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WOO HOO! Coyote Ugly show is a GO!

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Mar 17,2005 2:55pm - norwellbob ""]
Finally heard back from the club today. 3/31/05 at Coyote Ugly, across from the Fleet Center.

Still need to find another band (sorry, guys, nothing heavier than us, per order of the girl who books shows)... but I've got some good ones in mind.


I hope a bunch of you guys and gals will come and turn this den of White Hats into a real club for the night... imagine the potential.

ALso the booze.
And the chicks. :whipper:
And I need a towel.


BE THERE:gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:
[Mar 17,2005 3:06pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]

this is going to rule.
[Mar 17,2005 4:12pm - Mary ""]
Gayest flyer EVER. Get some new pics, manwich.
[Mar 17,2005 6:51pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I took some new pics after the last O'Brien's show... Is the pic above really any gayer than Nick spreading his ass for the camera? That's debateable.

How bout SLIMEY CUNT AND THE FISTFUCKS for an opener?
[Mar 17,2005 6:56pm - KeithMutiny ""]
what the hell day of the week is this?
[Mar 17,2005 11:19pm - norwellbob ""]
Mary said:Gayest flyer EVER. Get some new pics, manwich.

You're just jealous because you don't have the mad Photoshop skeeeelz.

And, you have just volunteered to be out photographer.

[Mar 17,2005 11:20pm - norwellbob ""]
KeithMutiny said:what the hell day of the week is this?

That would be a Turdsday. Two days after Tucc-day.

The latter being an inside joke for us Weymouth Rockers.

Wank wank wank wank wank wank booze wank wankw ank.

[Mar 17,2005 11:21pm - norwellbob ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I took some new pics after the last O'Brien's show... Is the pic above really any gayer than Nick spreading his ass for the camera? That's debateable.

How bout SLIMEY CUNT AND THE FISTFUCKS for an opener?

I don't know if I like that language.

Could I see those pics though? I'm dangerously close to *gasp* updating the website.

[Mar 19,2005 10:37pm - Bradness ""]
the OLD MEN are confirmed for this show!!!
one more band is all we need. Must be on the rock side, no metal, metal's for fags anyways
[Mar 19,2005 11:24pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Mar 20,2005 7:50am - norwellbob ""]
Bradness said:the OLD MEN are confirmed for this show!!!
one more band is all we need. Must be on the rock side, no metal, metal's for fags anyways

Chris Evil and the Taints might be down... waiting to hear back.
[Mar 21,2005 2:29pm - SuperFly ""]
This is gonna be one interesting evening.
[Mar 22,2005 4:28pm - SuperFly ""]
be there bitches.
[Mar 22,2005 4:39pm - norwellbob ""]
No Chris Evil and the Taints, but I've asked a few other bands... one of whom would be VERY interesting. As in, wow. It would almost be a shame if they wanted to do it, because with so little time left before the show, it will be hard to promote it properly.
[Mar 22,2005 4:41pm - SuperFly ""]
parking should not be a problem, no celtics game that night.
[Mar 24,2005 4:44pm - Bradness ""]
[Mar 24,2005 4:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just found out that i dont have any work the next day... im gonna fall down
[Mar 24,2005 4:52pm - norwellbob ""]
KeithMutiny said:i just found out that i dont have any work the next day... im gonna fall down

Please do so at Coyote Ugly... after deflecting one of the bottles that will surely be intended for me.

Who's coming, we got any sort of a headcount?
[Mar 24,2005 4:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
my cousin might be a bartender there, i'll hafta give her a call....
[Mar 24,2005 4:58pm - norwellbob ""]
BornSoVile said:my cousin might be a bartender there, i'll hafta give her a call....

Just check out their website... see if she's a "Coyote"...

It's http://www.coyoteuglysaloon.com/boston/

[Mar 24,2005 4:59pm - SuperFly ""]
a show for manly men.
[Mar 24,2005 5:00pm - norwellbob ""]
SuperFly said:a show for manly men.

And the men who love them. Not in a gay way, though.
[Mar 24,2005 5:01pm - SuperFly ""]
[Mar 24,2005 5:05pm - norwellbob ""]
SuperFly said:???

You know... just a couple of fellas... sharing a blanket and a wink.

Nothing gay.
[Mar 24,2005 5:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ok, enough of the gay shit, or else ill be afraid to get drunk
[Mar 24,2005 5:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
negative find for cousin rachel...
[Mar 24,2005 5:15pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill ask every single girl there if shes josh's cousin, good reason to start conversation
[Mar 24,2005 5:17pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Maybe its just a bad picture, but every single one of those chicks is a total butterface.

[Mar 24,2005 5:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Josh_Martin said:Maybe its just a bad picture, but every single one of those chicks is a total butterface.

...sorry, i didnt get past the boobs in the blue, your right

holy boobs though

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