STUPID FUCKING SHITBAG DESERVES A BEATING![views:4917][posts:41]_________________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 9:42am - DreamingInExile ""] So, my lil sister's ex-boyfriend is a low-life piece of shit. He stole tons of money from her, and won't give her all her stuff back. How fucking wrong is that? After she calls him and says "I'm coming to get my shit" he "convieniently" goes to work and "convieniently" has to work in another store in another town. AAAAND, he "convieniently" is spending the next couple of nights at his aunts house... I know where he lives, where he works, and what he drives... if I see him, he's gonna get a serious fucking beating... Anyone else want to beat his ass, just for the thrill of beating up an Usher fan? Great Number to call and prank: 1 (978) 387 - 7532 Ask for "Dave the anti-metal Metro-Fagbag" |
_____________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 9:53am - Scoracrasia ""] I'll join you in the beating. What are the plans? |
___________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 10:55am - defnasty ""] lets do it. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 10:59am - DreamingInExile ""] let me get a bead on where he'll be today, I'm seriously going to break this fag in half |
___________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 2:15pm - DEATH2ALL ""] haha......Usher |
___________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 3:17pm - dreadkill ""] kick his ass, seabass! |
__________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 4:26pm - powerkok ""] I'll get shitty tonight and prank him at least. |
_______________________________ [Mar 26,2005 5:32pm - Nash ""] If he's an usher fan i'm sure you'd have no problem taking him out by yourself. |
_______________________________ [Mar 26,2005 5:33pm - Nash ""] How much money did he take? |
__________________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 8:41pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""] revenge is a dish best served cold. |
________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 9:52pm - retzam ""] I'll be sure to prank him dude. What an ass. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 9:59pm - KeithMutiny ""] is your sister hot? |
______________________________________ [Mar 26,2005 10:00pm - KeithMutiny ""] ps- it was a matter of me or joe asking that, so you saw it comming |
_________________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 9:46am - DreamingInExile ""] KeithMutiny said:is your sister hot? I wouldn't know, I don't look at family that way. as far as how much $$, I know it's over $100, prob closer to $200+ I'm going to snap that shit bag in half, every day I can't find him, I'm getting more pissed off about it... :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: |
______________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 10:04am - MistyMalfoy ""] KeithMutiny said:is your sister hot? Hahaha. Most people say I'm hot (including almost everyone I work with), so yeah, I guess I am. The fucking cocksucker stole an upwards $200 (probably more... because he kept asking all the time, oh, can I have a little $$ for gas, etc) plus all of my stuff that I gave to him and that he still has that is mine, which is well over $400... I just want my shit back though, so I never have to fucking see him again... He's a fucking Feag... probably wants Usher to rape him in the ass... It wouldn't supise me actually... |
___________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 10:09am - succubus ""] screw the $$$ it's not worth it..karma will get him...i know the rev will say the same thing as me you got him out of your life, now move on.. good luck |
______________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 10:17am - MistyMalfoy ""] The $$ is worth it when I need it, but i don't want the $$ back. I just want my stuff back. I've been over him for a long time. I've moved on, definatly. It's been more than a month, I dumped the fuckbag the day after V-day. I could care less about seeing him or talking to him, I never want to do either again. Just want my stuff back. Some of my stuff was wicked important to me. And the only karma he got wasn't enough. He cheated on me with at least 3 different girls. The chick he got after me (who was 21 with a 2 year old, and he's 18 and still in High School -I'm in college-) he walked in on having sex with some other guy. |
___________________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 11:15am - DaveFromTheGrave ""] succubus said:screw the $$$ it's not worth it..karma will get him...i know the rev will say the same thing as me you got him out of your life, now move on.. This is true, Karma always takes care of a bitch. One of my exgirlfriendsdumped me partially because she wanted to go to work in a strip club and I didn't want her to do that. I didn't want it because it was dangerous and she could get hurt, you all know what strip clubs are like. She ended up meeting some asshole there, found out he was cheating on her around the same time she found out she was pregnant with his kid, and got an abortion. Sometimes karma can be a real motherfucker. |
___________________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 11:17am - DaveFromTheGrave ""] MistyMalfoy said: And the only karma he got wasn't enough. He cheated on me with at least 3 different girls. The chick he got after me (who was 21 with a 2 year old, and he's 18 and still in High School -I'm in college-) he walked in on having sex with some other guy. that might not be enough, but if I were you I'd be all like [img] |
_____________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 8:24pm - MistyMalfoy ""] DaveFromTheGrave said: that might not be enough, but if I were you I'd be all like Oh, I was on the floor laughing when I heard what happened. Trust me. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 8:26pm - BestialOnslaught ""] MistyMalfoy said:Hahaha. Most people say I'm hot (including almost everyone I work with), so yeah, I guess I am. Let's see some pics. