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band looking for drummer in seacoast area.

[Apr 5,2005 9:03pm - hybrid ""]
burdens will be broken is in search of a drummer. we're a metal band, out of somersworth NH, and we'd like to find a drummer between the ages of 17 and 21. you can checkout our myspace account http://www.myspace.com/burdenswillbebroken for some shitty basement recordings if you'd like. influences being the red chord, hamartia, deadwater drowning, psyopus, beyond the sixth seal, as i lay dying etc. if you have any questions, contact me on aim- dropdeadfred732 or e-mail me theukm@yahoo.com
[Apr 9,2005 1:15am - hybrid ""]
[Apr 9,2005 2:50am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Oh snap my cousins live in Somersworthless
[Apr 10,2005 2:56pm - hybrid ""]
scumersworth is actually the coined phrase, do they drum? haha.
[Apr 17,2005 3:43pm - hybrid ""]
[Apr 17,2005 4:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought scumersworth was it's actual name.
[Apr 21,2005 9:57am - hybrid ""]
that may happen in coming years... one last bump before we have a few drummers come tryout this weekend.
[Dec 7,2005 8:18am - poulins a bitch and his cocky ass can suck my dick  ""]
you are all gay anyway(burdens thatis)

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