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how long do ya think the pope will last

[Apr 1,2005 11:58pm - metalmatt666 ""]
im hoping by tomorrow when i wake up i will hear that that sack of shit is dead, finally!!!

[Apr 2,2005 12:05am - ifuck ""]
you are for SURE one of the largest little faggots ive ever seen. i dont give two fucks about the pope, i just felt that i had to let you know that you probably suck more cock than you realize. i hope all the bad things in life happen to you. i hope you catch your mom fuckin benji the family pooch, while your dad jerks off in the corner while wearing a gimp-mask. do the world a favor, and cut your cock off, cuz if you ever reproduce, (assuming you knock up a whore) im going to do a fuckin macho-man flying elbow on its head, till it stops.
[Apr 2,2005 12:09am - powerkok ""]
i hope that when you wake up, you are dead.
lick fuck
[Apr 2,2005 12:22am - IntricateProcess ""]
the guy has been dead for like 10 years
[Apr 2,2005 4:09am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hang The Pope!
[Apr 2,2005 5:27am - Josh_hates_you ""]
IntricateProcess said:the guy has been dead for like 10 years

Weekend at Bernies 3: Misadventures at the Vatican
[Apr 2,2005 11:33am - metalmatt666 ""]
dammit hes still alive
[Apr 2,2005 12:51pm - malettey ""]
metalmatt666 said:dammit hes still alive

why the hell do you care if the pope lives or dies? i certainly don't. you don't know him, it won't make any difference in your life at all. you're just showing off, bashing the pope because it's "metal" or whatever.... fuck that. his existence is as meaningless as yours and mine, whether he lives or dies isn't important. i keep religion out of my life, so i frankly don't give a fuck.
now, who you ought to be making fun of is all the morons standing around the vatican, praying for his ass. the guy's over 80 years old, he's dying! his body is failing, his life is over! let him go in peace! fuckin all these dumb asses "oh, we expect a fine recovery....blah blah blah....he's doing really well....blah blah...if we just keep praying, he'll be fine...." bull shit, leave him alone for christ's sake!
[Apr 2,2005 12:53pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i bet the pope is gonna last like 4 more months, then turn into some sorta of weird zombie pope and start eating all of the pagens.

either that, or keel over this afternoon
[Apr 2,2005 1:25pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I don't like the pope. and I don't care if he dies really. But his death won't mean a thing cause there will be another one.
[Apr 2,2005 1:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
oh and I don't HATE him, btw.
[Apr 2,2005 1:26pm - the_reverend ""]
but but... who will bless the break dancers?
[Apr 2,2005 2:14pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
pshh, rev, i will.

[Apr 2,2005 2:14pm - the_reverend ""]
"tag ya man, tag ya man!"
[Apr 2,2005 2:16pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
[Apr 2,2005 2:17pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i call dibs on the popemobile btw
[Apr 2,2005 3:06pm - Al Ravage  ""]
"don't cry for me...I'm already dead":ralphie:

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