
[Apr 6,2005 11:59am - BONGBLASTER4000  ""]
Christraper said:And that will accomplish what?

[Apr 6,2005 12:00pm - Christraper ""]
I happen to like the "bitch" very much. She just pisses me off quite a bit.
[Apr 6,2005 12:04pm - BONGBLASTER4000  ""]
Christraper said:I happen to like the "bitch" very much. She just pisses me off quite a bit.

[Apr 6,2005 12:06pm - Christraper ""]
BONGBLASTER4000 said:Christraper said:I happen to like the "bitch" very much. She just pisses me off quite a bit.


You aren't an ICP fan by any chance are you?

[Apr 6,2005 12:06pm - Boots wtf  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 12:07pm - BONGBLASTER4000  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 12:08pm - Christraper ""]
well thats good...
[Apr 6,2005 12:10pm - BONGBLASTER4000  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 12:37pm - timma ""]
its quite simple my friend...
women are complex creatures that should not be figured out nor severly analyzed because if us men actually figured out what in the hell they're thinking the universe would implode in on itself and we'd all be doomed.

not to mention they find intense erotic pleasure in consistently mind-fucking us to no end. and further more, no one is "good" at relationships, some people just have a much higher tolerance for abuse than others.
[Apr 6,2005 12:47pm - Xammael ""]
What reasons does she give for disliking weed?
[Apr 6,2005 12:49pm - the_reverend ""]
anonymous said:dear livejournal


and I guess "the honeymoon is over"
[Apr 6,2005 12:51pm - ~Carina  ""]
I love how most of these replies stereotype women
..i\'m sorry that you guys have had bad experiences with girls..but where are you looking? i will say when you first start a relationship usually BOTH parties make an effort...and could be considered fake.
IF you are not happy in a relationship, then get out of it, pretty simple.
On a related note i\'m sooo sick of reading posts by girls who get dumped by a guy who never treated them properly to begin with and regularly cheat on them and want to die without the guy. (no not posts on here) maybe christraper you should start treating them like shit and maybe then things will be better, there are way too many idiots out there
[Apr 6,2005 12:55pm - the_reverend ""]
one truth: idiots are males and females.
[Apr 6,2005 1:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So I was doing this chick who I still like alot like a friend and like two months later she's like 'I want a commited relationship' and that I'm obviously 'not interested in her'. Not as a girlfriend, no. and now she accuses me of using her as a "last resort" for when I'm bored or need a ride. Which is a load of shit. I Like her respect her alot. Maybe I should get a girlfriend and stop TRYING to "play the field."
[Apr 6,2005 1:21pm - timma nli  ""]
the_reverend said:one truth: idiots are males and females.

[Apr 6,2005 1:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
BUT the problem is I'm rather shy when it comes to talking to chicks. And when I do I'm honest and chicks don't want honesty. They may SAY that they do, but the're full of shit. Oops, there I go again.
[Apr 6,2005 1:26pm - ~Carina  ""]
ok Christraper...guess who emailed me?
[Apr 6,2005 1:30pm - Christraper ""]
HAHAHA!!!! I wonder!
[Apr 6,2005 1:31pm - powerkok ""]
your problem is , youre looking for a girl in New England.

Everyone knows you havta go out of the tri state area to find worthwhile bitches.
Go to Philly....theres tons of hot, smart bitches there. all with big tits.
I dont know why. Its really weird.
[Apr 6,2005 1:31pm - Christraper ""]
swamplorddvm said:BUT the problem is I'm rather shy when it comes to talking to chicks. And when I do I'm honest and chicks don't want honesty. They may SAY that they do, but the're full of shit. Oops, there I go again.

I totally agree. Anytime Ive met a girl I thought was hot and said "Hey, mind if I toss your salad?" it never went the way I planned.

[Apr 6,2005 1:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hahaha tell me about it.

