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ROLL CALL: Tonight, Shroud of Bereavement, Devil In The Kitchen, Taste of Silver, Moonshine, ATNFAC, Emergency Exit

Dee Dee's Lounge (Quincy, Ma) - [disengaged][dreaded_silence][random_acts_of_violence][ravage][a_terrible_night_for_a_curse][randomshots][the_taste_of_silver]
[Apr 2,2005 4:12pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Come one come all!



[Apr 2,2005 6:14pm - succubus ""]
i'll be there snapping away!
[Apr 2,2005 6:18pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Apr 2,2005 6:24pm - dyingmuse ""]
woo hoo!!!!!!!

there is indeed a party here after so bring your asses, even if you don't go to this show!!!!!
[Apr 3,2005 3:40am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading....
[Apr 3,2005 3:46am - succubus ""]
me too..
[Apr 3,2005 4:51am - kell nli  ""]
this show was awesome. thanks to everyone who came out. there were so many kids! they were so cute!
[Apr 3,2005 4:52am - the_reverend ""]
a terrible night for a curse: I came in during their set. they get better and better each time I see them. plus, this time all the guitars were pumped p so I couldn't hear the clean singing.

the taste of silver: these dudes sounded realy good. I had to jet 1/2 way through their set, which sucked.. but I got to see some of them.

there were TONs of 14 year olds there... as a matter of fact, someone's Austrian mom was outside and talked to carina and I alot. she's in the random shots.
[Apr 3,2005 9:47am - CarrotsandSticks ""]

Yah, tons of teenagers. I didn't really help the situation though. First band was real young, they did fine.

A Terrible Night for a Curse was half the reason I was there. They were dandy, though the guitar levels kept changing, and it was a while before I could really hear the parts.

I was impressed by a Taste of Silver. I bought their EP. The whole Moonshine experience was hilarious. OH man that rocked. What did he say "This song is about the worst filth in the world....YOU, it's called sewer rat".

Shroud of Bereavement were neat. Can't really say I'm a doom fan, it always seems way to serious for me. But I can atleast say that they were the best doom band I've seen. (Which isn't that many, but one of them was Cathedral so hey).

Devil in the kitchen were next. I got their disc and stuff when they played at my friends show in Cumberland. I took pictures and talked with them then, i on't think the remembered me. Anyways. This set was way better and they didn't even have their bass player. The crowd was sooo into it. Lots of jig-moshing and emotion dischargment lying on the ground. Worst Wall of Death/Circle Pit ever. Their guitarist is soo good.

My friend who got sick, and sat out most of the night, on the way home made us stop at the marriot so he could unload. It was amore had to be there, had to know em kinda funnies, but wooo it was funny.
[Apr 3,2005 9:53am - CarrotsandSticks ""]
And holy nuts Rev, your bag alone must cost more then my camera.


Hey, there's me


hey, there's my friend. He has alot of hair. He's not the one who shat.

[Apr 3,2005 11:49am - succubus ""]
my pics
[Apr 3,2005 12:56pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
thanks everyone that came, all the bands that played (that means you guys ATNaC and Shroud and DitK who will see this), to Andy for doing a great job as always with lexington gigs, and Aaron and Carina for taking all the snapshots. Also thanks to the photo duo for also managing to work in both Jess's show and our show. We felt bad we had shows on the same night so it's great both could get some awesome pictures.

hope it was worth the trip!
[Apr 3,2005 12:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey carrotsticks - it was nice meeting you!
-guy in the green shirt with the guitar
[Apr 3,2005 2:22pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
[Apr 3,2005 2:54pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
This was a pretty cool show. We sold almost all of our merch! TTOS and Shroud ruled as always. Devil in the Kitchen was awesome. Thanks for the pics Rev and Carina. Vile Celtic Nosferatu rules all, however.
[Apr 3,2005 3:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn good time! all the bands rocked, great crowd, great b-day overall and an awesome graphic party last night!

[Apr 3,2005 4:21pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:hey carrotsticks - it was nice meeting you!
-guy in the green shirt with the guitar

back at yah
[Apr 4,2005 12:24am - DreamingInExile ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:Shroud of Bereavement were neat. Can't really say I'm a doom fan, it always seems way to serious for me. But I can atleast say that they were the best doom band I've seen. (Which isn't that many, but one of them was Cathedral so hey).

damn man, I feel honored...
[Apr 4,2005 12:27am - DreamingInExile ""]

who doesn't like them? you guys fuckin OWN! as always!

I feel a Shroud / Terrible Night tour... do you?
[Apr 4,2005 12:55am - TerribleNightSteve ""]
I don't really like his clean singing. Thanks for the complement though!
A Shroud/Terrible Night tour would rule all!
[Apr 4,2005 1:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I third the motion for a Shroud / Terrible tour!!!!!!
[Apr 4,2005 2:04am - dyingmuse ""]
a terrible night for bereavement
[Apr 4,2005 9:12am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
yeah. all the bands that played ruled. i really liked moonshine....14 yr old stoner rockers. kick ass! devin in the kitchen blew me away....i hadn't seen either of those bands before.

TTOS and ATNFAC rocked my hizzie, as usual.

this show was awesome. i would love to play at this place again.
[Apr 4,2005 9:39am - jrb2971 ""]
Maybe the jig-moshing scene will be huge in the future? I thought the show was great! There was a great deal of energy there. The scene was definately alot of local high schoolers. Maybe Nick or one of the DITK guys (Andy?) can book up some more shows there and invite me ... I have a show at Dee Dee's and Club Deniro (Taunton) to throw together (looking for help from people who book - I have many bands who can play). Also a possible outdoor show in Bellingham idea (Oak Knoll Fest?). Don't forget the fests going on at the Sportsman's club there. Click on my aim/web and contact me you peeps.
[Apr 4,2005 9:44am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
oh, and great pics
[Apr 4,2005 11:49am - dourcursiva ""]
i wish all the pictures had toby in them, doing black metal hands, thats great. where the fuck is this place, i would have gone if i knew where it was.
[Apr 4,2005 10:46pm - dread_104 ""]
[Apr 4,2005 10:47pm - dread_104 ""]
what the hell...this is supposed to be the deedee's thread...REV!

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