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Graveland Appreciation

[Mar 20,2005 2:04pm - BornSoVile ""]
If there is one band that has constantly strived true to their roots while at the same time never made the same record it's Graveland. With 10 full lengths and a slew of EPs. Graveland has always been the work of Rob Darken. This man perhaps might be one of the busiest most dedicated musicians in the entire world. Let's see he started Infernum with drummer Capricornus (Thor's Hammer, Caprnicornus). After Infernum broke up he started Graveland. Currently he does several different projects, Woodtemple, Absurd (GER), Honor, Fullmoon, Lord Wind, and Veles.

Carpricornus pretty much invented the "war beat". It's an incredibly primitive folkish beat that strays far from typical blastbeats. With his drumming and Darken's classic approach to songwriting, they created Battle Metal. Darken has been doing Graveland solo since 99 or 00. He has one of the most organic sounding drum machines I've ever heard in my life. His vocals are a trademark dirge of hatred. His guitar work is simplistically primitive but epically inclined while preserving a wonderful accent and compliment to the ancient ways.

If you are a fan of Epic Black Metal, particuarly in the vein of Bathory - Hammerheart, do yourself a favor and grab a Graveland release. These might be hard to find, Newbury Comics hasn't stock them for over 5 years for obvious reasons. www.evilmusic.com has a bunch of titles. www.lostdisciple.com also has the Infernum cd, which is total cult Polish Black Metal, I recommend that for fellow cult Graveland fans like myself. It's tough for me to pick a favorite album but I'd go with the Celtic Winter or Following the Voice of Blood.

Graveland Discography

Necromanteion Demo, 1991
Drunemeton Demo, 1992
Promo June '92 Demo, 1992
Epilogue Demo, 1993
In The Glare Of Burning Churches Demo, 1993
The Celtic Winter Demo, 1993
The Celtic Winter EP, 1994
Carpathian Wolves Full-length, 1994
Thousand Swords Full-length, 1995
In The Glare Of Burning Churches Full-length, 1996
The Celtic Winter Full-length, 1996
Following The Voice Of Blood Full-length, 1997
Immortal Pride Full-length, 1998
Epilogue/In The Glare Of Burning Churches Best of/Compilation, 1999
Impaler's Wolves EP, 1999
Raiders Of Revenge Split, 2000
Creed of Iron / Prawo Stali Full-length, 2000
Raise Your Sword EP, 2001
Blood Of Heroes EP, 2002
Memory And Destiny Full-length, 2002
The Fire of Awakening Full-length, 2003
Dawn Of Iron Blades Full-length, 2004

[Mar 20,2005 2:28pm - CNV  ""]
I like some Graveland but as far as Polish NSBM I gotta hand it to Gontyna Kry.
[Mar 20,2005 3:04pm - Abbath ""]
so hard to find his stuff, but my fav album is carpathian wolves (considering i only have a few)
gotta check out Gontyna Kry
[Mar 20,2005 3:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
www.lostdisciple.com has Gontyna Kry. i have a few tracks, very very good.
[Mar 20,2005 4:11pm - malettey ""]
i've just recently been getting into graveland, i've downloaded a few albums....it's pretty good, i like it!
[Mar 20,2005 6:48pm - diahrea tsunami  ""]
graveland is a bunch of nazi's, they are on resistance records
[Mar 20,2005 7:26pm - anonymous  ""]
Diahrea Tsunami, I've got my ETiD shirt and Brass Knucks pendant ready for you.
[Mar 20,2005 7:58pm - CNV  ""]
diahrea tsunami said:graveland is a bunch of nazi's, they are on resistance records

thanks for the info faggot.
[Mar 20,2005 8:01pm - diahrea tsunami  ""]
eat shit slimeball
[Mar 20,2005 8:30pm - CNV  ""]
say it to my face...
[Mar 20,2005 8:33pm - diahrea tsunami  ""]
what are you some national socialist???
[Mar 21,2005 7:16am - malettey ""]
diahrea tsunami said:what are you some national socialist???

just because you like a band, it doesn't mean you have to agree with the band's opinions or ideals. graveland writes good music; to me, that's what counts.
[Mar 21,2005 12:13pm - dan.  ""]
graveland is the best band to ever come out of poland, hands down. period.
[Mar 21,2005 1:33pm - Christraper ""]
diahrea tsunami said:what are you some national socialist???

Even if he was it wouldnt change the fact that Graveland make good music. Go fight your cause somewhere else. Nobody here cares.

[Mar 21,2005 5:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
diahrea tsunami, you need to be more tolerate of other people's ideals, putting people down for liking a band is nazish. you need to have an open mind and listen to the music and stop trying to enforce your politics on everyone else, that's nazi like too.
[Mar 21,2005 6:26pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If you don't like Graveland you're a retarded queer communist kike.

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