[Apr 6,2005 1:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh, and usually they have a get a boyfriend by the time I gather enough balls to make my move. Or they just live eightybillion miles away.
[Apr 6,2005 1:35pm - Christraper ""]
"Hey Doll, don't take this the wrong way since youve enever met me before but Id really like to eat Jello out of your ass with a spoon..."
[Apr 6,2005 1:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
With men like YOU around, I wish I were a chick.
[Apr 6,2005 1:38pm - powerkok ""]
Maybe youre really searching for the right man. You just dont know it yet?
[Apr 6,2005 1:40pm - bigfatteddybear  ""]
girls are creatures we must respect and fear. men are self centered egotistical whiny babies myself being a man i speak from experience. it sounds like a lot of people have't found true love, or the one they want to be with for the rest of your lives, if your looking for it, it wont happen, it kind of like watching water boil. it just has to happen, forcing yourself to find love just causes stress... if you dont get along and the other person wants you to change, if you like them, step back from yourself look at the situation, DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE? if not then it most likely isn't worth your while. if you do then think about how you can comprimise. a relationship isn't just "fucking, and hanging" its about being together w/someone and being absolutly content to the core w/ just being with that someone.... its a lot of hard work and tears and blood and pain and all that other jazz, but if you can find that one person for yourself its all worth it..... p.s. bars and metal shows are no the best place to find mr and ms right... looks somewhere outside your natural element, i found someone who is the complete opposite of me (dosn't like metal), and we have been together for a crap load of years, we are bestfriends/ lovers and are engaed to be married.... life is good for me........
[Apr 6,2005 1:43pm - wakeoftears ""]
You know, this is how my girl used to be. We had our rocky times, our breakups, and our huge fuckin fights, but everything is cool now. Sure, its taken comin up on like 3 years, but we're at a point now where im not losing my mind every day trying to keep her off my back and trying to keep her happy. She chilled out a whole lot, and it makes me glad that all our hard work payed off because im really happy with her now. She still doesnt like that I smoke butts, so I try and keep that to a minimum around her, and she doesnt really like the idea of drugs beyond alcohol and pot anymore (I used to be a crazy user - done just about everything there is to put into my body). But even when I do smoke or tell her about how I plan on tripping again soon she understands. We've come to a point where we understand each other very well and everything seems to be working out great.

PS. Shes hott as shit and LOVES the cack.
[Apr 6,2005 1:44pm - powerkok ""]
Youre telling this to a guy that eats jello out of chicks asses, and calls himself Christraper.
[Apr 6,2005 1:45pm - Christraper ""]
swamplorddvm said:With men like YOU around, I wish I were a chick.

wow....im like.....blushing...
[Apr 6,2005 1:46pm - Christraper ""]
powerkok said:aww.
Youre telling this to a guy that eats jello out of chicks asses, and calls himself Christraper.

HAHAHAHA!!!! Yea if thats not a red light i dont know what is...

[Apr 6,2005 1:47pm - powerkok ""]
[Apr 6,2005 1:49pm - Christraper ""]
Hey baby, my names Jay but people who don't really know me call me Christraper....
[Apr 6,2005 1:50pm - Christraper ""]
can I eat jello out of your ass?
[Apr 6,2005 1:53pm - blackholevagina  ""]
i have huge tits and super wet vagina, any body want to fuck me?
[Apr 6,2005 1:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hahaha sure why not?
[Apr 6,2005 2:23pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
the_reverend said:one truth: idiots are males and females.

that really is all that there is to say.
[Apr 6,2005 2:26pm - dumb bell  ""]
powerkok said:your problem is , youre looking for a girl in New England.

Everyone knows you havta go out of the tri state area to find worthwhile bitches.
Go to Philly....theres tons of hot, smart bitches there. all with big tits.
I dont know why. Its really weird.

Powerkok's right. If I want to get laid I have to leave New England in order to get some. Is it just me or are girls from New England the most stuck up and superficial douche bags anywhere? It seems like if you live in New England it takes money and status to get your willy wet.
[Apr 6,2005 2:29pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Christraper said:It's been the same with the last three girlfriends that I've had that I can honestly call girlfriends and not some two week fling. Whenever we first start hanging out theyre totally laid back, they like hanging out with me and my friends, they dont care if I smoke pot, and they like to have lots and lots of sex.
Then a month rolls by and somehow theyve transformed into this demanding selfish little princess that NEVER wants to hang out with me and my friends, hates that I smoke pot and constantly tries to get me to quit and hardly ever wants to fuck. Is this what marriage feels like? Because if it is Im sure as hell never going to get married.
Maybe I just shouldnt have a girlfriend at all. I dont think Im very good at this whole "relationship" thing.
I dont understand what these girls were attracted to in the first place. It certainly wasn't me because after a couple of months they always try to mold me into someone Im not. And that there's some bullshit.
This shit is dripping with gay sauce.
Some of my roomates smoke. I was stoned all night last night but she didnt seem to notice or care and all was well. I went to bed early and woke up at 5 in the morning alone in my bed. I went looking around the house to see if she was sick or something and I found her sleeping somewhere else because she smelt pot smoke in the basement WHICH MIGHT NOT HAVE COME FROM ME and didnt want to sleep in my bed because she thought id smell like pot. EVEN THOUGH... we'd been hanging out the whole night and she never noticed before hand.
So in an effort to make some mindless point to get me to quit smoking she succeeded in pissing me off and making me loose an hour and a half of well needed rest.
And just for the record I didnt smell like pot anyways because I brushed my teeth and washed up LIKE I ALWAYS DO before I went to bed.
In conclusion, girls are wierd.

im pretty sure its called "growing up"... that might make people become *gasp* responsible and not act like a 15 year old and smoke and fuck all day. crazy humans and their need to progress... who needs em?
[Apr 6,2005 2:31pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
dumb bell said:powerkok said:your problem is , youre looking for a girl in New England.

