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Wonder Showzen

[Apr 2,2005 10:27am - __THeMoor__ ""]
holy shit! has anyone else seen this show?!?!

it's the single funniest, most offensive, most brilliant thing i've ever seen..

i believe its current time slot is fridays at 9:30 on mtv 2...
[Apr 2,2005 11:09am - killerkadoogan ""]
haha yeah its the same people who did that "kid's show" with the visit to the slaughterhouse and what not

[Apr 2,2005 11:23am - stainless ""]
check out the trailer park boys 9:00 thursday night on the bbc just good redneck fun
[Apr 2,2005 12:27pm - XmikeX ""]
"it's just the sound of screaming babies"
[Apr 2,2005 12:49pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i got a number for you, it's number 2....on your chest....
[Apr 2,2005 1:52pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I had never seen a duck take a shit on einstein's brain before i saw this show.
[Apr 2,2005 2:12pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
nor had i ever seen anyone eat god...
[Apr 2,2005 2:55pm - wakeoftears ""]
Haha, I watched that episode where the duck goes back in time through his sidekick asshole, and shits on Einstein's brain. I laughed so hard. The asshole even talked and poofed out little crusties. I didnt remember the name of the show though.
[Apr 2,2005 3:08pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the duck had a goatse
[Apr 2,2005 4:45pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
wakeoftears said:Haha, I watched that episode where the duck goes back in time through his sidekick asshole, and shits on Einstein's brain. I laughed so hard. The asshole even talked and poofed out little crusties. I didnt remember the name of the show though.

Wonder Showzen was the show....the title of this thread....
[Apr 1,2006 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 28,2010 2:45pm - boblovesmusic ""]

[Jul 28,2010 3:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
great show? or GREATEST show?
[Jul 28,2010 3:07pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
kids on the beat! kids on the beat! beat kids! beat kids!
[Jul 28,2010 3:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Show was so messed up but awesome.
[Jul 28,2010 3:50pm - reimroc ""]
i demand beat kids get their own show
[Jul 28,2010 4:56pm - punk potenza  ""]
watched the first season with my girl the other day. and the first episode i saw was the pacitence episode fuckin show fucked me up for weeks
[Jul 28,2010 4:58pm - arktouros ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:GREATEST show.
[Jul 28,2010 5:21pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
[Jul 28,2010 6:09pm - aaron_michael ""]
take a look at the OP's profile pictures. I'm probably the only one who thinks they're funny.


now you know Him secret. now, Him must eat your brains. bwaaaaiiinnnsss bwwwaaaaaaiiiinnnsssss!
[Jul 28,2010 8:32pm - Goatrider ""]
Every so often, I question my lack of faith in humanity.

Wonder Showzen is the cure for this. We're all fucked. Stark, ugly truths indeed.

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