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What band is the most whored out?

[Mar 29,2005 6:20pm - eddie ""]
i'm talkin merchandise.

My vote goes to Kiss with the Misfits as a close 2nd.
[Mar 29,2005 6:20pm - Blue ""]
i definetly agree. even though both are some of my favorite bands ever.
[Mar 29,2005 6:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i agree as well...

i thought this was gonna be a thread about hot chicks in bands... fuck you guys, haha
[Mar 29,2005 6:30pm - poopsmcgee  ""]
2.marilyn manson
[Mar 29,2005 6:31pm - the_reverend ""]
1. porphyria
2. RTTP 2005

watch out faggot, I'm on your ass...
[Mar 29,2005 6:45pm - Bilbofaggins  ""]
[Mar 29,2005 6:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Kiss, Motely Crue, Iron Maiden, Metallica
[Mar 29,2005 6:50pm - eddie ""]
poopsmcgee said:1.kiss
2.marilyn manson

there's no way marilyn manson whores out his name as much as the misfits do. Walk into a hot topic and you'll discover this to be true.
[Mar 29,2005 6:50pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Leukorrhea, cha cha cha!
[Mar 29,2005 6:52pm - eddie ""]
pantera is being added to my list
[Mar 29,2005 7:00pm - BSV  ""]
[Mar 29,2005 7:24pm - poopsmcgee  ""]
i dont really want to walk into hot topics,ill just take your word for it.
[Mar 29,2005 8:11pm - powerkok ""]
Zepplin dude!
[Mar 29,2005 8:11pm - succubus ""]
i just felt like posting that pic
teen pop = biggest merch whores
[Mar 29,2005 11:08pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
the_reverend said:1. porphyria
2. RTTP 2005

watch out faggot, I'm on your ass...

[Mar 30,2005 12:08am - ingamutianse  ""]
eddie said:

there's no way marilyn manson whores out his name as much as the misfits do. Walk into a hot topic and you'll discover this to be true.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right about now?

[Mar 30,2005 12:20am - dread_104 ""]
i saw AC/DC flip flops at Khol's the other day. throw 'em on the list
[Mar 30,2005 12:21am - anonymous  ""]
grateful dead
[Mar 30,2005 1:22am - the_reverend ""]
at one show, the rolling stones will make over $1 million selling merch.
[Mar 30,2005 3:10am - sxealex ""]
motor head, terror shirts? u see them at like department stores and shit
[Mar 30,2005 8:34am - anonymous  ""]
all the ones on My Space
[Mar 30,2005 8:38am - URDUMB  ""]
wow anonymous you surely are retarded since this is about MERCH.
What is it with all the retarded anonymous posts lately?
[Mar 30,2005 9:32am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Raising Kubrick...they even have RK bugs!

[Mar 30,2005 10:06am - (MITF79)  ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:Raising Kubrick...they even have RK bugs!


kell you stole my idea.... rk has all the merch.
[Mar 30,2005 11:35am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
[Mar 30,2005 12:54pm - timma ""]
i have an RK snake and a blood sucking bat, which i find to be the most fantastic merch ever sold. not to mention the my RK beer coozies..hah. anyways..
slipknot (who buys a fucking jumpsuit..and no, i don't mean the 80's version., those kick ass)
definately manson
[Mar 30,2005 1:20pm - Todd_Bombshelter_NLI  ""]
Cradle of Hot Topic
[Mar 30,2005 1:53pm - poopsmcgee  ""]
anal cunt...hahahahah
[Mar 30,2005 2:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Todd_Bombshelter_NLI said:Cradle of Hot Topic

HAHAAHAHA, how true!!!
[Mar 30,2005 3:49pm - Abbath ""]
Todd_Bombshelter_NLI said:Cradle of Hot Topic

hahahahaha sweetness, i'm copyrighting that
[Mar 30,2005 5:07pm - eddie ""]
ingamutianse said:eddie said:

there's no way marilyn manson whores out his name as much as the misfits do. Walk into a hot topic and you'll discover this to be true.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right about now?

yes. it doesn't sound right but its true.

for fucks sake misfits have there own incense scent! car fresheners ect... marilyn manson has none of that. All i've seen with his name on it is shirts and hoodies. just walk into any store like hot topic or newberry comics. although i havn't been to a hot topic since chrismas(i bought an anthrax shirt there i guess i'm not cool) i'm sure things haven't changed. I think i even saw dolls of them. i wouldnt be surprised if they had their own breakfast cereal.

[Mar 30,2005 5:10pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i gave blue the official Raising Kubrick paper clip, but i think he threw it at someone, i could put that shit on ebay right now for like a million billion dollars doodz
[Mar 30,2005 10:15pm - Anthill ""]
If the Misfits had their own breakfest cereal, I think that would be the only thing I would eat.
[Mar 30,2005 10:24pm - Dissector ""]
Anthill said:If the Misfits had their own breakfest cereal, I think that would be the only thing I would eat.

[Mar 30,2005 10:30pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
I'm actually hoping ATNFAC will someday outdo Kiss in mass marketing whoremanship. so come get your atnfac thongs, atnfac condoms, atnfac home lobotomy kit, and dont forget to pick up something special for grandma with our new atnfac catheter bags
[Mar 30,2005 10:31pm - killerkadoogan ""]
i fuckin saw a fuckin misfits ashtray at fuckin newbury comics for fuckin like fuckin 25 bucks

[Mar 30,2005 10:32pm - killerkadoogan ""]
ATNFAC_Vokillz said: and dont forget to pick up something special for grandma with our new atnfac catheter bags

if that comes in colostomy bag, i'll take two.
[Mar 30,2005 10:32pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
and you didnt buy it?!
[Mar 30,2005 10:33pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
yeah im not really quite sure what a catheter even is. i just use big words to sound intelligent
[Mar 30,2005 10:37pm - killerkadoogan ""]
a catheter goes in your peehole so you can make wee wee in bed

i think...

there's probably a bag involved somehow
[Mar 30,2005 10:50pm - eddie ""]
killerkadoogan said:a catheter goes in your peehole so you can make wee wee in bed

i think...

there's probably a bag involved somehow

oh.... your not soposed to drink from it?
[Mar 30,2005 10:50pm - eddie ""]
i thought it was a juice box of some type....
[Mar 30,2005 10:51pm - killerkadoogan ""]
edited because i dont know if he wants people to know about that
[Mar 31,2005 12:42am - a  ""]
ive seen manson wallets,key chains,toys,lunchboxes,clothing,posters, shoe laces (logos),etc
[Mar 31,2005 1:44am - Todd_Bombshelter_NLI  ""]
Abbath said:Todd_Bombshelter_NLI said:Cradle of Hot Topic

hahahahaha sweetness, i'm copyrighting that

I think I wanna make that into a shirt:doublehorns:
[Apr 13,2005 11:55am - anonymous  ""]
i think that the most whored out band is deffinately Wolf Pack
[Apr 13,2005 12:14pm - blue nli  ""]
for locals, ill definetly nominate us (weve had matchbooks, plastic bugs, plugs, and more), and porphyria.

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