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just way to funny,masterbations bad says jesus

[Mar 20,2005 3:17am - poops mcgee  ""]
Former KORN guitarist Brian "Head" Welch's official web site, HeadToChrist.com, has been updated with a brand new interview with Welch. Read on:

Q: Brian, few weeks ago, you felt so desperate that you wanted to die. You even asked God to end your life. What was God's answer to your cry for help?

Brian "Head" Welch: "Mathew 11:28 and to me it's God saying, 'Come tell me and seek me with all your heart and I will take away all of your pain inside and will never judge you because I love you and all I want is for you to come to me with everything in life first.' I'm also getting another tattoo on the other side of my neck called Matthew 6:19 which is also my birthdate. That verse basically says 'Don't store your treasures on earth and don't worship money or fame like it's God.' So with that said, I'm funding my life story to glorify God and I will put it out somewhere in the near future. And again, I will not keep any of the profit. I'm gonna be like the Osbournes but it's focusing on me and God and how much of a sense of humor I have with him but also how much i obey him. For example, the Jesus tatoo on my hand keeps me from masturbating and I haven't been with a woman since my ex-wife left me almost five years ago. I go to those extremes to be like Christ and it works for me. I'm moving my own camera crew in my house on Monday. My goal is to glorify God and show the world how much fun this life is. So I invite everyone in the world to get some popcorn and sit back and watch how he uses me to glorify himself. God rules and believe me, everything I say to you, 50 CENT, or whoever it is, I'm also saying it to myself probably even more! I never said I was perfect and I fall everyday like every man, paster, preacher, woman, child, whoever, we're all human."

Q: In your testimony at the Valley Bible Fellowship, you say the Lord has told you He's tired by the way the world is going on. What would you say to people who don't know the love of Christ, and to those who seek happiness in things that cannot fulfill them?

Brian "Head" Welch: "Christ is the end to all suffering, including loss of loved ones, guilt, suicide, perversion, drug abuse, child abuse, murder, etc."

Q: You've just come back from Israel where [pastor] Ron baptized you in the Jordan River (along with about 20 members of your church). Please, tell us about your experience. What has it done for you?

Brian "Head" Welch: "I'm at peace with myself and instead of being afraid of my own shadow I fear nothing but the Lord. He is the quarterback and I am the football."

Q: Brian, you are the single father of a 6-year-old daughter. Is your faith making a difference in your relationship with her and with others in general?

Brian "Head" Welch: "Yes I am slowly becoming the best dad in the world because my father in heaven is teaching me. And I don't judge people anymore even if they judge me first. It's God's job to judge. Everyone needs to quit trying to be God, including myself. We're all little kids at heart and we don't need to grow up. To me, it's boring to be grown up. Your heart keeps you young no matter how wrinkly you get....ha,ha."

Q: You're starting a solo musical career and have created a new website. What are your plans to use your musical gifts for God's glory?

Brian "Head" Welch: "I don't know if I'm still a musician. I do know I am a soldier for Christ. I ask god to put me in trials so that I can move up in rank faster than any man on earth when I pass the trials. He has rewarded me with answers to my prayers. He now sends me to different pastors to get different things off every one of them, because every church has something different to offer and they all judge the other in some way or another....every church judges. The book of life says it's not our job to judge it's God's job. So when I wake up in the morning I ask that He uses me to glorify Him more than any man in history. Whether it's through music or not, I don't care either way, so I don't know my plans because my plans aren't my plans they're His. I know I'm new, but the power of prayer is very underestimated. God has blessed me with insight to the big picture, because I live my life with Christ all day every day. I call myself 'of the way' of Christ now. And that means I'm a child of God. A REAL Christian or child of God loves all males and females the same so much that they're willing to die for any person. That's me. I feel like our flesh (earth suits) are our devil. All my life's desicions are made from divine inspiration from God. He has all power..... I have none. And I guarantee that almost every person that is now trippin' on me and mocking me, will be following me in a few months. Then they'll soon relize they're not following me, they're following Christ. This all surpasses the human brain. Our brains have failed us and now it's time to think and listen with our hearts. That's what I pray for. Watch what happens. Smile and 'head to christ.' There is some time left but only our heavenly father knows how much... and I submitted the answer to that in prayer too. 'Keep the wind in your face and the sun on your back.'"
[Mar 20,2005 1:13pm - poops mcgee  ""]
[Mar 20,2005 1:58pm - powerkok ""]
this was posted a bit ago......what a fruitcake.
Fame fucks people.
[Mar 20,2005 4:22pm - malettey ""]
i doubt if a jesus tattoo on my hand would ever stop me from spankin it.....jesus would have to come down personally and chop my hands off to make me stop.

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