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 8:34pm - KeithMutiny ""] ex's suck, just get revenge, its always better, set him up. |
______________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 8:55pm - the_reverend ""] I take the bronx tale stance on this as listed by succubus. |
______________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 8:56pm - the_reverend ""] plus, you dated him. you gave him $$ when he asked... |
_____________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 9:45pm - MistyMalfoy ""] the_reverend said:plus, you dated him. you gave him $$ when he asked... When somebody fucks with your head as much as he fucked with my head, it becomes clear why I did what I did. Which is why it always kills me to realize that I DID stay with him for too long before someone helped me realize what was wrong. I was seriously messed up to not realize what a dick he was to me, but it's why I don't care about getting my $$ back or anything. All I want is my stuff so I never have to talk to him again, or think about him again, or anything else. He's just being a fuckbag so I can't get my stuff back. Which pisses me off. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 9:53pm - KeithMutiny ""] hey can i borrow some money? |
__________________________________________ [Mar 27,2005 9:58pm - Rich Horror NLI ""] I owe Sadie Hawkins my life. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 9:49am - DreamingInExile ""] KeithMutiny said:hey can i borrow some money? lol, don't forget that borrowing requires you to pay it back, and not be a douchebag and hide when someone comes to collect the debt. |
______________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:09am - Josh_Martin ""] MistyMalfoy said:The $$ is worth it when I need it, but i don't want the $$ back. I just want my stuff back. I've been over him for a long time. I've moved on, definatly. It's been more than a month, I dumped the fuckbag the day after V-day. I could care less about seeing him or talking to him, I never want to do either again. Just want my stuff back. Some of my stuff was wicked important to me. Why did you "give" him stuff if you wanted to keep it? Nowhere do you use the words loan or borrow. If it was the other way around, girls are never expected to give stuff back to guys. Girls are stupid. Crying about real life stuff on the internet is stupid. Dating an Usher fan is stupid. I mean, you willingly went out with and (I assume) had sex with a wigger. Sorry, no sympathy here at all. Next time try a guy who doesn't wish he was black. And shame on your brother for not beating you for bringing home a wigger. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:17am - killerkadoogan ""] the only good thing about wiggers is that they stole one more thing from the black man |
__________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:18am - DreamingInExile ""] Josh_Martin said:And shame on your brother for not beating you for bringing home a wigger. the only reason I never beat either him or her is because he was a waste of time, and he'll get his in the end, and she knows how much I hated him, so I didn't need to beat her. |
______________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:21am - Josh_Martin ""] DreamingInExile said:Josh_Martin said:And shame on your brother for not beating you for bringing home a wigger. the only reason I never beat either him or her is because he was a waste of time, and he'll get his in the end, and she knows how much I hated him, so I didn't need to beat her. Yeah, but just wait until she brings home the real thing. Stop it now before you have twin nephews named Tyrone and Leroy who have never met their father. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:24am - DreamingInExile ""] I don't have to worry about that now. her new boyfriend is a nice guy (has my stamp of approval), came and hung out at a Shroud practice, liked Dan R's vox, likes nightwish & a few other good bands. so he's cool by my book, now, if he'd just get his ass to the Cryptopsy show on April 22nd, he'd earn the status of "marriage material" HAHAHAHAHA |
_______________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:24am - the_reverend ""] "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" - ned flander's parents |
_________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 10:25am - Boots nli wtf ""] Josh is right. stop the cycle. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 11:39am - DreamingInExile ""] well, I promise that if she ever dates a fag like that, I'll beat the both of them. him more then her, but both of them, none-the-less |
______________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 11:58am - MistyMalfoy ""] DreamingInExile said:well, I promise that if she ever dates a fag like that, I'll beat the both of them. him more then her, but both of them, none-the-less I still don't know why the fuck i went out with him... I will never do it again. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 12:00pm - DreamingInExile ""] MistyMalfoy said:I will never do it again. better not. I'll have to kick your ass... or worse, I'll sick Kim on you! she'd maul you! |
_________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 4:26pm - tbone_r ""] why don't you go back to your home on whore island. |
__________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 4:48pm - Bradness ""] smelly pirate hooker |
________________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 5:03pm - Josh_hates_you ""] this is a really gay thread about stupid teenage high school drama involving a dumb college girl. as josh martin said you are a retard for dating a bling bling wigger. You are such a sophisticated college girl getting your head fucked with, cheated on and stolen from by a punk ass high school kid. You might want to rethink getting your stuff back and getting revenge. Try getting a fucking clue instead and this wont happen next time. No sympathy here. |
_________________________________ [Mar 28,2005 6:25pm - tbone_r ""] my how the tables have turned... |