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Ron Burgundy

[Apr 3,2005 12:52am - poops mcgee  ""]


[Apr 3,2005 12:52am - poops mcgee  ""]
[Apr 3,2005 1:18am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
rum rum rum, down it goes into my belly
[Apr 3,2005 2:48pm - poops mcgee  ""]
[Apr 3,2005 3:26pm - dreadkill ""]
if you were a man, i'd punch you right in the mouth. i love that fuckin movie.
[Apr 3,2005 3:44pm - poops mcgee  ""]
poop mouth
[Apr 3,2005 4:01pm - wade ""]
it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.
[Apr 3,2005 5:08pm - poops mcgee  ""]
65% of the time it works all the time
[Apr 3,2005 5:14pm - Doomkid ""]
he is my friend now. he will take me to Pleasuretown
[Apr 3,2005 5:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'm in a glass case of emotion
[Apr 3,2005 6:30pm - malettey ""]
"i'm going to punch you in the ovaries"
[Apr 3,2005 6:31pm - malettey ""]
"san francisco"....german for "a whale's vagina"
[Apr 3,2005 7:43pm - DaveSTF ""]
San diego... Jesus did you guys even see the movie?

There are so many foul interpretations of Ron Burgundy in this thread its silly.
[Apr 3,2005 7:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Apr 3,2005 8:19pm - dreadkill ""]
DaveSTF said:San diego... Jesus did you guys even see the movie?

There are so many foul interpretations of Ron Burgundy in this thread its silly.

so true. rum? san francisco? what movie were you guys watching?
[Apr 3,2005 9:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
settle down or i'll break the hose out.
[Apr 3,2005 9:02pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Saw it today. I laughed and such.
[Apr 4,2005 10:48am - strangles kittens  ""]
Oh god its hott!!. . . . . Milk was a bad choice!

[Apr 4,2005 11:55am - blue ""]
i will smash your face through a car windsheild, and then take your mother dorothy mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner, and never call her again!!!!!!!!!!
[Apr 4,2005 11:59am - RichHorror ""]
Look, a rainbow! Do me on it!
[Apr 4,2005 12:49pm - paganmegan ""]
I find it fuckin hillarious that in the beginning, the retarded one, Brick , is putting mayonaise in a toaster and talking about his love of a nice pair of slacks

"where did you get YOUR clothes? The TOILET store?"
[Apr 4,2005 12:55pm - blue ""]
cmon, you guys cant say anything? even the guy who doesnt think says something!
[Apr 4,2005 12:57pm - Christraper ""]
I love carpet
[Apr 4,2005 1:01pm - paganmegan ""]
[Apr 4,2005 1:02pm - Christraper ""]
[Apr 4,2005 1:12pm - poops mcgee  ""]
the bears can smell their periods
[Apr 4,2005 1:13pm - poops mcgee  ""]
*their periods attrack bears,the bears can smell their menstration.
[Apr 4,2005 4:02pm - yummy  ""]
[Apr 8,2005 5:21pm - malettey ""]
DaveSTF said:San diego... Jesus did you guys even see the movie?

There are so many foul interpretations of Ron Burgundy in this thread its silly.

san diego, yes that is correct, i didn't mean to butcher that movie so horrbly!:ralphie:
[Apr 8,2005 9:30pm - DaveSTF ""]
haha, it's one of my favorites..what can I say..
[Apr 8,2005 10:17pm - Mary ""]
I love lamp.
[Apr 9,2005 12:22am - malettey ""]
DaveSTF said:haha, it's one of my favorites..what can I say..

when i went to the theater to see this, i almost expected it to be really stupid, but i laughed through the whole thing, it was great! some people were actually leaving the theater 1/2 way through the movie, they must have had no sense of humor at all
[Apr 9,2005 12:27am - powerkok ""]
I pooped a tape recorder.
[Apr 9,2005 12:27am - powerkok ""]
[Apr 9,2005 12:27am - BSV  ""]
okay i didn't see that comming...
[Apr 9,2005 12:42am - powerkok ""]
OOOOh sooo sorry....since you can forsee the future so well, tell me, did you prophecize this------------->:middlefinger:

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