Everyone knows you havta go out of the tri state area to find worthwhile bitches.
Go to Philly....theres tons of hot, smart bitches there. all with big tits.
I dont know why. Its really weird.

Powerkok's right. If I want to get laid I have to leave New England in order to get some. Is it just me or are girls from New England the most stuck up and superficial douche bags anywhere? It seems like if you live in New England it takes money and status to get your willy wet.

that's not true. If you don't have those two things, you can always break down and settle for some nasty ghetto crackwhore.
[Apr 6,2005 2:32pm - Christraper ""]
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.
[Apr 6,2005 2:34pm - dumb bell  ""]
"Growing up"... Such a conformist and shitty term. "Growing up" is highly over rated.
[Apr 6,2005 2:35pm - Christraper ""]
I agree. Growing up is for chumps.
[Apr 6,2005 2:37pm - Christraper ""]
And this post wasnt about me not getting any because thats just not true. It was about how every girl ive ever dated completely changed after things got serious.
[Apr 6,2005 2:50pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Christraper said:Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.

sure there is. there is no substance to life if you indulge in two completely inconsequential activities that dont accomplish anything except for being a selfish asshole. there are a ton of other aspects of being alive that are far more rewarding than that. not realizing that is the downfall of you, as an actual human being. its what i was referring to in my last post. the fact that a person would honestly believe that smoking and fucking all day is worthwhile is absurd. not to mention that you will get bored with it after about a week. i dont know... im sure its all opinion based... but damn, i sure as hell hope that people dont really find such a shallow lifestyle appealing.
[Apr 6,2005 2:52pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Christraper said:And this post wasnt about me not getting any because thats just not true. It was about how every girl ive ever dated completely changed after things got serious.

i cant really stress that anymore...
[Apr 6,2005 3:01pm - Hooker ""]
Just fucking stop having girlfriends. Just nail chicks.
[Apr 6,2005 3:17pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
Let's describe a certain female. A female with the disease of character
and attitude. If you will a snob. However in a view of NWA...

A bitch is a bitch (bitch)
So if I'm poor or rich (word up)
I talk in the exact same pitch
Now the title bitch don't apply to all women
But all women have a little bitch in 'em (yeah)
It's like a disease that's plagues their character
Takin' the women of America (yeah)
And it starts with a letter B
It makes a girl like that think she better than me (bitch)
See, some get mad and some just bury
But, yo, if the shoe fits wear it (wear it)
It makes 'em go deaf in the ear
That's why when you say 'hi' she won't say 'hi'
Are you the kind that think you're too damn fly?
Bitch eat shit 'n die (ha, ha)
Ice cube comin' at you at crazy pitch
(Why?) I think a bitch is a bitch

'Who the fuck you think you're callin' a bitch you little ? muthafucka?
I dunno who the fuck you think you're talkin' to. Let me tell you one
muthafuckin' thang, I'm not a...' 'Bitch, shut the fuck up.'

Yo, you can tell a girl that's out for the money (How?)
She look good and the bitch won't phony
She ain't no dummy she's right the ...
Yo, bitch fuck when I'm driving
See a young nigga that's striving
You're thru' without a BMW
That's why a bitch is a bitch
I guess, or ether P-M-S
Here, test the girl that's kinda snobby (a'ight)
And I bet you dis a nigga is her hobby
And after she finished the test
Write today a B-I-T-C-H
And watch her get mad 'cause she know it's true (she know it)
But a nigga like me, I say 'fuck you'
Do like Ice Cube, slam her ass in a ditch (slam her ass)
'Cause a bitch is a bitch

'Why I gonna be a bitch?'
'I ain't call you no bitch. If you'd listen to a goddamn song it'd tell
you what a bitch is.'
'Fuck the song 'cause I'm not no muthafuckin' bitch.'
'I didn't say you was a bitch.'
'Fuck you, punk-ass nigga!'
'Fuck you, bitch!
'Fuck you! Who the fuck you think you are?
'Fuck you! Suck my dick, bitch!

