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Mucopus Finish Work on First Full-Length

[Mar 7,2005 8:01pm - El Justin  ""]
We finished up our recording sessions for our up and coming untitled full-length album this past weekend. We recorded it at Ernie's (guitars) place in Rock City Falls, NY with Darren Cesca (Goratory/Pillory) and Dave Schaeffer (Those Who Wait, ex-Virulence) at the helm. They did an amazing job producing and engineering and definitely got the absolute best out of each of us. The album is in the mixing process right now which will take a month or so and hopefully within the next coming months we'll figure out who will take on mastering duties.

The Mucopus/Clitorture split is also still in the mastering process which is being done by Brett Portzer (Skinless, One King Down) at M-Studios in Albany, NY and should be out in the next couple months.
[Mar 7,2005 8:11pm - ArrowHead ""]
sick. Did Dave and Darren drink all your beers?
[Mar 7,2005 8:46pm - El Justin  ""]
Haha they didn't tap the beer too much.

But let me tell you, those guys have their shit together and I highly recommend them.
[Mar 7,2005 10:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
fucking a!
[Mar 7,2005 11:25pm - the rooster  ""]
bump, cause this cd is going to pound.

the split should be mastered within the next couple of days. we've been really thinking our side of it through to get the best sound possible, so it's taking longer than expected, but you'll all be glad once it's finished.

[Mar 7,2005 11:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
sweet dudes, i'm sure this will be br000tal.
[Mar 8,2005 12:18am - El Justin  ""]
the drums on clitorture's side of the split are SKULL-SPLITTING
[Mar 8,2005 1:13am - ArmageddAnne ""]
I'm ready to have my skull split.
[Mar 8,2005 11:20am - Kalopsia ""]
[Mar 8,2005 3:07pm - blue ""]
[Mar 8,2005 3:49pm - cdan ""]
sick, can't wait to hear it!
[Mar 8,2005 4:28pm - Soloman ""]
I can't wait to hear this.
[Mar 8,2005 5:58pm - ArrowHead ""]
are you guys releasing the split yourselves, or will it be in the stores? I'd like a copy to hold me over til the full length is done.

I'm still pissed we missed your whole set in NY.
[Mar 8,2005 6:29pm - Blue ""]
im gonna need a copy of this shit. are you guys going to have any demos or anything with you? i only have a scant bit of mp3s. i need more bad.
[Mar 8,2005 6:31pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
If you're releasing by yourself I'll get some copies for the store anyhow..just get in touch.
[Mar 8,2005 6:45pm - El Justin  ""]
we should have some promos for the split at the show on saturday
[Mar 8,2005 6:51pm - Blue ""]

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