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I fucking hate myspace

[Mar 8,2005 9:26am - Christraper ""]
All I do is go there to check my mail. I dont think ive ever been on a website thats had more technical difficulties and routine maintenance checks. Whoever runs that site needs to get their shit together.
[Mar 8,2005 9:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
No kidding, and when it's down I feel so alienated from society. I always come here to take out my angst.
[Mar 8,2005 9:42am - dreaminginexile ""]
Yeah... evidently the guy that built it must have used Dreamweaver... right Rev? LMAO!
[Mar 8,2005 10:05am - dreadkill ""]
myspace sucks arse.
[Mar 8,2005 10:13am - Christraper ""]
im still not able to get on. i know nobody sent me anything because myspace likes to make you wait HOURS to find out your mailbox is empty
[Mar 8,2005 10:24am - dreadkill ""]
i'm getting errors too
[Mar 8,2005 10:30am - kell nli  ""]
yeah, they won't let me on, either. bastards.
[Mar 8,2005 10:31am - ArmageddAnne ""]
me neither
[Mar 8,2005 10:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I literally can not load MySpace.

it always makes all my browsers (and I have 4) break.

fuck that piece of shit site...I let Rowan do all the jimmy jazz with it.
[Mar 8,2005 11:28am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I'm getting really tired of this Pac Man shit
[Mar 8,2005 12:14pm - Christraper ""]
it works now. and what a suprise, ive got no messages. part of me wishes i wasnt in front of a computer all day at work so i didnt have to worry about retarded shit like this. then i remember im actually getting paid to sit on my ass all day. not that i get to spend any of the money i make but id be just as broke if i was washing dishes or something.
[Mar 8,2005 12:19pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
HA. perfectly said, christraper.
[Mar 8,2005 12:24pm - Christraper ""]
sitting on my ass > washing dishes
[Mar 8,2005 2:00pm - wefjweoij  ""]
sitting on your ass > washing dishes > having to pick up dog shit 6 hours a week for some shitty animal hospital.
[Mar 8,2005 2:08pm - dreadkill ""]
hey christraper, get me a job at your place. i want to get paid for sitting on my ass and going to rttp.
[Mar 8,2005 2:16pm - Christraper ""]
Its definitely the best job ive had so far. Now i just have to work on not being broke.
[Mar 8,2005 2:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i got fired last week, so i am looking for something new to make me not so broke.
[Mar 8,2005 2:41pm - Christraper ""]
[Mar 9,2005 8:35am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
it strikes again. i can't get onto myspace right now.

it would be a lot better if i wasn't, for some reason, addicted to the site. then i wouldn't care if it was always DOWN.

[Mar 9,2005 8:38am - Boots ""]
what's good about that site anyway? just curious?
[Mar 9,2005 8:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Myspace is cool because you can communicate with everyone on this board, but on that site instead of here.

John Dwyer sent me a terrible message on myspace, I am not sure I will ever recover from it :(
[Mar 9,2005 8:49am - Boots ""]
i made a profile and deleted it after 2 weeks after realizing i'm a loaner.
[Mar 9,2005 11:28am - Kinslayer  ""]
DoNt SaY U HaTe MySpACe D00D!11! WhuT AbOuT AlL YeR InTeRnET FReNdZ!1?!?

[Mar 9,2005 11:29am - Kinslayer  ""]
AnD YeR SeXuAl PiCtUrEs!! Itz LiKe A ShRiNe To YoUrSelF1!! LooX At HoWz HaWt I Am1!!!
[Mar 9,2005 11:30am - dyingmuse ""]
i'm ok with myspace, a bit slow loading at times, but in general, i think it's a great place to meet fellow metal heads!

[Mar 9,2005 11:52am - Christraper ""]
Kinslayer said:DoNt SaY U HaTe MySpACe D00D!11! WhuT AbOuT AlL YeR InTeRnET FReNdZ!1?!?

eat me
[Mar 9,2005 4:57pm - angrybanshee ""]
i concur myspace kinda sux.lj is much better for regular keeping/sharing of a blog.

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