I once knew a bitch who got a slack
'Cause she playing me like she was all that
A bitch can be your best friend talking behind your back (yeah)
About who's fucking who and who's getting fat
Look at yourself for me, (look bitch)
Now do you fall in this category?
Or you're the kind that won't bleak
'Cause you don't think, yo, shit stinks
Luckily I haven't had a drink
'Cause I'll down you ass
Than I'll clown your ass
'Cause the niggas I hang with ain't rich (I ain't rich)
We're all saying 'Fuck you bitch!' (Word up!)
Now, what I can do with a hoe like you
Been your ass over then I'm thru'
? that you see Ice Cube ain't takin' no shit
(Why?) 'Cause I think a bitch is a bitch

There you have it. The description of a bitch. Now ask yourself,
are they talking about you? Are you that funky, dirty, money-hungry,
scandalous, stuck-up, hair piece contact wearing bitch? Yep, you
probably are.


[Apr 6,2005 4:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ive been completely straight up honest the last couple weeks with the girls ive met, and fully expressed my intentions and been 100% honest and myself, and this in turn has somehow gotten them more interested in me. My friend and i were commenting on how he tries with all these fairy tales to get women, and i just stand and be myself and more talk to me. I dont know why, but it works, let them come to you and stand your ground, it'll make the good ones better and the fake ones bounce.
[Apr 6,2005 4:50pm - Hooker ""]
You have to be straight up. Keith is right.

"I just want to hook up with hot broads"


"yep. that's the truth"

[Apr 6,2005 4:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
thegreatspaldino said:Christraper said:Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.

sure there is. there is no substance to life if you indulge in two completely inconsequential activities that dont accomplish anything except for being a selfish asshole. there are a ton of other aspects of being alive that are far more rewarding than that. not realizing that is the downfall of you, as an actual human being. its what i was referring to in my last post. the fact that a person would honestly believe that smoking and fucking all day is worthwhile is absurd. not to mention that you will get bored with it after about a week. i dont know... im sure its all opinion based... but damn, i sure as hell hope that people dont really find such a shallow lifestyle appealing.

Spoken like a straight edge virgin.

[Apr 6,2005 4:59pm - KeithMutiny ""]
HEY im a straight edge virgin
[Apr 6,2005 4:59pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
sucks to be you
[Apr 6,2005 5:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
... im a liar too
[Apr 6,2005 5:08pm - Hooker ""]
Dude, chicks just can't accept the fact that I'm also in love with Mary Jane, bro.

I mean, one minute this chick's all like in my Iroc, and I just got off work at fuckin' pepboys and so you know I'm totally blazed, and we're just cruisin and crankin' tunes and she goes "OH SHIT!! Is this Out of the Dark Into the Light?" and I'm like "fuckin' A it is!!" and then I think to myself... how cool is it that I landed a chick who not only like Kreator... but also weighs in at a slim and trim 168 lbs?!! Fuckin' A, DUDE!!

But then, after six months of watching me play air guitar while I drink Capri Sun and smoke my paycheck away, she gets all fuckin' bitchy. I mean... what the fuck? Fuck that. I'm gonna go post about it on RTTP. Those bros know how to deal with shit like this.
[Apr 6,2005 5:23pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 6:59pm - powerkok ""]
the vikings are reclaiming this fag laden area.
Go home, nothing to see here.
[Apr 6,2005 9:16pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 7,2005 2:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hooker said:Just fucking stop having girlfriends. Just nail chicks.

THAT will eventually get you into trouble.

[Apr 7,2005 3:54pm - Hooker ""]
Depends on if you try to hide it, or if you just lay the law down. Tell it like it is.
[Apr 7,2005 4:08pm - SacDouche  ""]
all girls are crazy...because they are not human...they are some strange berserk extraterrestrial beings
[Apr 7,2005 8:34pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Josh_Martin said:thegreatspaldino said:Christraper said:Theres absolutely nothing wrong with smoking and fucking all day.

sure there is. there is no substance to life if you indulge in two completely inconsequential activities that dont accomplish anything except for being a selfish asshole. there are a ton of other aspects of being alive that are far more rewarding than that. not realizing that is the downfall of you, as an actual human being. its what i was referring to in my last post. the fact that a person would honestly believe that smoking and fucking all day is worthwhile is absurd. not to mention that you will get bored with it after about a week. i dont know... im sure its all opinion based... but damn, i sure as hell hope that people dont really find such a shallow lifestyle appealing.

Spoken like a straight edge virgin.

yeah... lets ignore the fact that i totally am not into hardcore or fighting people for no reason. i also drink occasionally and fuck huge librarians from time to time.

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