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Bestial Onslaught Appreciation thread

[Mar 22,2005 2:58pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Hands down the best record label in New England for true metal. I can't stop listening to Eat My Fuk's "Wet Slit and a Bottle of Whiskey" and Nocturnal's "Fire of Revenge" 7"... Keep up the good work Alex. SUPPORT!!!!! http://bestialonslaught.com
[Mar 22,2005 3:03pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
He's a lazy ass.
[Mar 22,2005 3:07pm - jimmy deane  ""]
sorry, I don't support racist fags.
[Mar 22,2005 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I would consider alex pretty damn far from that.
though, he might kiss dudes... I mean... he does live in mass.
[Mar 22,2005 3:12pm - SuperFly ""]
ALEX, YOU THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 22,2005 3:13pm - SuperFly ""]
LOVE GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 22,2005 3:15pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: the nocturnal is good.
the nunslaughter is ok.. I just wish nunslaughter did a little more recording it.
[Mar 22,2005 3:15pm - ninkaszi  ""]
he owes both hirudinea and kevorkians angels $20 or he gets a punch to the stomach!
[Mar 22,2005 3:22pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
http://ixiol.com ...Another awesome record label from New England.
[Mar 22,2005 8:10pm - skullet ""]
THRALLDOM fucking kills, too.
[Mar 22,2005 8:11pm - skullet ""]
and pretty soon...NooseBomb/CWAF cd
[Mar 23,2005 1:50am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Thanks bruthazzzz... (No thanks, sister! Even if you are 666% right!)

Aaron - I agree, their other recent 7"s sound much better, I don't know why they gave me such lo-fi stuff, but their original track "Healing The Possessed" kicks too much ass for me to complain really.
[Mar 23,2005 8:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
jimmy deane said:sorry, I don't support racist fags.

good thing alex doesn't cater to whiny ignorant liars
[Mar 23,2005 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
he does cater to whiners...
and liars..
and the ignorant...
once, he even gave a whiny liar $.50,
but never a tripple threat!
that would be rediculous.

skullet: I totally forgot about that CD. it is awesome.
[Mar 23,2005 11:12am - SUBJUGATE ""]
he sucks

notcommon is a better label

the end
[Mar 23,2005 5:08pm - ninkaszi  ""]
SUBJUGATE said:he sucks

notcommon is a better label

the end

whats your beef with him? does he not like your band or something? comparing notcommon and bestial onslaught is stupid. they have completely different ways of running their labels.

[Mar 23,2005 5:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
haha, just look at who runs em, Joe who knows close to nothing about metal and Alex who's a professor. isn't Ken Cmar the common link for you two?
i like notcommon thought, naturally.
alex offers some sick shit though, like vinyl, t shirts, patches, mags, i seriously want everything in his cataloug, it's bad for me to look at that shit. I agree, Bestial Onslaught is the real deal for all self respecting metal heads.
[Mar 24,2005 7:57am - SUBJUGATE ""]
ninkaszi said:SUBJUGATE said:he sucks

notcommon is a better label

the end

whats your beef with him? does he not like your band or something? comparing notcommon and bestial onslaught is stupid. they have completely different ways of running their labels.

none really i just randomly hate people.

yes he probly..............................well actually i am sure he hates b.o.e.

the comparison was intended to be a joke if i was trying to be serious i would have compaired pathos and b.o.

[Mar 24,2005 8:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
BornSoVile said:haha, just look at who runs em, Joe who knows close to nothing about metal and Alex who's a professor. isn't Ken Cmar the common link for you two?
i like notcommon thought, naturally.
alex offers some sick shit though, like vinyl, t shirts, patches, mags, i seriously want everything in his cataloug, it's bad for me to look at that shit. I agree, Bestial Onslaught is the real deal for all self respecting metal heads.

I didn't know I knew nothing about metal, but Alex is definately a professor.

How is Ken Cmar our common link? I met Alex at a Kevorkian's Angels/Hirudinea show I think.
[Mar 24,2005 10:14am - Josh_Martin ""]

Best label ever. (if your own band isn't your favorite shit, you need a new band)
[Mar 24,2005 10:16am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I need some more of Alex's vinyl releases.
[Mar 24,2005 10:16am - SUBJUGATE ""]
Josh_Martin said:if your own band isn't your favorite shit, you need a new band

:bow: you are so right on that :bow:
[Mar 24,2005 10:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ninkaszi said: comparing notcommon and bestial onslaught is stupid. they have completely different ways of running their labels.

Thats whats cool about independent labels, I've talked to Alex a little bit about label things and we do run things completely different. Dwyer also runs his different from Alex and myself, and WorldEater from Philly is different as well from the 3 of us. You can just make things up as you go along when you are doing what you since it's your label.
[Mar 24,2005 10:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Why the hell am I defending myself in a thread about how good Alex' label is? I fucking hate everyone.
[Mar 24,2005 1:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
Joe, I was born to bust your balls.
I thought you and Alex were both interns for Ken at one point in history.
[Mar 24,2005 1:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
His CD booth has super low prices. I puchased a CD from him for on $8.00

*add gingle*
[Mar 24,2005 1:50pm - norwellbob ""]
Alex is a nice boy.
[Mar 24,2005 3:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I don't know what the hell I am doing, but I have been doing it forever!
[Mar 25,2005 7:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
BornSoVile said:Joe, I was born to bust your balls.
I thought you and Alex were both interns for Ken at one point in history.

Fuck you, and yeah, I forgot Alex interned there too. When I interned there Dave Tree use to always stop by and make fun of me for listening to metal.
[Mar 25,2005 10:09pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
He tried with me, but I think I succeeded at giving off the vibe of not giving a fuck/hating his band enough that he didn't keep it up long.
[Mar 26,2005 1:50am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

not sure if you've checked these out yet but you've asked for them so here.


those aren't finished tracks yet but you get a good idea.

[Mar 27,2005 1:10am - anonymous  ""]
b.o is a good label even though I heard alex:bartmoon: came out of the closet last week proclaming his love for men
[Mar 27,2005 1:56am - anonymous  ""]
this should just read dickhead who slaps mothers appreciation thread
[Mar 27,2005 10:20am - killerkadoogan ""]

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