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i just uploaded a bunch of ironbitchface tracks, direct links inside

[Mar 9,2005 7:32pm - grindwhore666 ""]
enter the goatheaded god (from the split with 50 ways to kill me, antiben and wurmz)

the grimmest most frostbitten necro birthday party (bonus track on the 69 cd)

forest trolls and viking swords (from the split with kindergarten hazing ritual and drawinghorse)

force fields (unreleased track)

to the gates of hell (from the split with 50 ways to kill me, antiben and wurmz)

your mom rapes on the first fuck (off the anomalous silencer number 6 compilation)

shadow fucker (bonus track on the 69 cd)

i have to go home and post in my live journal (from the split with kindergarten hazing ritual and drawinghorse)

nekro bleeding (unreleased track)

where demons lie (from the split with 50 ways to kill me, antiben and wurmz)

these ones were being retarded with linking but here they are (i think)

http://me6.com/site2/mp3s/ironbitchface-blowjob.mp3 - blowjob (off tht statutory apes album "brain damage")

http://me6.com/site2/mp3s/ironbitchface-emo_will_never_die.mp3 - emo will never die (from the split with kindergarten hazing ritual and drawinghorse)



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