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[Mar 21,2005 12:40pm - Dave Fox  ""]
THRASHTERPIECE THEATER, An All thrash cover band is seeking a drummer and Bass player to Play a ton of shows, make a ton o cash and have a blast playing all the songs we all know and love. Let's face it,the world needs an all out metal cover band. most of the people who grew up with thrash music are older with families and such so they can't really get out much to go to shows,and they're the people you see at cover band shows complaining that all these "METAL" cover bands play NO heavy shit. That's where we come in. SLAYER,ANTHRAX,EXODUS,WARGASM,EXHORDER,early MEGADETH,earlyMETALLICA,OVERKILL,VIO-LENCE,DARK ANGEL,DEATH,TESTAMENT,SADUS,NUCLEAR ASSAULT,earlySEPULTURA,the list is endless. Let me ask you this, WHO WOULDN'T GO SEE A COVER BAND CALLED THRASHTERPIECE THEATER? So, if anyone's interested contact: MURDERSTEINBAG@YAHOO.COM. We are in the Brockton,Ma. area.:moe:
[Mar 21,2005 12:42pm - Rude666  ""]
That's the sickest idea i've heard in a while.i'm not a musician but i love those bands.you make a good point.good luck
[Mar 21,2005 12:45pm - litacore ""]
of course, you'll have to cover Anthrax's "Gung Ho" off of Spreading the Disease, because it has the 'Masterpiece Theater" bit at the end before they break down into chaos completely chanting NOT NOT NOT
[Mar 21,2005 12:49pm - dave fox  ""]
We do Among the living,Medsa,Aftershock,Caught in a mosh and now,GUNG-HO good call!
[Mar 21,2005 12:53pm - HUMANOID  ""]
What wargasm songs?
[Mar 21,2005 12:58pm - Dave fox  ""]
Revenge,Wasteland, Bullets and blades, basically all of Why Play Around
[Mar 21,2005 1:00pm - litacore ""]
including Le Cou Cou

don't forget Merritt's Girlfriend
[Mar 21,2005 5:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
ahhh....blasterpeice theatre
[Mar 21,2005 5:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You better play some RIGOR fucking MORTIS!!!
[Mar 22,2005 12:56pm - maslayer  ""]
NO Death Angel? Forbidden? Zoetrope? Iron Angel? Kreator? Destruction? Exciter?? Tell me you're playing these guys too!!
[Mar 25,2005 12:34pm - Dave Fox  ""]
We do a ton of shit. a few staples and more than few surprises. Ask Rob from Teratism,he's the other guitarist in the project.THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE HUUUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!so any bass players or drummers interested,let us know-MURDERSTEINBAG@YAHOO.COM!!!!!!
[Mar 25,2005 1:01pm - earl jackson  ""]
[Mar 25,2005 1:17pm - Earl jackson  ""]
[Mar 25,2005 1:25pm - malettey ""]
i had an idea in 10th grade to have a Korn cover band and call it Kob with a backwards 'b'.
[Mar 26,2005 5:44pm - Robdeadskin ""]
any one down with this!!??
[Mar 28,2005 8:31am - Robdeadskin ""]
bump...this idea rules...cum on !!
[Mar 28,2005 3:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'd like to see this.
[Mar 29,2005 6:22pm - Thrashfuck  ""]
If noone responds to this and this band never gets off the ground, The fucking scene around here is fucking SAD! This is long overdue. Everyone wants to be the next fucking killswitch/Slayer ripoff.sad. My friend,I pray that someone responds. This idea is a goldmine.
[Mar 29,2005 6:23pm - Thrashfuck  ""]
That's right,GOLDMINE!
[Mar 29,2005 6:44pm - Bilbofaggins  ""]
satan approves
[Mar 30,2005 3:36pm - thrashfuck  ""]
[Mar 30,2005 3:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
This thread has over 20 replies and over 200 views, people ARE interested!


[Mar 30,2005 6:18pm - Robdeadskin ""]
sure john
[Mar 30,2005 7:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
One more reason it would be cool for me to not suck at drums. I really need to practice someday.
[Apr 5,2005 2:49pm - Dave Fox  ""]
[Apr 5,2005 3:01pm - paganmegan ""]
I'd play bass for this, I don't have an amp at this time though
[Apr 5,2005 6:30pm - Robdeadskin ""]
yeh megan do it....now just a drummer...cum on!! we are serious on this
[Apr 6,2005 2:46pm - Dave fox  ""]
[Apr 6,2005 2:52pm - paganmegan ""]
Robdeadskin said:yeh megan do it....now just a drummer...cum on!! we are serious on this

I'm gonna need a bass amp for this.. Where do you guys practice or plan to practice?
[Apr 6,2005 3:02pm - Dave-O  ""]
Not to sure,Somewhere in the Brockton/Quincy area. E-Mail REDDAVE1998@yahoo.com and send yo info and we'll go from there. All we need now is a drummer. C'mon people!
[Apr 6,2005 7:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Get Brian (handinjury) to play drums.
[Apr 7,2005 1:13pm - Dave-o  ""]
If I knew who he was, I'd ask him. If you could,that would be great!
[Apr 7,2005 6:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Rob knows him.
[Apr 8,2005 1:22pm - SPLIN SHINT  ""]

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